
Fang Yuan in The NWorld (Moved)

Go read "Reverend Insanity in Naruto World" The same. This one was banned. it's the same story there too.

FamishedGod · Oriental
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50 Chs

New Jutsu

"Hey, Nono, you know what, I created a super awesome jutsu, Do you want to see it?!"

little Fang asked excitedly

Nono, seeing this, smiled and thought

'so this kid does have some childish aspects to him' while saying "A jutsu, wow that's so amazing, show me!''

"hmm, ok, look at this then"

as nono continued looking at Little Fang, he

did some hand seals screaming "Run Run jutsu"

and then suddenly dispersed into countless bugs and reformed some meters away

and nono who watched, was completely stunned and in stupor

to travel the distance of almost 10 meters in just an instant

'it feels like an aburame clan jutsu, but this is on a completely different level, I have to immediately report this to the hokage!'

and fang yuan looked at nono too, his eyes pleading for a praise

and seeing this, nono laughed like clinging bells before praising him lavishly

and satisfied, Fang Yuan returned to his room after a while

he even glanced at Nino's breast with desire

but he was a big child now, so he can't ask for milk

so, with resolve he returned home and started getting ready for class

today was his Genin test, he had to become the top ranker

he had to defeat Sasuke and that hateful Leylin who appeared in his dreams yesterday

and maybe, play with his friends after class too...

'I am so busy, like a grown up' thought Fang Yuan smugly as he began to get dressed for class

and some moments later, he was running towards classes with a bread in his mouth...