
Fantasia : Path of Empty

(Warning: English is not my native language so be prepared for a bad grammar and etc) First novel~ (Also I just write for fun...) (This is work of fiction, so I don't know if there's any coincidental name, place or ect..) A piece information about MC. he isn't evil or a good person. His actions could be considered as "Doing what I want" maybe for his amusement or his goal, so a few people maybe considered his actions as 'evil' deeds and in some other people they see him as a 'good' deeds. The story about Reo Sinclair who appeared in the Void, There his journey will be started. Note: Additional Tags are: Multiverse, Calm Protagonist, Multiple PoV, and load of bullshit..

NeiEternal · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
16 Chs


------(3rd PoV)

Reo suddenly woke up, what he sees after he opened his eyes was a slender arm that hugged his body, he then tried to take off the arm to the side before slowly getting up.

He then looking to the outside from the window that was not far from his bed. The clouds were drifting in the dark sky while the moon was almost descending as the faint moonlight gone through the window and illuminating the room with its light. He held his head for a moment before opened his mouth.

"Dusk huh..."

Shaking his head for a moment, he then began to see at his side. There a 'Sleeping Beauty' could be seen sleeping peacefully with a small smile in hanging on her face. He keep looking at her face for a

"Lize... I know you already woke up.. let's get going.."

After he said that, Lize groggily opened her eyes.

"You're no fun.. so where we will go? you didn't said anything about that yesterday.."

"Library.. I need knowledge about this world..." he said as he get up and walk to the door. Meanwhile Lize was smiling mischievously before she opened her mouth.

"Why don't you just ask me.. I know all things about this planet from Its tip to toe..."

he stopped right when his hand was touching the handle. Frowning for awhile, he then started turn around and asked her.

"Tell me...From it's Beginning..." Reo said. On the other hand Lize nodded while waving her hands casually.

"Hmm... let's see....Arcantumn.. derived from it's creator name.. Arcanteus... He was the original gods from this world... he's also being part of 'Lower Order'... from there he got the 'Blueprint of Creation'... that will answer how he created this world...Next... The Fundamentals 'Law' of this world is quite similar to yours except for a few part... like Mana..." She said while held her chin with her left hand, Reo narrowed his eyes after he heard her.

"Blueprint.. Order.. Laws... things are more complicated than I thought... Isn't there's a gods who didn't even created their world...? Wai-... there's a Neutral side?" Reo mumbled. Lize who heard him just simply smiled at him.

"Correct... as for those thing.. you probably understand it from it's name alone... Now let's continued this world long history... After he created the world and its inhabitants he help them to growth.. from here... Civilization was started... Kingdom started to appear.. and many advancement in the technology and magic from mana.. most of the inhabitants worshipping him... but sadly..." She stopped as she cast her gaze toward Reo eyes, his black deep eyes started to showing a fluctuation.

"Some things never change... heh..." He mumbled with mockery as a small smile appeared on his face. He felt that the story was quite amusing and cliché, it was so predictable from the surface if you ignore the complicated things.

"So did they success?..." Reo asked, after a brief silence Liza answered him.

"Yes and No... They successfully destroy his Body and Astral version of him... but Not his Soul... as for the party .. they proclaimed themselves as a god... created a pantheon.. they have a discord each other as time passed until now on.... "

"How about their names and who are they now?"

"Ingrid.. God of Wisdom reigned over humans... Alrion God of War reigned over Beastman.. Keiryca Goddess of Element reigned over Elves.. And finally Helesesta Goddess of Trickery.. reigned over the Demon" she mumbled as she turned her head to the window.

"Hold on... what about Lucia?.."

"She's a rare case... her origin is an otherworlder who summoned here in the past... She met all requirement that made her ascended because of her knowledge and her obsession toward Time and Destiny related... oh that aside.. Otherworlder and Outlander are no different.. so what you were gonna asking next..?" Reo began to pondering after hearing her question.

"What are Magic?"

"Define it by yourself... it would be useful one day.... or do you want me define it for you? from my perspective?" she smiled mysteriously toward him.

"No, thanks then.. what about unusual or dangerous .. place in this world?" he directly reject her, without any hesitation. Lize giggled before answering him.

"As your wish Master~... First of all... I will ell you that were in Human teritorry that locate in east... In the Southeast was Demon Teritorry.. now for South is Elves while West and Northwest Are Beastmen... As for unusual or dangerous place.. Forest of Nir.. Since beginning there's no organism or water source there between Human and Demon in this Region... Lake Crystal Myriadez in Demon territory have high density mana and where space rift often occurred... Ruined City Asterisk at the middle of two continent have a dangerous mist and unusual monster..." She stopped for a moment seeing Reo pondering something. Lize then held her hand in her cheeks while looking at him.

