

Alina, a simply beautiful & very independent woman who loves her profession and her family. She is an Event planner and loves to plan everything. She just wants to increase her branches with her best friend and live a simple life. Only one thing that bothers her is, her insecurities with men. Everything is normal until she crosses paths with Shane Vincent King who is a most powerful gang leader in New York. He’s hot, mysterious, sexy yet dangerous who loves his family more than himself.. If you ever dare to come in their way then you’ll no longer be in this world.. Every woman wants to be with him but he has his eyes only for one woman. What if Alina is that woman who he wants for all his life? Can she be able to put her insecurities aside for him? What if she got dragged into a dangerous life after entering his life? Or is her life already dangerous because of her unknown past? Will Shane help her to know her past leading her to a new life and fall in love with each other or fate has some other plans for them?

HoneySa_na27 · Ciudad
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35 Chs

Big trouble?



Camilla, Marie, Alina and Jessica all are in the living room discussing the theme of their wedding. They were so busy talking when someone came from behind screaming, "WE ARE BACK...", which scares the hell out of them. Only Alina and Camilla were able to compose themselves not to be scared by that scream.

"Stop with your deafening screams, Tess." Another voice was heard.

"Buzz kill." The one who screamed before shouted.

They entered the living room where the girls are talking followed by two other girls. They look absolutely beautiful.

"OMG, you girls came. I missed you a lot." Camilla screamed and pulled them into a group hug.

"We missed you too." Those girls squealed and hugged her back.

They pulled themselves back after a minute and looked at the other people who were present there.

"Oh hi there Marie." One of the girls said to Marie while others smiled and waved at her. Marie said hi and smiled back. "And you...?" another girl asked seeing Alina and Jessica.

"They are my new friends. This is Alina and Jessica my wedding planners." Camilla said smiling.

"Girl, you are already getting married?" the girl who screamed before whose name is Tess asked Camilla.

"Yes," Camilla said.

"Good for you," Tess said, teasing.

"Okay stop it, Tess," Camilla said and all the girls laughed. "Okay let me introduce you guys," Camilla said. "Alina and Jessica, these are my girl gang. The one whose scream is deafening is Tessa and also Nate's sister." Camilla said introducing Tessa.

Tessa eyerolled with her introduction and said hi to them with a smile.

"The one next to her is Anam. She is Tessa's cousin." Ana smiled saying Hello. "And the one next to her is Etoile but we call her, B." Etoile smiled waving at them. "And last but not least our Tom boy, Gowsiya but we call her, Siya." Gowsiya smiled saying hi. Alina and Jessica both said hello to them. "They also Live in this penthouse. We have been friends since we were kids. Our parents are also friends so we were practically raised as a family."

"Where are the guys? Aren't they supposed to come with you?" Camilla asked them.

"They directly went to meet Shane in the club saying they have to meet him but the truth is they went to party and have booze," Tess said and the others laughed. "But we have to teach them a lesson and I have a perfect plan for that," Tess said, grinning.

"Stop with your stupid plans, Tess," Ana said which made Tess roll her eyes. "Just admit that You only want to see Greyson."

"Who said that I want to see that stupid asshole?" Tess said with a frown.

"Stop calling my brother like that," B argued.

"What's going on?" Alina asked them in confusion.

"Well, Tess has had a huge crush on Greyson since we are kids. But that dumbass never tells him that." Siya said which made Tess frown.

"Who are you calling dumbass? He never told me how he feels so how can I express my feelings to him when he always sleeps with other women." Tessa frowned.

"First tell your feelings then wait for him to tell you about his feelings," Ana said.

"I can't take the rejection Ana and you of all know, that I couldn't," Tess said.

B let out a sigh, "I know about your feelings Tess, but my brother is a manwh**e. I just don't want you to get hurt." B said to Tess.

"I know, B." Tess sighed but immediately she pushed that tension aside, "We are going to the club today and will party like there is no tomorrow." She squealed saying. "and I won't take No for an answer. Everyone in this room is going to the club tonight."

"Umm, sorry Tess, but I have a date tonight," Marie said gently.

"Ohh, okay. Have fun, Marie." Tess said teasing her. Marie blushed at her teasing and everyone laughed. Marie left saying goodbyes.

"Okay, you guys have fun. I have somewhere to be." Alina said all of a sudden.

"Oh No, you don't. We are going to the club. You never come out with me. Whenever I asked you to come to the club with me you always said you have work. But now I won't leave you until you say yes." Camilla said crossing her arms over her chest.

"Come on Alina, stop being a party pooper," Jessica said.

"See, Jessica is with us. Now you don't have a choice." Ana said smiling. Everyone screamed 'say yes'.

"Okay. I'll come with you. Please stop screaming." Alina said closing her ears with her hands from that deafening sound.

"Yayy." All of them screamed again and Alina laughed along with them.

"Now, we have to get ready to make the boys crawl to our feet with our beauty," Tess said while dancing.

All of them went to their rooms to freshen up. Alina and Jessica went to guest rooms. After the bath, they all went to one room which is big enough for them to dress up. Tessa and Camilla picked Alina's and Jessica's outfits.

All of them gathered in the same room wrapped up in a towel and ready to wear their dresses. Some of them are already dressed up. Siya wore a white crop top and paired it with black shorts with matching knee-length black boots which made her tomboy look sexy. Anam wore a blue knee-length dress which hugged her curves well.

