


Jailson's POV.

Damien and I left Sofia's house. I knew I shouldn't have forced her to do anything but I can't let Martin be free. I know his Benjamin's family but he needs to pay.

/"How did you get in?/" I asked Damien who was starting his car.

/"I have a key to all Benjamin's house not that it's your business Jailson./" Damien answered me bitterly. /"I'll arrange a fake family reunion so Martin can come, just make sure your friends are there and don't tell Benjamin anything./"

/"Fine, just look after yourself asshole./" I said walking away from his car.

/"Why do you care./" He shouted but I showed him the middle finger.

I quickly got in my car and started driving. I missed so many calls from Jay but I knew he probably just wanted a drinking partner.