"Shall I continue? Master~." She suddenly opened her mouth. Reo then came back to his sense.

"Ah.. Please continue then .. sorry for making you waiting.. " he said while apologizing.

"Don't worry.. Next is Hacyrea Garden in Elves Kingdom is where they growth World Tree and bunch of poisonous plant for a guard.... Demigegron is Sacred place for Beastmen it was a mountain range that was filled with rare ores and more.... Belezticede.. in the west side of Beast Region and close to the ocean.. it was full of hexagonal column stone that is unusual and higher than normal stone column.. there's an area specifically a cave that will lead to underground of that place... Next is Acyras.. A deep forest within the south Elves Region.. it was inhabited by an elemental spirit and a ferocious beast that even Demon didn't want to enter that place rashly.. Lastly Ephalist.. Human Sacred Ground located in a small island in Northeast.. that place is heavily guarded... that's all.. they are out of high standard from this world.. so which one you want to go?"

Reo began to pondering his decision. after a moment of silence he opened his mouth as he already decide where to go.

" Let's try Ephalist after I'm done with Forest of Nir.." He said as turn back to the door.

"Is there any special reason Master~?" she asked with a small smile.

"Stop it.. also I don't have any to begin with.. moreover we'll eventually explore every one of them anyway.." He answered her as he rotate the doorknob.

"You're leaving now?" She asked him. Reo on the other hand just stopped without looking back.

"Yeah... I'm gonna exploring Forest of Nir.. See you later.."

After he gone, silence enveloping the entire room, no sound was made except for a soft breathing. Lize then turn her head to the window, looking at the moon that will descend few hours later with an empty gaze.

"It's still unstable huh..." She mumbled as her face started to became pale. She began to smiling bitterly as she slowly closed her eyes.

"Really.. what happened to me.. I was so eager to be with him even if it mean to ignoring my unstable condition.. is this my 'past' self influence.." She mumbled.

Nothing answered her, all left now was just a pure silence, after a few minutes she then opened her eyes once again. This time her eyes was filled with determination, coldness and madness as she finally picking her choice that will affect everything around her, him and everything.

"But it's not bad... I.. at least... have a reason to live.....and being with him doesn't feel bad.. rather it was calming... a 'Will' of my former self huh.... even if I don't know what his goal is... but I will always.. stay beside him... no matter what..."

An enchanting smile appeared on her face after she said that. The most beautiful smile she ever made since she was 'born'.

(Author note: A shame no one was there :p)

-----(1st PoV Reo)-------

As I go out from my room, I saw that the other rooms are still locked. I was kinda expecting some different in another world but seems like it was same after all.

'Probably I'm too early..'

Not that really matter though, after taking a deep breath while feeling the cold air in the morning I slowly walked to the downstairs.



By the time I arrived in the first floor i saw the girl in the counter has yet to leave. She then turned her head to my direction. She was surprised by my presence, probably because people rarely go out in this time.

"Ah.. Are you going out dear guest?" She asked after being absentminded for a bit.

"Yes." I replied shortly, I stopped awaiting her response, she seem have a word to say.

"I see.. How about eating breakfast first?" She offered. I nodded because I haven't eaten anything since yesterday.

"Please wait a moment." She said as she go to the door in the right side. I then sat in the nearest table.(I changed few thing in 'Situation' like a table and door..)

While waiting I fall into deep thought.

'Was all of this worth?' I asked myself, but a distant memory resurfaced answering my question.

'Reo.. You should not sees everything with worth... some thing are invaluable and cannot be be priced' I held my head with my left hand before sighing.

'Good grief..' I smiled bitterly, Seems like my mental became more unstable. The thing what I said before was Illogical bullshit no matter what angle I see it ever since I was aware, not to mentions my abnormal rational mind since I was child.

Even if I know that I cannot change anything in the past, but the lingering regret I have still here.

'If I didn't meet her.. will she still alive?' all was but an IF scenario, what if I was faster, what if I know what's on her mind back then, if only 'they' didn't appear.

'There's no uses thinking it now..' My thought became a mess after these event. Was it because it's feel unreal or perhaps after I undergo those 'Trials', I sighed.

None of them matter now.

'I'll realized it.. No matter how unreal it is.. No matter how ridiculous it sounds... starting from today as the first step...'

Well.. I didn't drop it...I just adjusting the future plot.(Which is a Half Lies.. tbh i'm just lazy..:D).. and the Epilogue..sigh.. also i was busy so the updates will be very unstable..:D The maps is in chapter comment:D

NeiEternalcreators' thoughts