
Chapter One: She's Alive But Will She Live?

Bright rays of sunlight streamed down on a forest below. Birds were chirping and animals were scurrying around. All was peaceful in the land of the forest. Sadly, that peace did not last as a groan sounded out, making a few animals look over in its direction.

Not far from a riverbed laid a young girl. Her clothes were of an odd design, her hair was long and dark, and her skin was pale. She was just lying there in the dirt, having just woken up. Groaning again, the girl forces her dark eyes to open, wanting to see her surroundings. Though, a question did plague her mind as she saw the clear blue skies above.

'Why am I alive?'

She thought she had died, she knows she did with the wounds she had. There was no way she lived through that, and yet, here she was. It made her very confused but she pushed it aside in favor of analyzing her surroundings. Furrowing her eyebrows, she realizes she needs to sit up to do so. She didn't really feel like it but that feeling quickly faded.

Sitting up, she takes notice of the aches and pains all over her body. Looking down at herself, she ignores the odd clothes she was wearing in favor of pulling her black shirt up, exposing her stomach. She sighs before letting the fabric fall from her fingers, it falling back into place.

'I still have the wounds I had previously, there just healed shut now...'

After taking that into account, she finally looks around herself to see where she was. She frowns again. She was in a forest, a dense one at that if the tree sizes were anything to go by.

'How did I get here?'

Thinking of this and trying to find a solution, a far-fetched idea then struck her.

'I'm in odd-looking clothes, my skin color looks different and my hair feels heavier. I had died before I got here and I seem to be in some type of forest. I know there weren't any forests near anywhere I was previously... I'm going to sound crazy if I'm wrong about this...'

Sighing again, she slowly stands up and walks over to the edge of the riverbed, being careful not to hurt her already injured body more. Soon getting to the edge of the water, she felt a faint feeling of astonishment course through her.

Looking down into the clear blue waters below, a young girl around the age of 18 greeted her. Her skin was an unnatural pale with a dash of pink. She had a small button nose with soulful blue eyes that seemed to see through a person's soul. Her hair was long, reaching all the way down her back and to her knees. Its color slightly mystified her as much as her appearance.

The color was of a pitch black that oddly faded into a blue and violet color, a color that was almost the shade of her eyes. She slowly reaches up and pulls a strand forward. She caressed it through her fingers.

'It's so soft... It also doesn't look fake...'

Putting her hair aside, she continues to look down at her rippling reflecting. She was wearing a black sleeveless shirt with dark blue skinny jeans. The jeans were loose enough for her to work in so she didn't mind them as much as she did in her previous life. What complexed her though, was the odd cape like 'thing' she was wearing.

It was of a deep blue and violet color. It had long, flowy sleeves that went past her hands and the bottom of the outfit reached her ankles. It wrapped around her but split right underneath her slightly busty breasts, making it flow and curl in around her and behind her. Her shoulders were exposed as the corners were cut out.

To her, she looked gorgeous. This also made her worry, seeing what happened in her previous life.

'So, my suspicions were correct... I'm not in my old world anymore, nor my old body... I wonder what type of world I'm in... Hopefully, it's not a bloody one... Well, whatever the case is, I just need to face it head-on. I do need to be careful though.'

Once she was done analyzing this, she scans her surroundings again. She was in a forest for certain. The trees, though, were of a dark bark and very thick. The leaves, from what she could tell, were huge and seemed to be plush. She made a mental note to see what they felt like later.

Pulling her eyes away from the forest, she looks at the water. It seemed like any other river but if she looked deep enough, she could see something sparkling. Tilting her head slightly, she reaches down into the water. Wrapping her hand around a smooth object, she pulls her hand back to take a look at the thing that caught her attention. Her eyes widen slightly.

"Pretty..." A soft, calming voice said. She faintly took notice that it was her voice. She didn't pay the sound any attention though as she was analyzing the thing she had grabbed. The look of the thing reminded her of a fire crystal back in her previous life except the coloring on this crystal was different. It was of a faint rainbow, changing colors every time she turned it. It was beautiful.

[System Notification] Player Yuna has found a rare Rora crystal. Reward: 10,000 Koa. + 1,000 EXP

[System Notification] Player Yuna has Leveled up to Level Two. +3 AT +3 DF

[System Notification] Player Yuna has Leveled up to Level Three. +3 AT +4 DF

Jolting slightly at a sudden loud ding and transparent box appearing in front of her, she drops the crystal. She was slightly alarmed as her heart beat heavily in her chest. She was majorly confused but for some reason, the panic that was rushing up quickly faded. Now, she was just left confused.

'A... System Notification? I'm I inside some game? Is my name Yuna here?'

Thinking this, she quickly reaches down and grabs the crystal back out of the water. Rubbing all the mud off it, the rainbow coloration on it grew brighter. She smiled slightly before putting it into her pocket. She soon jolted again as another ding sounded out.

[System Notification] Player Yuna has opened IB for the first time and completed the quest: Open Inventory. Reward: 100 Koa. +30 EXP +1 WIS

'IB? Item Box, right?'

She was still majorly confused but she pushed it aside in favor of testing out the idea brewing in her head.


She jolted again as a small transparent screen popped up. She was surprised at what she saw pop up.


Name: Yuna Suzuki

Age: 18 yo

Koa: 10,600 {?}

Lv: 3 {380/1000 EXP}

HP: 3,026

MP: 1,037

AT: 10 (+6)

DF: 37 (+7)

MA: 178

MD: 146

INT: 165

WIS: 128

DEX: 30

LUCK: ???


