
Fallen Into You

"What the hell are you talking about?". Riele Grants asked her soon-to-be-ex-boss. "What sort of arrangement is this?". she asked. The old man looked at her with his hands folded in front of him. "You are the right person for the job. Think about it Miss Grant.You get to be a personal assistant to a Korean idol, what's there to lose?". He asked the young lady who was almost biting her nails off. "Shouldn't you have asked for my permission before sending that information to him? What if i don't like him or i don't like working with him?".She paused and bit her nails again. "or what if he doesn't like the fact that i talk too much or that i chew my nails". she said pointing her nails towards the old man. "No one likes when you do that". the man said as he stood up and passed her a file. Riele grabbed the file and flip it open. "You will be picking him up at the airport". "What?". she yelled. "Make sure nothing happens to him". The man said as he left the office leaving the young lady alone to deal with her dilemma. Riele sunk to her seat as she flipped through the documents in her hand. "Kim Taehyung?". She reads as she closed the document and rested her head on the table trying to process what the future has installed for her and if she was ready.

Iheanacho_Joy · Real
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14 Chs

Five ~~ Annoying Jerk

"Riele Grants". Mr Owen called.

Charlotte looked at her. "What did you do this time?". She asked but Riele shrugged.

"I guess we are about to find out". Riele said as she walked to the office.

Riele exhaled and inhaled for thirty seconds after she has gotten her boldness, she knocked.

"Come in". She heard Mr. Owen say as she unlocked the door and entered inside. The first eyes that met hers was Kim Taehyung. She tried to keep her beating heart in check. "Um...you called me?". She asked Mr. Owen.

"Yes please...have a seat". He gestured her to sit close to Taehyung.

Riele couldn't count how many times she almost tripped. This is what you get when you have a stunning and handsome new boss. Even though he isn't doing anything, you can't help but to just fall for him.

She sat down and listened to whatsoever the meeting is all about.

"Kim, this is Riele Grants and she's going to be your PA as agreed".

"I still don't know why you chose her". He said as he looked at Riele trying to find out if there's anything special in her.

"I didn't choose her, we all did". Mr. Owen explained. "She was voted in that's why I decided that she's the one for the you... i mean the job". Kim Taehyung turned to look at Riele who was trying her best to avoid meeting his eyes.

"Fine then". He turned to face Riele with folded arms. "So Riele Grants, what do you have to say for yourself?". He asked as she turned to face him.

"Um...I don't understand the question". She told Kim.

""Do you think you're worth it?". He asked as Riele raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"I don't know what sort of question this is but if you're trying to put my worth on a weighing scale . I can assure you it's more that you can ever imagine". Kim Taehyung must admit, he was pretty amazed.

""You want to work for me?". He asked still looking at her.

It's not like I have any other choice. Riele thought. "Of course...I mean who wouldn't?". She lied.

"Then first, I need a place to stay". He told her as she looked at Mr. Owen who was trying his best to avoid any conversation from you.

"I thought they made provision for that". She asked directing the question to Mr. Owen.

"They did but it's not ready yet. I saw the place and I didn't like it so I told them to change some certain things. That's why I need a place to stay before then".

"Mr.Owen, I think he's directing this question to you".

"Come on Riele just let him spend few days or weeks or months with you besides you stay alone". Mr. Owen said trying not to explain her mom's condition to Taehyung.

"I am sorry but there's no way I'm allowing him anywhere near my house. If he wants a place to stay, someone like him should be able to book an hotel or something not share a house with his P.A . Who does that?". Riele said as Kim Taehyung smiled.

"I accept her as my PA". He said as he got up and left leaving Riele dumbfounded.

"See why I told you you're the right girl for the job?". Mr. Owen told her as she tried to process what the hell just happened.

Her head started aching. She pressed the two sides of her forehead gently, trying to suppress the pain a little.

She walked out of the office and what she saw shocked her. "Can someone explain to me what's going on here?". She asked. Charlotte pulled her close as she whispered to her ear. "Moving my things to where?". Riele asked.

"As my P.A, you are going to stay close to me. I don't want stress trying to reach you. Do you have any problem with that?".

Riele was about to complain when Charlotte pinched her. "Ouch!". she whimpered glaring at Charlotte.

"I'll take that as a no". Taehyung said as he threw a file to Riele which she caught. "Get me in touch with that person". Riele opened the file only to find a picture of Kim Utter. She stared at Charlotte whose eyes were glued to the file in Riel's hands.

"Can I know why you're choosing this guy?". She asked.

"Don't you think you ask me questions a lot?". Taehyung asked and Riele knew he was right. Ever since he came in, she has been questioning mostly everything he does.

"I'll get in touch with him right away". Riele said to avoid getting punished. Taehyung shook his head before walking to his office.

Charlotte couldn't believe her eyes, she wasn't ready to face him and here he is. What's she going to do now?. "Riele, I'm not ready to face him yet". She told her. Riele pulled her into a hug.

"Then you don't need to. I'll try to see if I can talk him out of this".

"That will get you into a lot of trouble". Charlotte told her. Riele pulled her away a little so she can see her face.

"And you are worth it". Riele told her as Charlotte smiled.

"Thanks a lot".

"Like I said, can I punch Kim Utter when I see him?".

"If the need arises, go ahead". Charlotte told her.

"Let me try my luck with Mr. Handsome". Riele told her as she stood up and walked up to Taehyung's office.