

In the beginning of this peculiar world there was nothing; no gods, humans, or space abilities, just blank stars. Then, a big explosion happened. Four beings were born. When these energies awoke, there was nothing; just them in this new world. These beings tried floating over to each other, but when they got close, a barrier appeared. These barriers were the edge of the universe. The planes of which the four energies resided were the edge of these universes. The foremost corners of the perspective universes unable to react with each other. These energies started to form into creatures, like it was natural to them. These creatures then started creating the world as we know it. These creatures are known as the emperors of the universe. One of the four emperors created what you call demons.

A book is then lowered as a woman with a blank face continues, "These demons are our greatest ancestor." There is a boy looking at the woman in awe while he listens to the young woman. Everything turns white as the flashback ends.

That same boy, now 16 years of age, is beaten badly and laying in a dark forest. All you can see from all angles are trees; pitch black trees with orange pulsing light. The trees are so large that even if the guy tried, he wouldn't be able to see the sky. The guy on the hard ground is named Keiko Kuriguri. He's a royal of the demon capital of Diablo. The capital is named after the first emperor, Diablo Kuriguri, the savior of the demon race. He was elected as king. He's also the ancestor of the guy on the ground, which is known as Keiko Kuriguri.

The demon is on the ground, badly hurt, thinking, "Is this how he dies? Being banished from my home and beaten halfway to death by adventurers passing by?" When Keiko was born, the demon lord of this time is Demon Lord Kai. He was overjoyed at finding out his son had creation magic, but soon found out it was useless because his son had no mana. He was furious when he found out but wasn't disheartened by it, since mana capacity could grow with time. But 16 years of Keiko's mana still at zero. He kicks Keiko out of the kingdom for being useless. When he was kicked out and banished from the kingdom, he was quickly attacked by some human adventurers. Thinking that Keiko would soon be dead, the adventurers left him to rot. Now Keiko is on the edge of death. He accepts his death and hopes that next time he will be born in a commoner's family so he can live a peaceful life. But little did the demon know that was not going to happen.

Right before Keiko's last breath, a glowing green plant started dripping green liquid from high up in the tree. The drops soon fell into Keiko's mouth. Then he starts breathing again but still unconscious. The demon started glowing; his started to change. He was getting taller, his hair turning purple, his skin turns purple as well, his horns turn red. He was evolving. The phenomenon only happens when a demon was at its limits of what he could do. This is also how they gain new skills and abilities. Each demon had its own and unique ability related to the person.

A few days later, the demon teen woke up and lazily walked over to a pool of water where a river lays. He took a few sips before realizing something. His face was different. He's a completely different person in looks. Well, for starters, the weak stature that he had was gone; it was replaced with a lean build. Then Keiko got excited; maybe he had more mana. He then focused on his mana just to find out it was weak like it always had been. Keiko sighed then started walking, searching for food. With the hunger Keiko was feeling, you could his belly miles away, so he decided to go hunting. The first creature that he saw was a drake, which was badly wounded. Keiko was going to attack before seeing how badly wounded it was. So he decided the best thing it would be was to heal the dragon. So he walked over to it before the drake handed Keiko an egg. The young demon teen soon realized that the drake was a female. Tears started welling up in the boy's eyes. He yelled, "Why? Why are you giving this to me?" Keiko was saddened, but soon those tears would turn into fear as a snake appeared, a large snake at that. It started to morph into a human. In its human form, it had slits for eyes, a green tight shirt, and long messy green hair. It was a woman, but then Keiko soon realized that this female was one of those gods from the beginning. The woman explained that there are gods in this world that destroy planets and other mortal worlds if they feel disrespected, so don't go messing with gods. Now the flashback ended as one of those gods is now in front of Keiko. Even with a god in front of him, Keiko couldn't falter, as he knows the drake egg is behind him. The god then hovered over to Keiko. As she saw he was shielding the egg from her sight, she then softly grabbed Keiko's face and then said, "Move," before he got sent flying back from the pure force of energy she had emitted. As that happened, the egg was sent flying before hitting the tree. Keiko directed himself behind the egg so it wouldn't take damage. The god realized she would have to kill Keiko. She then flew towards Keiko. A huge gust of wind hit Keiko, causing him to bleed profusely. She started to float over to the egg, but Keiko grabbed her. Weird purple energy started forming around Keiko before forming the purple energy in his hand. Clenching his fist, he thrust it forward, causing the world to distort and crack. Keiko is now loved by mana.

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