
18 Karat Run Of Bad Luck

Chase Milton was your average college student. He worries about grades and how he can make his deadlines with the least work possible. He was also a huge post-apocalyptic nerd. He played the fallout franchise to completion from Fallout 2 to Fallout 4. He knew a good bit about most of them, but Fallout New Vegas was his favorite because it was more western themed than the others.

He was walking to class reading up on some of his assignments for his communications class when he heard a shout. Turning around he sees a truck on a collision course with a female student. He didn't think twice when he tackled her away. He heard a boom and then blacked out.He was happy with what he did saving someone who could have died. Until the darkness came over him. He screamed but he couldn't make a sound. He awoke in a pitch black space with no light to see anything around him. He went through the five stages of grief in all of three minutes and began shouting for something to help him?

He sat in the void for who knows how long with so he went into a deep contemplation about his situation. He lost all sense of time when he was in the void so he got to think about what he did in his life. Which was really depressing because he was so normal that the way he saved the girl was his only outstanding memory. When he got out of this state he saw what he never wanted to see in his short life. Checkered suit, golden gun, and the world's worst shit-eating grin.

"Heya, kid" says the suit.

"NO, I will not have any of this hallucination bullshit," Yelled Chase.

" Well looks like you've had a-" He began.

"What the hell did I say you Elvis rip-off" snarked Chase.

"Hey look, babe, I'm not him I just represent your desires." Said the man

"I AM NOT ATTRACTED TO BENNY," screamed Chase.

"Not like that you oaf," said Benny.

There was a awkward silence between the two until a cough came from Benny, "Alright kid, you are dead."


"Exactly what I said kid, so Let's keep this smooth like little babies and get you headed to where you wanna be," declared Benny.

"I don't get to choose," asked Chase.

"Of course you do, but like I said I embody your desire." Deadpanned Benny.

"Ok let's fucking go then you checkered bastard."

"You forgetting something, kid?" He interrupted.

"You get 3 wishes like the normal trope, but there are limits," informed Benny, "no systems for fucks sake, no wishing for super powers, and no infinite points."

"That's standard, I guess..."

"Now tell me what you wish for o' great Chase, what kind of name is Chase anyway?"

"Better that you Benny boy. Anyway, I want to have the building system from Fallout 4."

"You planning on setting roots down are ya? Well that's gonna easy I guess."

"My next wish is to be able to use VATS."

"Good choice baby, most people wouldn't think of that, but there's a limit. Your AP will regenerate slower than it does in game to make you less prone to abuse it. Say you have 100 Action Points it will regenerate 1 point every 5 minutes and it can be upgraded by perks or your Perception score."

"Fair, my next and final one..." Chase trailed off.

Chase thought that VATS was technically a super power but it was in the game so he went for it. He was thinking that the no superpowers thing was a crock of shit because they want a show in his next life. He wanted to ask for something like a pip boy but he could get the pimp boy from Mick and Ralph's. Maybe memorization of all the crafting recipes? No, he could buy some from gunrunners and the NCR, not that he likes them.

No he would need a pip boy early, not neglecting his early plans because he has to carry around a knapsack of goodies, no that's asking for a raider to kill you. His perks are another glaring problem. Will he be the Courier, or will he be a new chess piece on the board of the Mojave?

"How do I sent into New Vegas?"

"You are the Courier, duh," responded the checker suited douche bag.

"You gonna shoot me?"

"Nope you will wake up at Doc's like normal even the whole character customization bit will be there too." He said.

"Well, that answers that" Chase murmured.

The Courier, the most badass badass the Mojave has seen since Joshua Graham. 'So I get the pip boy, no problems there but what do I wish for?' Chase thought.

"Will the SPECIAL scores affect what perks I get?" Chase asked

"Did you seriously just ask that?" Asked Benny in disbelief.

"Well yeah?"

"Pal are you sure you have played a Fallout game before?" Asked Benny with a tired face.


"My guy don't ask stupid questions like that again."

"Noted..." He said.

As he paces back in forth in his mind, an epiphany hits him in the head like a bullet and he says, "Can I have the time set to the same as Fallout 4?"

"I know where you are going with this and it might end up biting you in the ass you know?"

"I know, but think about it The Sole Survivor and the Courier, what a fucking combo!"

"Well kid here we go then, have fun and most importantly don't be lame, stay Gold, Pony boy."

Then darkness.

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