Relationships: (No One)

Perks: {?}

Level Minded: MAX LV 10 (Always Active) {?}

This ability helps a player keep a level head in any situation, not letting their emotions get the better of them. Doing that could cost them their lives.

Language Barrier: MAX LV 10 (Always Active) {?}

This allows any player to understand any language, either it is spoken or written. It even helps them read a person, just not as effective as the ability, BS.

Blade Sight: LV 5 {160/5,000} (Always Active) {?}

This ability comes with the possibility to notice very small details. No matter what or who it is, you will notice it.

Gamers Interface: (Always Active) {?}

This ability allows the player to look at the world through a gamers eye. Some would call it a cheat ability. Don't misuse it!

Item Box: TIER 1 (Always Active) {?}

This ability allows the player to store large quantities into a timeless space and take it with them everywhere. Be careful though, you only have 50 slots.

Space: 50 (LV up to get more space)



Open Inventory: Completed (100%) {?}

Reward: 100 Koa

30 EXP

+1 WIS

Finish Tutorial: Not Completed (70%) {?}

Reward: 1,000 Koa

100 EXP

+1 WIS

+5 HP

Use Magic: Not Completed (0%) {?}

Reward: 500 Koa

50 EXP

+1 INT

+1 MP


Her confusion soon left her as she slowly understood her situation.

'My name is Yuna Suzuki here... Very different from my previous name... Also, why are my MP, HP, INT, and WIS stats so high? If this is like a game, they should be low since I'm only level 3... Well, whoever or whatever has done this to me has gifted me the ability to play a game essentially... With my magic and health stats so high, it should be a little easier on me. That LM Perk also seems to be the reason I'm not freaking out right now too. Quite useful. Let's check out the Item Box now.'



Sora's Staff: {SS} {?}

Sora's Staff is a special item that was formed by the magic of The Goddess, Sora. No information is known on this weapon as this weapon has only been used by the Goddess herself. All we know is that it is a terrifying weapon that is able to demolish the world.

Health Potion: Tier 3

This item will recover a person's HP. Since it is Tier 3, it can heal someone from the brink of death. Use it wisely.

Mana Potion: Tier 3

This item will recover a person's MP. Since it is a Tier 3, it can fill up the whole MP if the person is almost empty.

Goddesses Charm: (Necklace) {SS} {?}

This item will protect anyone who is wearing it. It is said to be made from the Goddesses Magic, just like the staff. No information is available on this item because of that.

Rora Crystal: Tier 5

This crystal will help the player with their stats, making them stronger. It is mainly used though, for magic and Staff making for expert Mages.


Yuna frowns and furrows her eyebrow. Something seemed off.

'This Goddess... Maybe she's the one to send me here? I do have two items that seem to be hers...'

[System Notification] Player Yuna used her brain to think of a reasonable solution, +1 WIS

Glancing at the box that showed up, she stares at it with narrowed eyes.

'So, I can gather points by doing things that imply the meaning...'

[System Notification] Player Yuna has used her brain to solve a problem. +1 WIS

Staring blankly at the other box, she just sighs and looks back at her IB. Grabbing the Staff and Necklace out of the IB, Yuna takes a look at both of them.

The Staff was a beautiful weapon. The handle of the Staff was made out of redwood, seemingly sanded down to be soft. As it went up, the redwood slowly got rougher and it started to make a swirl with the wood. Four branches of wood stuck out at the top, slightly curled in together. In the middle of the four branches was a Crystal similar to the one she had found earlier but much bigger and brighter.

At the base, handle, and long part of the Staff, there were small vines that wrapped around it, giving it a feeling of gentleness and love. It looked like it belonged to nature. For some reason though, Yuna's heart felt warm just holding it. Like it belonged there. Out of some unknown urge, she felt a small pool of warmth gather in her stomach before feeling the warmth travel up her body and into her hands. She felt amazement.

Her hands were glowing a soft dark purple that was mixing with blue as it dances around her hands. What happened next made her speechless. The Staff that was 4'8 foot slowly started to change, shift you could say, right in front of her eyes. Small dust particles fell from it as a small cloud slowly overtook it. Once it was out of sight of her, she suddenly felt the weight of the Staff disappear. Waiting for the cloud to disappear, she then sees what it had turned into.

'A ring?'

The ring was of a dark silver that took on a wood-like appearance. It was smooth with the Crystal in the middle and four metal branches wrapped around it, very similar to its counterpart. Still feeling amazement, she slowly slipped on the ring, feeling that it was in its rightful place.

[System Notification] Player Yuna has completed the Use Magic quest. Reward: 500 Koa. +50 EXP +1 INT +1 MP

Jolting out of her daze like trance, she sharply looks up at the transparent box floating in the air. She then shakes her head and looks back down at the ring. She smiles slightly before looking at the Necklace. It was a clear crystal that had dark dray metal wrapped around it, kind of looking like vines. It hung on a simple silver chain. Taking a closer at it, Yuna could see the very small engraving of runes on the chain.

'Wow, that must have taken a while to make... Is it for the charm aspect?'

[System Notification] Player Yuna has used her brain to solve a problem. +1 WIS

Ignoring the system, she stares at the necklace a little bit longer before moving to put it on. A small glint stops her though. Looking back down at it, she can suddenly see a rainbow in the crystal. Her eyes widen slightly before she understands. Holding the necklace up toward the sun, a burst of colors blinds her. She lets out a small, delighted laugh before quickly putting on the necklace, feeling warmth course through her. She loved it.

'Now, time to take a look at my skills...'

I originally was going to make it longer but decided not to once I hit the 2k mark. Hope you enjoyed. I finally got some ideas to try in this book!

2,329 Words

Jikan21creators' thoughts