

He was what people called weird . They thought he was weird because growing up taemin (main character) would say and do abnormal things like 'I saved your life',and apparently from nowhere, You get the point because of these he had no friends, a social life and he was a typical quiet person in front of people's eyes but what they did not is that he was a very gifted boy he the strength of 10 men , time stoper powers and teleportation. So growing up he was considered Strang,crazy and abnormal . He was the target of many bullies however they never succeeded as he had more power to stop fight against them. For instance in middle he was walking to lunch when he was ambushed buy a group of popular boys called THBIS.(the hottest boys in school)

THBIS"leader: hi ur taemin right ?

Taemin:yeah so?

THBIS: I want you to go buy us food.

He then slips a piece of paper in taemin's pockets

Taemin: do it ur self.

THBIS: what!

Taemin:you have hands and legs, use them


They all come at him and beat him to a point they hurt him pretty bad . Out of no way taemin starts laughing and his eyes turned from brown to purple . The next he saw was people laying and floor crying and screaming . Taemin was so scared he ran away from the scene.

Fast forward to the present he is now 18 years old

Have a lovely day

DaoistsrR3ndcreators' thoughts