I have been reading for a while now and thought I´ll share some of my ideas with you lot
My Name I know not. My past long buried in the sand but what I can remember is unpleasent and that is why, I shall change for a better tomorrow and for that, I need power. So much Power.
The Begnning
Like every other day, I sit by the tree and watch into the horizon as the sun slowly ascends to the heavens. Wondering how this happend to me. You must understand me I never believed in Yahwe, (Christianity) the devil or other such all powerfull beeings that created us or even some kind of afterlife, and yet right now here I am. A life after death and beeing reborn in a world where such beeings known to us mortals as gods roam around. Not only are they running around they also can play them like a fiddle and nobody would blink at it merley over looking it like all humans do what doesn´t happen to me or my close ones isn´t my concern, but not all of them are like that.
Anyway as I said before there are gods running around although I don´t know them all personally to know how each and every one of them ticks I am aquainted with one more or less. But more to that later as I was saying with them running around my mind is constantly on edge as I never know what the would do with me one has to only look at those poor simps that are running after freya although she doesn´t use her charm on mortals her beeing near on of us is already dangerous. But that´s the gods for you mind you they aren´t the only thing that is a ticking time bomb the One eyed black dragon is another, than there are other monsters and the dungeon. For all that is holy the dungeon is probably the worst but still the one that is of less concerne than the other three for now.
Lets get back on track with me. You may refer to me as V for now and now we begin I don´t remember jack shit of my last life, I still have my general knowledge and alot more obscure and scientific stuff and of course every weebs wet dream Anime knowledge. I don´t quite know why I still have those brackets still in my brain or probably more accurately the soul as my other brain should be six feet under by now, but nobody knows about that. And that is why I have a bit of a reality crisis going for the last five years or so I am eight right now by the way.
My name is another thing that I will be talking about with you because of it I think that somebody dropped me in this universe and that the Omnivers is a thing with all the anime and comics one can think of beeing real. That is also another thing why I´m thinking in the third person and not the first because somebody could be listening in right now.
Back to the gods and why I said I am aquainted with one or more speciffically I was adopted by one, and if one has even a little brainpower than they will realize which one I´m talking about but I let you guess.
It is Zeus god dammit.
I can say i don´t know what I shall say about my grandpa but he was portrayed every right way. He is an extremly horny old man. But he would say nothing can get between a man and his romance (peeking on woman in the bathing house). Anyway We have more to do right now than talking about that guy later, right now it is more important to get this body to the limits of humanity or even surpass it, and for that I will need training. Good that I know just one bald guy in a yellow suit and white cape that did a extremly taxing workout regimen that I can follow and after that I shall
"Haah Huuh Haah"
"This is more taxing than i thought but I shall not let it come between me and my romance and that is "Power"."
"Who are you talking to brother, also Grandpa called for us to come it is already time for dinner."
"Man already tell him,: I´ll be there shortly. I´ll see you at the table Bell.
"Okay till than brother." said Bell
That is right Bell is my Brother by everything but blood, and I am poud about having him here with me but I will have to get back to my training otherwise I will never get enough "Power" to do whatever the fuck I want.
-30 minutes later-
As I walked back to the cottage that we lived in I was thinking about my gameplan about how I wanted to coax or bargain with gramps that he will teach me swordsmanship as Zeus isn´t a swordsman but a god who oversaw countless people train and fight with weapons, and if he doesn´t than I will swing a sword so long at a leaf that I can learn Tsubame gehishi for my self. As one swordsman once said: "What are dragons but bigger swallows."
As I entered the cottage I was assaulted by the scent of good food, but my musings where cut short as a grumpy old god said: "Where were you boy."
"I was out trainging" I replied shortly
"Than sit down and enjoy the food Vergil."