
Going On A Job [1]


Waaaaaah!!!!!" Mercy cried loudly after she woke up from her sleep. "I can't believe some pink haired guy defeated not one but both of my strongest keys!!!" She complained.

"You were way too cocky in your abilities. Oh, let's not forget the fact you were having a little tea party. In fact you decided to use up your power to unnecessarily summon you Eastern Zodiac Spirit for a dress change." A petite girl scolded as she walked up to Mercy's bed.

"Ginerva please don't scold me right now~" Mercy pouted as she heard the petite blonde point out her mistakes.

Ginerva looked no older than 12 to most people who didn't know her. Everywhere she went the blonde would be mistaken for a mouthy child but in reality she was actually over 100 years old. She had long cream colored pink-tinged hair that she has tied in two twin drills along with blue eyes that have a butterfly shape at the center. She was wearing a frilled dress with pink ribbons, tights, and shoes. A tiny butterfly-shaped clip was at the right side of her hair.

"If I don't how do you expect to learn?" The blonde asked as she pulled one of Mercy's twin tails. Mercy closed her eyes as she felt Ginerva pull at her silver hair.

"Owwwie!!" Mercy cried like a child.

"Can you two stop playing around?" Meifeng asked as she sneakily entered the room. She was unimpressed with Mercy.

"Oh hello Mei-Chan. You put on quite the show today." Ginerva teased referring to Meifeng's clothes getting burnt off.

Meifeng's blank green eyes twitched for a few seconds before her face flushed with red. Meifeng tried to act tough but really she was pretty sensitive herself.

"Don't tease me Ginerva..." Meifeng whined with tears in her eyes as well. Meifeng and Mercy were a bunch of babies when it came to Ginerva.

Meifeng was still feeling insecure despite the fact she was wearing clothes. Meifeng has dark blonde hair with blank green eyes. Her outfit consists of a dark blue short sleeved dress that reached her above her knees, a beige belt with white polka dots around her belly, which helps her carry her fan. finger less black gloves, and high-heeled sandals with wooden soles.

Nonetheless Meifeng would only let Ginerva and Mercy see her in a flustered state. Ginerva had taken care of Meifeng and Mercy ever since they were kids. Ginerva taught Meifeng Devil Slaying Magic because Ginerva herself was a curse.

"You still have my key right?" She soothingly asked Mercy. The silver haired girl wiped her eyes and nodded.

"I won't ever lose it. I promise." Mercy said as she pulled it out of her small pouch. The key was an extremely dark purple color. Despite Ginerva being a Curse Celestial Spirit, she just walked in and out of the Gate to Earthland whenever she pleased.

"Oh yeah I got a Quest for the both of you to go on." Ginerva said pulling out a piece of paper. "I can't trust Mercy on her own, I know Zero's tired of her antics as well but please Meifeng look after her?" Ginerva asked handing the quest to the the green eyed girl. Meifeng sighed knowing she couldn't refuse.



"Mercy! Don't touch anything!" Zero called out to the silver haired Wizard.

It was just Meifeng, Zero and Mercy today out in a forest. Apparently the Village who requested help was having some problems with a Beast Tamer.

"He goes by the name Tone... He's been using the beast of the forest to steal from the Village." Mercy read the Quest as the group walked. "He's pretty strong so we have to be careful..! The reward is 1,800 gold which means each of us gets.... uhhh..."

"600 Gold. Since there's three of us we divide that by-"

"Yep! I totally get it!! Thanks Zero!!" Mercy quickly cut him off before Zero turned the math class into a scolding. Mercy then ran off but accidentally tripped over something.

"OW!!" The thing and her yelled in unison. When Mercy turned to see what she tripped over she saw a Blue Cat.

"AHHHHH!!" She squealed, squeezing the blue cat. "You're sooo cutee~!!" She hugged him even tighter.

"Hey, you're squeezing me way too tightly lady!!" The blue cat yelled. Mercy froze for a second when she heard the cat talk. There was a questioning look on her face.

"Kitty... did you just talk...?" She asked dumbfounded. "That's freaking amazing!!!" She exclaimed tightly hugging the cat again. Once Zero found Mercy safe he sighed relieved that she didn't get herself into any trouble. Meifeng on the other hand was ready to knock Mercy out.

"Mercy!! I'm gonna beat the crap outta you!" Meifeng yelled as she saw Mercy play around with a cat. "Hey... wasn't that cat... with that loud pink fire guy?" Meifeng asked. "Oh yeah Tastu? Was his name? He kept talking about dragons... and he kept talking about that disbanded Guild Fairy Tail...."

Zero's eyes widened realizing that this blue cat probably was a member of Fairy Tail. "The guys name was Natsu and I think that is his cat..." Zero explained.

"Is that true little Kitty?" Mercy tried to ask the blu cat but he was passed out from the lack of circulation. "Huh?" Mercy shook the cat a little bit realizing she was hugging him a bit too tightly.

"Mercy are you insane!?" Meifeng grabbed the blue cat out of Mercy's hands like he was some sort of doll. "Heh, we can attract that pink guy to the Guild." Meifeng chuckled as she created an air tight circle around the cat. "He can breathe in there but there's such a lack of oxygen he'll be knock out until we get to the Guild." Meifeng explained. Zero nodded in agreement.

"Hey you can't just steal the kitty away." Mercy whined pouting like a kid. Meifeng sighed at her childish behavior.

"HEY LET HAPPY GO!!" A female voice screamed. "Regulus Lucy Kick!!!" The girl yelled aiming her attack at Meifeng.

"SKY DEVIL RAGE!!!!" Meifeng yelled out as she released a large gust of air from out her mouth. The blonde girl that tried to attack her flew back into some trees. Mercy looked to see the attacker.

"Oh wow it's Lucy!" Mercy said waving to the injured Mage. "She use to interview me all the time when she was a reporter." Mercy elaborated when she saw her friends confused faces. Mercy's face suddenly when dark. "She's a Celestial Wizard and has quite a good amount of Gold Keys..." Mercy stood up pulling out Ginerva's key.

"Star Dress! Cursed Key Of Ginerva the Battle Maiden!" Mercy yelled as she transformed into a dress similar to Ginerva's." Mercy smiled at Lucy. "I want your all of your Golden Celestial Spirit Keys." The silver haired girl stated.

Meifeng smirked at Lucy was already injured. "So you're gonna go Key hunting? Didn't you get some new keys from that Yukino girl?" She asked trying to act bored.

"That girl was weak but Lucy looks like an interesting foe."