8 Chapter 8 : Dawn of a New Era

Satan stands before Royal , after pledging to kill him Satan really looks to keep his promise. Dinki steps in to make it Two vs One as the masked man and sin pushes Junior too the limit , Royal mange's to Knock Dinki out the picture for a while but Satan is intent on keeping his word as he stand up over and over keeping the pressure on Royal . With all his might he strikes him and brings Royal too his knees " you were doom when you came to my territory. " It is no way I'm letting you leave here alive . " Dinki , Sin , And the masked man join Satan in a combined Ki blast attack with immense power sending it right at Junior , Royal rushes his to his son as he pushes him out the way .. " Live son , continue the Reigns Family will ." Junior watches as his father is blown away by the attack " Father no ! " but it was nothing he could do but run . He turns back one more time as he watches the flames burn where his father should have been . This was the end of an Era . Royal a hero , a King meets his fate . At the hands of a foe from the past . What could be next for The Reigns Clan . Royal II , is left with one task . Avenge his father , while carrying the fate of his clan on his back . In search of the Truth !

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