
Fallen Prey to the King of Hell

Micheal is the most perfect guy you could ever see. He's fun, charming, kind to everyone and he's loyal, many people like him and call him a blessing from Heaven. He never tells lies, Micheal was raised in a religious orphanage as he was abandoned when he was young. He never knew who his parents were, or how they look like. His orphanage raised orphans to learn how to pray to God and be good, Micheal always dreamed of being a priest. Once he turned 18, he moved out of the orphanage and lived among other priest in a Church, but he never expect what happened next..... "あなたは本当に何を望んでいますか?" "What do you truly desire?......"

Kaname_Tako · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
8 Chs

Meeting Him - Chapter 3

*Micheal's POV*

I open my eyes, I was in a field of flowers, white carnations to be specific. I looked around and see endless field stretching far off, I smiled as I picked one of the flower, its one of my favourite flowers as they're so pretty. My smile disappeared as quickly as it came when the flowers around me turned red, I looked up to see a demon looking down upon me. I crawled backwards as an attempt to get away from the demon but I froze in my track, I couldn't move my body anymore.

"Your God is just a fragment of your imagination from your weakness...Tell me human, what do you truly desire from the devil himself?...."

I woke up, panting but I felt a strong pair of arms around my waist. I froze and turned around slowly, I saw the same pair of glowing eyes from the exorcism and from my dream. I screamed and tried to break free of his death grip but to no avail. He just smirked in amusement before pulling me til our noses touched. I stared deeply into his red eyes, it was like an endless abyss, he chuckled, making me snap of out it.

I looked away and squirmed in his death grip, "My my, you're a lively one huh?" His voice was feminine and childish but sadistic that sent shivers down my spine. "W-w-who are you?" I managed to stutter out, "You'll find out soon, my cute little priest~" the demon teased as he kept me in his arms.

This is wrong.... I shouldn't be enjoying this! I squirmed out of his grip and ran towards my desk where my exorcist items are there. A force stopped me before I could reach my ideas.

"Oh no no, bunny don't try to, even if you try to exorcist me it doesn't work," the demon said as he pulled me back into his grip. "Leave me alone, demon! I need to go..." I said but my voice started to quiver slightly.

"Fine fine, jeez you're no fun! I'll see you later~" the demon said, teasing me one last time before he disappeared into thin air. I scrambled to my desk and grabbed my holy water, I dumped it over myself and prayed for forgiveness. I panted as I sat in a corner, I was touched by a demon.... It was the worse thing that could happen, I still had burns from the demon that attacked me.

I stumbled across the room and showered and quickly changed before running out of my room. I bumped into Mark on the way, just my luck!

"O-oh! Hey Mark!" I said while forcing a smile at him. "Hey Micheal! What's wrong? You're messier than usual," Mark said with slight concern. "O-oh its nothing! The burns just kinda hurt?" I said, it came out more of a question then a statement.

"Must be tough! Don't worry, you'll be fine in a few more days!" Mark said as he gave me a firm pat on the shoulder, "You better get going! People are coming soon," Mark said as he waved goodbye.

The whole day was a complete mess, I stuttered a lot and I kept looking around. When the day ended, I quickly bolted to my room and poured holy water in every inch of my room. I made sure to pray before I went to sleep, as I drifted to unconsciousness, a pair of eyes glared at me.

I shot up, but I wasn't in my room anymore, I was in a different room. "Finally woke up, bunny?" A demonic voice said, it was him!

I squirmed away from the voice, I covered my ears and closed my eyes. "This is just a dream," I thought to myself, there was no way I was in hell. "This ain't a dream, bunny, open your eyes and remove your hands now..." His voice demanded firmly. I hesitantly removed my hand and opened my eyes, I look up from the ground and saw the most gorgeous demon ever. I was so focused on escaping last time I didn't really get a glimpse of his face, he was probably 5'3 or 162cm so I was just an inch shorter than him.

"Demons were this short?" I thought to myself, "Baka, this isn't my true height!" He stated as he pulled me closer to him by my waist. "It would be hard to talk to you in my true height, I'm 200cm or 6'5 little bunny," the demon explained to me again as he gripped onto my waist tighter.

"J-j-just let me go!" I said as I tried to squirm out of his grip, he had a death grip for someone with skinny arms. "Bunny," he said seductively beside my ears, I instantly blush and my face was probably as red as a tomato by now. "So that got you to stop huh?" he teasingly said as his face inched closer to my face. "B-b-be quiet, demon..." I said as I blushed furiously, I just stared into his eyes as I couldn't look anywhere else.

"Bunny~ I'll teach you a few things, you belong to me now, forever and ever....and don't call me demon, I have a name and its Lucifer...." This demon, Lucifer, said to me. It took a while for me to process this but when I did, my eyes practically came out of my socket. "As in Lucifer the Prince of Hell?!" I yelled, "Bingo! Finding you wasn't that hard anyways, too bad you stayed at that dumb church, the amount of talisman and holy water they put is horrendous!" Lucifer said.

"Its to ward off demons like you!" I spit back, I couldn't hate demon because God said we should love everyone, friend or foe, demon or angel. I couldnt suppress my hate for demon, I hated their evil doings.

"Aww, is my little bunny trying to be intimidating?" Lucifer said as he pushed me against a wall, he closed off all the distance between us and I had no where to escape. "This demon is going to be the death of me..." I practically thought to myself, "Oh no no bunny, you are my pet and I can't have you dying on me!" Lucifer exclaimed as he put his finger under my chin. "It'll be utterly disappointing if you died and I have to wait another hundred years to gain a new one! I already like you anyways," he said as he inched closer to my face, I could feel his hot breath against my face and it was driving me mad.

"I don't belong to you!" I said as I mustered all the strength I had to push him away, he was caught off guard and he fell onto his butt. I took this chance to run out of the room that he stupidly didn't lock, I ran every twist and turns I could see. I hit something solid and I look up, I saw another demon. He had white hair, horns that flared black flames, his fingers had claw like features that were blue fading a neon light blue, ears were pointy and his face was strangely covered by something black. It only covered his nose and mouth before it had holes at the right side of his face.

I turn to run but chains on his hand that I didn't even notice caught my arm and i was pulled back by him. His eyes were just pitch black and he stared at him, his arm around my waist and he sniffed me. He sniffed me?! I push him away and panted, "It seems... you are my brother's....I was hoping to get my....pet first..." he said slowly in a monotone voice. He paused in between his words for some reason, another pair of arms grab me and pull me. My head was at the crook of their neck, my hand was against their chest, I closed my eyes as I leaned into their touch. Their smell was intoxicating, "Oh? Is bunny suddenly interested in me?~" Lucifer's voice snapped me out of my trance. I looked up to see that it was him holding me! I blush furiously and just buried my head deeper into his chest, his chest vibrated as I heard a slight chuckle from him.

"So, you found yours yet?" Lucifer asked as he hugged me tighter, "I have..... He is quite....enthusiastic for my liking but....I can't do anything....about it," Lucifer's brother said. "Bunny, this is my brother Cain, Cain this is my pet so that means no touching him..." Lucifer growled at the last statement. "Whatever you say..." Cain told his brother with the same monotone voice. "Now pet..." Lucifer said in a dangerously low voice

"What shall I do with you since you ran away?..."

I'm screwed...