Tessa wore a coral pink off-shoulder ruched dress which made her even more beautiful. Etoile wore a purple lilac ruched off-shoulder dress which matches her personality well.

Camilla wore a purple sweetheart crop top corset skirt which highlights her purple eyes and her black hair. She looks, even more, sexier. Jessica wore a Blue cerulean layered halter dress which looks perfect for her figure.

And last but not least Alina, Camilla and Tess made sure to pick a sexy dress to make her, even more, hotter than she is... She wore a duo material velvet sequined dress with a mix of blue and silver which shows her cleavage a little more than usual as she wears it in her dresses and showed off her perfect long legs. At first, Alina hesitated to wear that dress but with a little convincing she wore it. It fits perfect for her as if that dress was made only for her.

"Wow, you look hot. If I'm into girls then I won't hesitate to bite you." Tess said winking at her. Alina chuckled.

"That's true Alina. You have a perfect figure to make people envy you, then why do you hesitate to wear it at first? You should wear more confidently." Camilla said.

"Thanks for the compliments. And thank you so much for picking my dress, I really look different now. Bold and sexy, I like it." Alina said looking at herself in the mirror. She likes to wear like this but decided not to because of her insecurities. But now, she is more confident than ever.

Jessica understands her best friend's thoughts and went to give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "You look, Hot Lina."

"Yay, can't wait to see the boy's reaction when they see us. We look hot AF." Tess screamed and everyone laughed with her.

"Let's go girls. It's time to partyyyyy.." Camilla screamed joining Tess. They left the penthouse after touching up their makeup.

They reached and entered the club walking like boss ladies. Everyone's eyes are on them, men drooling over them and women envying their beauty.

They went directly to the bar and saw Tony flirting with a girl, "Hey Tony, long time no see." Siya said waving at him to get his attention. Tony saw the girls and immediately a smile formed on his face after seeing them. He excuses himself from that girl and walks towards their side waving at them.

"Oh stop interrupting him Siya, at least let him try to get himself a girl," Tess started to tease Tony.

Tony chuckled, "Here comes the devil always teasing others." They laughed and hugged him. "I missed you girls. Without you girls, there is no fun with the boys." Tony said dramatically.

"Stop being dramatic Tony, did you forget that I visited you just last night?" Camilla asked raising an eyebrow.

"I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about the single girls here." Tony said indicating other girls.

Camilla hits him on the head and says, "did you forget that Etoile is already taken?"

"Ouch" Tony rubbed his head to soothe the pain. "I know I know, you don't have to hit me. Besides there are three single girls I know and the other two who just added more beauty to the girl's gang." Tony said winking at Alina and Jessica. They laughed at his flirting.

"Stop with your flirts and give us our drinks," Siya said patting his shoulder.

"My apologies. I'll prepare them right away." Tony said smiling and winked at the girl with whom he flirted before coming to them. That girl blushed red like a tomato.

Tony fixed their drinks as per their wishes, "There you go." He said giving the drinks to the girls. "How come you girls are late when the boys have already come a long time ago?" Tony asked as they took their respective drinks.

"Oh, beauty needs time you know," Camilla said winking at him and he chuckled.

"You girls took really a lot of time because you look fabulous. Just look at them, all the eyes are on you, every man here is gawking at you all." Tony said showing the people whose eyes are drooling over them.

"Let them be," Tess replied and he laughed giving them a thumbs up and went to the girl to continue his charm on her.

They continued to drink and chat with each other. Whenever they finished their drinks, they called Tony interrupting his time with the girls. He came and filled their drinks complaining.

"Okay, it seems like you are in the mood to drink all night. Just take the bottles and don't disturb me. If you need anything, just ask Lily over there. She will give you everything you need but don't finish all the bottles." Tony warned them before giving them a bottle of whiskey and vodka. He doesn't know that he made a big mistake by giving them the bottles.

They were so drunk that they forgot how many glasses they had. They finished the bottles and asked Lily for another one. She couldn't deny them so she gave them another bottle.

Without wasting any time they finished that bottle too. With so much alcohol in their bodies and adrenaline pumping in their veins, Tess jumped onto the counter and started shouting, that's when Tony noticed their drunken state.

Tess, Alina and Jessica are on the bar counter and shouted to increase the sound of the music. DJ increased the volume and the three started swaying their bodies to match the music. Ana, Camilla, Siya and Etoile are screaming, encouraging them.

"Oh, no big trouble." Tony puts his hands on his head, "Damn it, I shouldn't have left them. If the boss sees them like this, I'll be dead for leaving them like this."

At the same time, Shane along with the other team members are coming to the bar to have a drink after a long talk about the mission. When Shane came out of his office Tony saw that he was coming in his direction. "F*ck my life, now the boss is also coming. What should I do?" Tony was so afraid of the outcome if Shane saw this. He went to the girls to ask them to come down, but they didn't oblige for his sake, in fact, they screamed even louder.

Now, everyone in the club is screaming for them to dance even more. Shane saw the big crowd in front of the counter and looked in that direction to see what was going on and his eyes widened in shock to see Alina over there dancing like there will be no tomorrow.

The same happened to the others too... Nate after seeing Jessica, Greyson after seeing Tess and Seth after seeing Etoile over there screaming their lungs off their chest. Their jaws dropped to the ground with shock when they saw them dancing and their blood boiled seeing every f*cking man in there are gawking at them.

"What the hell is going on here?" Shane shouted in anger.

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