
Fallen Crimson

kamisama395 · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Pick up Your Brush

"Control your breaths !"


"Oh shi-"


I for a moment lost control because of a pebble and he didn't hesitated to use it as a opportunity


"Know your footing"


His sword missed just few centimetres from my neck.

"Teacher, ...>clashhhhh< you are really giving your all in huh"


"Ofcourse Iam , there is no reason for me to hold back in our last training match"


His sword glides through the wind. It was almost like I would mesmerize in his sword movement.



Why did he set back, seems like a one hit attack is comming. I need to glue my eyes on him or if I miss even just a frame ,it's over for me.

"Here I come!!!"

Man don't shout when attacking, please .


I could see his movements clearly, he was running towards me at a very fast pace. Now ! He is just two steps far . here comes the attack.

But wait

'somethings off '

He is just one step far from me now , then Why is that his sword and hand so high.

Will he able to swing in down in time?

'I doubt so'

So what he is cooking.

I saw his foot twist.

Ohh I see

He is about to twist right 360 degrees and use the angular momentum to strike the sword with all might on my right shoulder and chest.

What a smart move . But sadly, it won't work anymore.

He jumped and

As expected twisted right, swinging his deadly strike, but as I knew what coming I placed my attack to counter it.

But just Whatttt-

' he opened his hand , losing the handle free'

Is he going to switch hand a grab the sword with left hand to change the aim to my abdomen.

It was too late , too late to think that I could protect the abdomen, what can I do.

Oh yeah

I flicked his released sword , now he can't grab it.

But sadly he didn't even intended to grab the sword.

This master swordman use the sword as a bluff to strike with his bare left fist right to the point of solar plexus.

Idk what happened afterwards

All I remember I woke up two hours latter.


It been more than a month since I have fallen here, and I have almost adapted myself to the environment but still the absence of internet kicks in sometime.

I'm trying to engage myself in physical workout as much as possible to reduce boredom. I'm also trying to improve my magic proficiency.

Like I have gathered the ability to perform low class spell without chanting easily but still I suck at mid class spells.

The ancient language is like something this for spells are not that different to learn to be honest.

It's just some weird pronounciation of elements call.

The main important thing is the three forms of any elements (beside essence)

The first form is Spector , which used to create the elements from mana. Like 'Ann Asear Spector' - will create fire from fire mana.

But to control that we must use 'Reversal' which lets us to decide the form we want to mold that element in. The form to build must be a crystal clear image in mind or else it will not work.

The last and the third form is Clevage, which means to fast multiply or say to burst. Though the catch is that you can perform elemental spell is there is already a source.

Like if there is a pond or any water source, you won't neet to create the element to use aqua, and can perform Clevage and Reversal without Spector.


The white marble floor and a shelling with different-different color stones mosaic. The night coloured the atmosphere in violet and the lamps on wall contradict it will orange.

Path leading to a strain made of gray and blue waltz.

It was not the first time that I was climbing this stairs.

I found this site few days back. The stairs lead to the top most floor and the highest man build view point in the whole country.

The topmost balcony of the academy main building. It's the best place to chill since I came here.

The roof was only covering 1/3 of the balcony. Rest was open skyed.

I lay down on the floor. Looking up the sky.

Monsoon was about to over but still winds were blowing creating cold chill to anyones body.

This breeze reopen my old laments.

'What I'm actually after on?'

I can't say. Life has given me a second chance.

I don't want to waste this.

°Isn't it just your excuse?°

A voice surpressed deep within came to surface .

'excuse? For what?'

'and why would I?'

°aren't you just betraying them?°

°Your loved ones°

'what do you mean '

°You are using it as an excuse, you don't even what to go back°


'Im probably already dead there'

°But you are fine here, in the most perfect shape as possible. Ain't you? °

'didnt they say fallen can't climb back heaven'

°and you belived?°


°you didn't even tried once°

°in this world where no one your own , a fucking alienated reality, you giving up your everything for here°


°Father's birthday was on Feb and afterwards your birthday was coming. You could have been celebrating with your friends and family °


Don't disgust me



°say it°



'... I didn't '

' I didn't belonged there'

°so where do you belong?

Here?! *Pfft*. Don't make me laugh °


°You are glad ain't you?°

°glad that you got an excuse to escape °

'...Just wha-'

°you can't deny °

'What are you?'

°you already know it, I'm you-°


°Well then , assume me as a curse, a fiend, your abyss°

°Or say the chaos that lurks within you°

°A nemesis maybe °

A nemesis?

'what do you mean '

°well i wonder

What do I?°

I felt a gentle touch on my ears ,

So gentle, so warm like an angel herself blessing me, but ..

..it ....

°Creeps you?°

Stop it.

Just let me sleep.

°well I suppose you should wake now°



The eyes opened.

Did I slept, well ig so.

It was cold midnight that I found myself in.

The sky is clear.

As someone who lived in hilly region

Seeing such a lot of Stars really chears me up.

I looked down for a while and for god sake..... I saw , few people crossing the main entrance of the academy.

Who can it be ? At this hour? Thieves?

That's when I saw that one of them was not carrying a bag but

A person on the shoulder.

long ears, white clothes

There was no doubt about it.


I rushed and shouted with all my might.


Oh It has come.

I feared I will get to see a scene like this soon.

As this world works on the edge of swords.

The hallway was drenched in blood.

I'm amazed that's I didn't heard a shit.

The floor and walls-

°All drenched in blood°

It was not a scene of a movie or a anime .

A real deal, the breeze were drying the blood on the floor, the vitals pierced , throat chopped and eyes bursted .

White ,... black.

... purple, violet , blue...


°Colorful isn't it?°


°like a painting °

'Shut Up'

°lets draw some strokes of our own°

' just leave me alone '

°Pick up Your Brush°
