
Fairy Tail: Starting with the Extermination of Dragons

Fairy Tail" continent X765. In this year, Erza was not born, and Natsu, who was carrying the stereo, was still in the era of 400 years ago. And after crossing into this world, Chi Yan, directly obtained the ability of the BOSS dragon to destroy the dragon in the game "Monster Hunter World". Not only that, but it seems to be able to continue to upgrade. And all of this begins when he and Irene meet.. pas mon livre

Supe3rman1234 · Cómic
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89 Chs

Chapitre 53

Chapter 53

By: Thriller

Cataclysm (50% Awakening)].

Chapter 68

Boom! ! !

The gust of wind caused by the crystal dragon Animus falling from the sky pushed Erin and Miraj's hair backwards.

Putting the charming bangs scattered in front of her eyebrows to her ear, Irene pursed her lips and smiled, "It's really easy."

Crystal Dragon Animus.

Although it is far from the level of the Dragon King like Ignilu, the Fire Dragon King, but as a dragon, it is not inferior to the level of the Three Kings of Ishgar.

It is enough to see the comparison between the fierce battle between Hayberion and Uluf Heim.

How far the Chi Yan has grown now.

Even if it is yourself, I am afraid that it is no longer an opponent, right?

The human girl Sonya in the distance trembled when she saw the scene of the Animus falling to the ground, covered in bruises and bruises.

Although with the help of the magic power of Animus, she lived for more than 400 years, almost equal to Irene.

But being disturbed by the Animus, she has been living in a daze, and it can't even be called alive.

But in any case, that is also the "companion" who has spent four hundred years with her.

If Animus died here, she was also very troubled.


Miraj withdrew from the demon form and shouted to the red flames that fell on the Animus.

However, Chi Yan did not respond.

The dying Animus said hoarsely: "I... actually died at the hands of the dragon-turning... dragon slayer wizard... Really, sad..."

Standing on top of the shattered head of the nearly beaten Animus.

Chi Yan looked down at the opponent's eyes, and the dragon scales on his body gradually retracted into his body.

Before the dragon claws completely subsided, Chi Yan raised his left hand, and the sharp dragon claws cut through the veins of his right wrist.

Like an unstoppable faucet, a large amount of blood melted into the Animus' head wound that seemed to be smashed into pieces.



Mirajie and Irene who were watching were both startled and didn't understand what Chi Yan was doing.

"It was originally the undead that died four hundred years ago, at least in the end, use your body to do something good, for me..."

As the blood of Chiyan poured into the Animus, the fragmented body began to heal gradually.

But at the same time, the pupils of the Animus gradually lost their original luster.

The body that has gradually recovered, but his eyes are dead!

[Profanity (Awakened, Fallen Skills, Soul Contaminated by Dragon Blood, Even Giant Dragons Can Control)]

When Animus' body completely recovered, the pupils in his eyes had completely lost focus.

Dragon scales grew out of Chiyan's left hand incision, and the wound was blocked to stop the bleeding.

The Animus supported the ground with both claws and climbed up again, but after that, he didn't show anything, just stood there quietly.

No matter if Chi Yan stepped on top of his head or something else, there was no reaction to him.

"Your Majesty, here, what happened?"

At this time, Sanya had trotted over and looked at the giant dragon in disbelief.

Not only her, but Irene and Miraj were equally puzzled.

"Dragon Legion,"

As soon as Chi Yan opened his mouth, he immediately attracted the attention of the three women.

I just heard Chi Yan say again: "From today on, let's call it that, the giant dragon army of the [Dragon Guild]."

Although I have never seen this kind of magic, but after all, it is a dragon that has lived for 400 years. Irene immediately saw the ability of blasphemous words and said in surprise:

"Is it control magic?"

Although control magic is not uncommon, forcibly controlling a person's body, or manipulating the target's spirit, so that the enemy can kill each other, are all control magic.

But the control magic that can control the dragon is also the first time Irene has seen it.

"Control... magic?"

Hearing this, Sanya had mixed feelings for a while. Although she survived, it made no difference if she died.

However, for this girl who has lived for 400 years, although Chi Yan has a little pity for her, she doesn't care what she thinks.

"Go back, this time the harvest is not small."

Chi Yan Road.

"The last time I rode on a dragon was when I was with Berselion."

Irene floated up, stood beside Chi Yan, looked at the crystal dragon under her feet, and said with emotion for a while.

"Huh? Didn't I ride on you last time?"

Chi Yan sneered.

Irene couldn't help but glance at him, and had already handed everything over to him, and this kind of topic would not make Irene feel embarrassed at all.

"Now start forgetting the past and start your new life, goodbye."

Miraj said to Sonya at last, jumping quickly on the back of the Animus.

The next moment, the Animus, who had been motionless before, raised his head and looked at Qingkong.

The wings swung for a while, and a violent storm was set off under the wave.

In the blink of an eye, he was nowhere in the clouds.

Sanya stood sluggishly in place, quietly looking at the dragon shadow that quickly disappeared into the sky, whispering: "Goodbye, Your Majesty..."



However, one wave after another, just before Chi Yan and the others returned from Stella Kingdom, they had to go to Krokas, the capital of Fiole Kingdom, to get the reward.

at this time.

The Magic Council held another regular meeting between the presidents of the major magic guilds.

Among them, the position of the president of the [Dragon Guild] is always empty.

That's right, everyone knew they wouldn't come, but just in case, they kept a spot.

In case that group of unpredictable guys are out of their minds and suddenly come to the meeting, only to find that there is no place for them, and the council has not been dismantled! ?

PS: It will be on the shelves at 0 o'clock. Wait a minute, it is the last update before it is on the shelves. I beg everyone to order it first.

The first order is really super important. .

Chapter 69

[Fairy Tail]

As always, it was extremely noisy, like a guild in a vegetable market.

Just like the original, Natsu and Gray, who became the guild's troublemakers, fought every day, and lacked Erza's discipline, it just made them more violent every day.

The Elfman incident also caused the guild to fall into a deadly atmosphere for a long time.

But in the end, the noise like a vegetable market is the essence of [Fairy Tail].

After a few days, it gradually recovered.

Even more so if Makarov wasn't there.

In the hall on the first floor, the two were still fighting as always.

Sitting at the table next to her, drinking without image, Kana still failed the S-rank assessment this year even without Erza, Miraj, and Mistgun.

No way, talent is something that really can't be forced.

Just as Natsu and Gray were fighting more and more fiercely, a big hand suddenly rushed out of the door, knocking out the two most violent brats.

"Noisy! I know all day long! I'm so annoying!"

Makarov blew his beard and walked in.

"Oh! President, are you back?"

Makao waved to Makarov: "This meeting is none of our business, right?"

"No shit! Do you have less trouble every day?"

Makarov glared at him, sat on the table at the front desk, and said, "The new three kings of Ishgar... No, now it should be said that the four kings have been elected."

Makarov's words immediately attracted the attention of all the members of the guild.

"The Four Heavenly Kings of Ishgar? What is that?"

Natsu tilted his head in confusion.

"Idiot! He is the strongest wizard in the Eastern Magic Continent!"

Gray cursed with contempt, then squeezed his chin and said, "It used to be the three kings of Ishgar, that is to say, has a new powerful wizard appeared?"

"See for yourself."

Makarov handed the document to Rebi and asked her to post it on the bulletin board