
Fallout 4 Infinity

Waking up in Fallout 4 little over two Months before the events of the Bombs fall. what to plan before everything changes? Updated Chapter* Main Character: Specter Lord. °Own Character° Secondary Main Character: Grit Jones, Personality: °YouTuber: StephenPlays Fallout 4 °

LordSpecter3366 · Derivados de juegos
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Chapter 6: New Faction Joining the Party

I am in a huge room with Robots before me, it is one of the many rooms I had made for back up, it's located at the bottom on the base, right now one has become a meeting room for an army of robots old and new all stand, Flying, hovering before me. Higgins had been busy when I was not here, he had made my robot count go from 500 each to 800 each.

Jones and Codswarth are not present as this is a military meeting, the meeting room already had many levels inside allowing the hold of all the robots at once, the flying ones are in the center and the ones unable to fly are on the many levels circling the large room.

Tapping on the mic I spoke.

Testing, testing. Can everyone hear me alright? Even in the back? (Brendon)

Seeing the green light flash in the back I nodded and then continued.

Welcome, I have returned as you can see, I have not been present as I was sleeping and just woke up, thank you for keeping the Base running all these Years Commander Higgins.

Doing as Ordered, Sir. (Higgins)

From what I got you have been having them training over the 200 years? (Brendon)

Yes, Sir. I had used the trianing room to improve myself then uses that knowledge to train the others. (Higgins)

Not bad, as you have now know before Starting this meeting I told you all that the place outside is dangerous, this knowledge will be needed for what is to come next. (Brendon)

The world has fallen into a large war 200 years ago, in that time civilzation had been destroyed to the stone age almost, the world has become a survival struggle if you are not strong you die, beasts that is 11 feet tall, bandits and factions ready to kill you and use you for parts is out there. There are people that will kill you on sight, animals mutated into Creatures that will try to kill you, even the environment will attempt to kill you if your not carful. (Brendon)

With that said! There are Four huge factions I need to tell you to allow you to know who to attack and when and when not to. Three of the four will start a war between each other and the fourth will stay neutral and helps the People try to live a better life. There are also small factions around in between they are like gangs and radiers and will try to kill before asking questions best kill to them right away, for now that is not important. (Brendon)

The three factions will do more damage at this time then the war has done to this place, we are going to stop that from happening. We are not to be taken advantage of and let them ruin everything even further as my plan is to rebuild and return civilzation back to how it was, less damage done now easier to fix but if a huge hole appeared where a city is it will be even harder to fix and fill up.

I need you to start collecting all the data you can in secret on the Three Main Factions, as our first main Campaign mission is to collect everything from multiple pre-war bases around and any Fallen/destroyed/none operating Military Vehicles so we can repair them and make them ours to start increasing our Military Might, most of you will be going on the first part of the main campaign mission with Higgins leading as the commander, that will be for Higgins to tell you more details when you arrive and have a better understanding of the battlefield, I will give you a small rundown of a pre made plan this plan may change as you progress in the battle you only need to follow it to an extent if the path leads to your death find a new way. Any Military Bases or vehicles found on your travels and scouting runs to the Campaign Mission location is to be marked and data saved then delivered to the Collection team, the team will go out and collect the Vehicles but for the Bases it will be cleared after a scouting run then cleared of items. Now back onto the main Campaign Mission that is important so listen up, there are two ways to go there for before you start the siege. (Brendon)

A map on the wall behind me lit up and showing Fort Strong on a small island base, and the arrows following the road leading right into the Base it is also the only way by ground to enter, the next one below it between the road and and Boston Airport crossing over the ocean between the two that leads east entering right into Fort Strong flank side, it branches to Multiple smaller arrows entrapped the half the Island.

The teams will split up here before the bridge on the ground, the Flying Team will go south following the water not going into the Airport area and fallow along with the ground team on the road, when you get to the Second Land Bridge you will brake off going South then moving East attacking from there. When Higgins call for you to advance in and attack from the South and east side of the Fort, Higgin will advance on land with the tanks and ground force he will be bombing the place before the base so wait for him to give the all clear to enter, vertibirds will fly in from the North going South supporting from the sky this will be a Complete Encirclement plan look out for allies when fighting if you enter bombardment locations make sure to not hit allies. (Brendon)

Clear it of all the enemies first and then you will have all the time you need to move all the supplies and travel back here and drop it off be warned like I said before there are small forces that may or may not attack you on the way there and back so be alert at all times when doing this mission and attack only when attacked. (Brendon)

You will have 50 Vertibirds, 20 Tanks, 25 IFVs, and 50 Cargo Trucks to carry the supplies back and the troops will be 200 Sentry, 150 Sniper/Scout, 300 Assaultrons. (Brendon)

Any questions? (Brendon)

What are the enemies we will be fighting? (Sniper bot)

Good question, the enemies, I don't know they can be Raiders, Huge Mutated green monsters that will kill on sight, you can scout and get the information then relay it to everyone before the attack that is actually very recommend but if they are green tall Humanoid monsters they might have nuke weapons so stay spread out if that is the case less likely to get blown up also keep cover and attack from a distance if possible and then clean them up close when you have the upper hand, inside the base will have bombs so watch your fire don't want the place to become a huge hole with everyone inside. (Brendon)

Remember the Civilians are not to be attacked if they have weapons they are scared and will want to hold onto there weapons as protection, if you kill even one you will be killed on sight for failing to follow orders! Then there are the ones that will shoot at you, I allow you to kill them if you can't Sedate them! If an attacker uses heavy weapons like minigun, Rocket launcher, Ect. As they attack you kill them as soon as possible they can kill you before you can them so don't attempt to capture them just kill. (Brendon)

With that said it is now onto my side, there will be two teams on my side, One will be building a town above us, the second will be scouting. (Brendon)

Last few subjects! (Specter)

We are going to be a large faction and so we need a name to know us by, we will be called Infinity Guardians, our Symbol is the Infinity Symbol, you are all required to have the Symbol on you to identify who is in Infinity Guardians and who is not. There are four ranks!

