
Fairy tail: Magic General

John Osborne is your average teenager that loves anime and novels. Unfortunately? or Fortunately? He got run over by the truck himself truck-kun, Reincarnating him in the world of fairy tail with a cheat and a non-mainstream magic. All the characters here except my OC are the property of Hiro Mashima and all related franchises. Discord Link: https://discord.gg/ENhyK5Ff Image is not mine, just found it on internet

Xenodia · Cómic
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109 Chs

Chapter 2: First Totem

*Earth Land, Ishgar, Magnolia* *Year 771*

I woke up around seven in the morning. I go out of the room to wash up and brush my teeth. I go down the first floor to eat breakfast with the matron.

She looked at me and said " Be careful out there ok?". And I said " I will."

I picked up the axe and chisel and some rope from the utility room. I tied the axe on my back and put the chisel on the side of my waist after that I went out of the orphanage to the city gate in the east.

Standing beneath the gates I look onto the forest. "It's finally the time to start my adventure". Yes I finally said one of the cool lines I want to say hahahahaha. The people around me were looking at me like 'Is this kid trying to act cool?'.

Anyway I set off to the forest East of Magnolia. As I walk through the forest I saw that the trees here are quite tall it's around 7 meters tall. I'm searching for trees around 4 meters tall only and 1 meter thick.

As I search through the periphery of the forest I found some spices that look like garlic, onions and some chili so I dug them out, I will plant them later in my space. As I search and finally found a tree that is 4 meters tall and 1 meter thick.

So I took my axe from my back and start chopping it. After 25 minutes I finally chopped down the tree. I panted a little " Huff I got a bit tired from chopping down this tree. Anyway let's chop about 1 meter of it and put the rest in the space."

I tied the axe back to the back and put all the chopped wood inside the space. As I exit the forest I took out the 1 meter tall and 1 meter thick wood from my space and started carrying it to the city. I carried it so It doesn't look confusing when I took it out of nowhere.

As I enter the city many peoples eyes were drawn to me because of the log that I was carrying. Anyway I don't care about them, as I reach the orphanage I see the matron sitting by the door and seemingly waiting for me.

She came to my side and took the log from me and carried it to the living room. She asked me " How was your trip to the forest?". "It's quite refreshing considering the scenery." I answered.

" So is this the wood that you're gonna use for your totem?" She asked. "Yes it is the only wood that I can carry based on my tiny body. Anyway I'm gonna go get a bath I stank hahahaha." I said as I go upstairs.

After I took a bath I go inside my room and took two candles. These candles can last for about an hour. I took it inside my room and light them both and took one with me to the space. As I watch the candle melt in front of me.

I go outside of the space and saw that the other candle has about half left to be melted. I concluded that 1hour outside is about two hours inside the space. So from that conclusion that means 1 day outside is two days inside.

I go back inside the space to try to carve my first totem. But I first planted the herbs that I found outside in the space which are: Oregano, Chives, Garlic, Basil, rosemary, chili. That's the herbs that I founded inside the forest I hope to find more the next time I go again.

I go to where my log is after drinking some water from the pond. I chopped off all the branches and planted it next to my Iron tree. According to my memory that I got I can make three totems from this tree. So I divided this tree into three sections, the size of 1 meter tall and 1 meter thick.

I got nervous because this is my first time making a totem. From the memory I got the totem that I'm going to make is like Bickslow's totem that shoot charged beams at the enemy.

I calm myself as I started to carve. As this is the first time that I carved the lines is too rough and kinda funny faced totem, I failed though as I made a mistake in the connection that drains ethernano from the space to power the totem.

I succeed in the other two times that I carved, it looks like bickslow's totem with funny faces. I laugh at it after I finished. Now to complete the totem I need to seal a wandering soul inside my totem.

I didn't realized that I spent four hours inside the space, but it's ok it's only two hours outside. I went out of the space and took a bath. Then collected the log in the living room and go to the backyard. I carved as I watch the children play tag.

Frank noticed that I was doing something, so he came to my side and asked " Hey John! What are you doing with the wood?" " I'm making a totem." I replied. " A totem?" he asked. "It's what I need to use my magic". "WOW! Magic, I wonder when I'm going to awaken my magic." He pondered.

After some time I finished the carving, I took my totem and went out of magnolia again. I went to the forest again to look for wandering souls. Since many animals died inside the forest I quickly found three wandering souls for my soldiers.

My [Totem magic] is slightly different from Bickslow's [Human Possession], His magic just possess an object, while mine when possessing an object or a totem it enhances the item's durability making it difficult to break for mages of the same rank.

My totems also takes ethernano or magic energy from my space so I won't worry about me running out of battery while fighting. As I finished sealing three wandering souls of animals inside of my totems. My totems came to life flying here and there making weird Krii noises.

I tested the attack power of my totem by attacking a tree that is 4 meters thick and the beams just passed through it like paper. "That's some impressive firepower even though I'm only an F-rank mage". The maximum power of the totem is dependent on the material and the crafter.

Since I'm only an F-rank mage and the material that I used is from a normal tree, the power of my totem now is only hurting some F-rank magical creatures without killing it in rapid fire and a peak beginner F-rank mage power when concentrated. Where it cannot fire again for sometime to avoid destroying the totem.

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