Recruit, this is for the new members that will be joining us. Veteran, everyone present is this rank to get here one needs to be very skilled and you will not be anything else this is the lowest rank after being recruited!

Next is Elite rank, Commander Higgins, Commander Tom, Commander Red are this rank, everyone else can get to this rank if you gain experience in combat. To get to this rank you are to be even more skilled the Veteran rank and you know how to do things with creativity to even planning strategy for the lower ranks you are to help support your lower ranks members as a Commander and get them to your rank the more the better!

Heroic Rank, the last rank! This is for the most skilled small teams to be entering enemy bases and doing dangerous missions then there is solo that get things done. You have to be the best, in accuracy unable to miss, best at evading enemies attacks you are the hardest to kill, faster then the enemy and others your the hardest to hit, by the time you have planned to kill your target, your Target would have taken a single step by the time he took his second step you have already carried the plan out and your target is already dead! (Brendon)

We are Infinity Guardians, we save lives and defend them from danger, we are creating a new world that will bring the lost civilzation back to life!

Infinity Guardians! (?)

Infinity Guardians! (??)

Infinity Guardians! (Everyone one)

The mission is now in progress! Commander Higgins take your team and prepare for the mission, everyone else mot going on the mission will stay here and receive the plan. (Brendon)

Yes, Sir! (Higgins)

There the robots moved, the ones going left with Higgins started preparing, the others stayed and being the most ready to receive there mission.

Building team head up top and start planning a town layout I will check over it and make changes when I arrive then I will verify if its passable. (Brendon)

As Higgins was leaving being the last to leave he stopped at the door and turned around to me before giving a salute then left, the Builder bots followed Higgins out.

There I changed the map, pointing to a smaller section of the common wealth area.

This is Sector 1! (Brendon)

• You can lookup, Fallout 4 Sector 1 Map. You can use it to follow along.•

As a new Faction we need Territory, this will be our starting point. We will be taking Sector one over, this outer line of the map will become as our border and will enclose it making a wall all around it, scouts need to head out and I want to know about everything in Sector one.

Once I have received the Scout reports we will be planning the next step, there is civilians in this sector and many dangers, we will remove the dangers first, then we will regroup the Civilians to help them. Sanctuary here I will be talking with the leader of the Minutemen, if he agrees to Join us then this will be a town that will become a city over time. (Brendon)

What if we are attacked? (?)

Then attack back, but only if you can't stop the attacker and let them stand down. We are going to be talking with Settlements so as little amount of killing is the best as we are jot needing to show up in force and demand things of the Civilians even if they are enemies we need to show we are better then Savages to the Civilians, we are going to have an alliance with the Settlers or even have them join us let's set a example for them. (Brendon)

Scout team head off, the others secure the border of Section one.

As they leave to prepare, I left to go see Jones and Codsworth, but stopped at my room along the way, I have moved my room to the Deathclaw egg so I can keep track of it, the Deathclaw egg has no changes yet it's in a soft cloth under a warm light, nodded seeing that its all good I headed over to Jones and Codsworth.


Walking to the Living Quarters I make my way yo the room reserved to Jones knocked.


Come in. (Jones)

The door slid open and walking in, Jones looked over to me and asked.

Did you finish your meeting? (Jones)

I have, I have a question what is your view on the Minutemen? (Brendon)

They have the best interest of the people so far and trying to make a better world that can save as many people they can from attacks letting them live peacefully. (Jones)

Sounds like them, I had to ask to make sure you though the same.

Why are you asking? (Jones)

I would like the Minutemen to join me and help make a better future where the world was before the war, I have Jade with her rebuilding the world is good and all but I need to start somewhere and would like to do it from here, and work my way to the rest of the state then even find ways to help the other side of the world out. (Brendon)

That is a large project you have there, but its a noble one. (Jones)

Yes, but also I want to create it better then the old, I need to find a way to understand how Fusion cores work and when I do then I will start making unlimited power that then will be the way to unite the planet as one and not needing to fight over power, you probably don't know but power is the main reason behind the war before, this Fusion Core was to help not only us but everyone but it was not spread to the other side of the world when the war broke out. (Brendon)

Why are to telling me this? (Jones)

I need a general, and you fit what I need, a person that can get things done but also know what is right and wrong, to not get corrupt for power but to make a better world where we don't need to kill just to live you have been to a war as a military man you know what war is. (Brendon)

How do you know I won't get corrupt on power and turn on you? (Jones)

I don't, only time will tell. I don't like people betraying each other just for personal gains that they die and lose in the end what is the point? (Brendon)

And you already know about my pip boy what Jade can do, the fact you did not kill me when you had power armor on means I can trust you. (Brendon)

True, this is quite fast, give me some time to think about it. (Jones)

That is fine, you can watch how things are progressing and how it's changing use my actions then you can make your choice. (Brendon)

Thank you for giving me time to think about it. (Brendon)

Not a problem, I need to head back to Sanctuary, want to tag along or go our separate ways?

I will be heading to diamond City I need to look for my son. (Jones)

Before leaving I need to give you your reward for helping me get here. Follow me. (Brendon)

Lead the way. (Jones)

Chapter has been updated 05/24/2020.

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