
An Octopus, a Girl with Silver Hair, & the Train (Part I)

Jack couldn't believe what he is seeing now.

After what seemed like a long good moment within death's embrace, he suddenly woke up to find a creature; a yellow octopus to be exact.

Its bulbous head has the size of a regular beach ball with bead-like eyes and a very large grin. It appears to stand in a human posture, except it has six legs. The creature also wore the very black academic dress and small black cap with a yellow tassel that Jack was so familiar with, and the man sees a certain necktie with a yellow crescent moon around its neck as well.



The yellow octopus tilted its head, which happened to turn orange and a red circle appeared around its face. That expression alone is enough to answer Jack's suspicions.

"I'm surprised that you actually knew me, but you're indeed correct. I am Korosensei, it is nice to meet you~"

Jack didn't know what to say as he stands there in a daze, letting the yellow octopus shake his hand with one of his arm tentacles. He had to confirm more than a hundred times that he isn't dreaming, and notices the squishy feel from the tentacle.

"Ah... You seemed good at handshaking..."

When he finally looks directly at him, he sees his expression; the infamous half-assed expression. Jack quickly realizes that he gripped too hard on the tentacle and finally let go.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."

"NYRUFUFUFUFUFU~ No need for apologies. I don't mind your curiosity. But I say, you really do have interesting hands. What is your job?"

When he hears the word "job," Jack couldn't help but look away.

"Hm? Is there something wrong?"

"It's nothing."

"Are you sure?"

"None of your fucking business, Beach Ball!"

Everything went silent. Korosensei just wore a blank look after that line of tone, staring at him. This somewhat discomforts Jack, albeit guilty. I was too harsh there, he thought.

"I'm sorry, it's just... it's just that I'm not comfortable talking about, my work." Jack released a solemn sigh, speaking while not making direct eye contact to the yellow octopus.

Back then, he used to love working in the military. But after being banned from both high ranking position and service, he did not seem to miss his career. In fact, he realized that he actually hated his former job.

The next thing he knew, he feels his head being petted. Looking up, he sees Korosensei whose height towering over his figure. How is he this tall? Isn't his height around 9 feet as mentioned in the manga? As these trivial thoughts begin to span in his mind, the most important thing is when Korosensei finally speaks.

"If you feel like talking about it, you're allowed to speak. If not, I'll let you be. But don't hold it back, Jack. There are times that one must learn how to move on if they're able to educate from their pasts."

"So if you ever want to chat, just come to me and we'll learn together."

Jack didn't know why, but when he listened to his words, his heart begins to feel warm... And his vision became a little blurry? No! Don't cry, he told himself mentally. But looking at that normal smiley face only makes him feel more like he have been looked after by a caring father. Luckily, Korosensei reminded him once again.

"No need to shed tears, Jack. You just came and haven't started yet."

He sniffs quietly, rubbing his eyes with his arm and nods. When he finally calmed down, he remembered what Korosensei told him just now.

"What do you mean by 'I just came?' and what should I start?"

"NYURUFUFUFUFU~ Curious, curious, aren't you? Don't worry, you'll get your answers soon unless you follow me." (Korosensei)

"By the way, the nickname 'Beach Ball' sounds really plain. *Mutters* Better than Karma's though."

With that strange grin on his face, he turns around and walks with his six tentacles almost leaving a puzzled Jack as he mutters. Surprisingly, the man immediately catches up to him by instinct. There was no hesitation in his actions, as if he truly trusts this strange yellow octopus.

But didn't Class-E have full trust in him ever since he became their teacher? Korosensei was one of the most lovable, and memorable characters in the anime called Assassination Classroom. Although Jack didn't watch the show, he has read the manga before; one with a similar title and storyline. Besides his favorite AC characters like Karma and Nagisa, Korosensei is ranked number one on his list. Why? Because his personality (except for his perverted side) deserves to have such a treatment. He is like a wise man who knows what's best for his students and sometimes, there are a few scenes where he acted like an actual father-- or mother if he planned to be one. Nonetheless, he is a funny guy but totally awesome for his smart cheap tactics.

Everyone back in the military never liked sneak attacks, but Jack is a different matter. For him, they are what you call strategies.

As they walk, Jack notices the floor to be made in white pavement. Finally taking note of his surroundings, he realized that they are in a train station. The interior design looked similar to the British style of London's tower. Other than that, everything seemed to be colored in white, even the benches that they passed by. Also, there seems to be no signs of life but them. However, this place. Hm, it just gives off a familiar feeling. This made him think of two words: Harry Potter?

When his eyes wander at the architectural structures of the station, they land upon a certain board with visible gray numbers.

He read, "9 3/4."



Holy sh*t! Nine and three-quarters?! This platform is the Nine and Three-quarters?! Then this place must be...!

"..King's Cross Station?!"

"NYRUFUFUFU~ So you know this place."

He glances at Korosensei. Although he didn't look back, Jack was sure that he heard his shout and started talking to him.

"Of course, anyone who are familiar with the Harry Potter series should recognize this platform. After all, both the movie and the novel was very popular back in the days." (Korosensei)

"So you're telling me this is King's Cross... Does that mean we're in England?" (Jack)

But I died; a thought which he knew it's true. It wouldn't make sense if he isn't wearing white clothes ever since he woke up. He is also walking barefooted. It shouldn't be possible for a lifeless corpse to walk all the way to London from America. If it were possible, he would mean he became a zombie after death.

As for Korosensei...

"No, we're not in England." (Korosensei)

Jack stares at the walking back figure of the yellow octopus, immersing himself in deep recollection. He already finished the whole series, and the final episode have succeedingly left Jack to tears when he watched Korosensei slowly fade into light particles after Nagisa stabbed him in the chest.

That scene before the ending officially announced Korosensei's death.

And here he is, now walking with the supposedly dead humanoid octopus.

If I recall, in Harry Potter: Deathly Hollows Part 2, Harry had a near-death experience where he met Dumbledore's spirit at King's Cross Station.

This scene is almost exactly similar to his current situation; everything within the train station is colored with nothing but white. However, Korosensei is not his guardian figure or teacher. Jack is not even his student.

Am I actually somewhere close to the gate of heaven? He thought to himself.

While he was deep in thought, the yellow octopus suddenly stops. As Jack did not notice this, he ends up bumping into his back.

Turning over to the confused Jack, Korosensei speaks in a gentle tone.

"Let's stand here and wait. Our ride will be here soon." (Korosensei)

"Eh? We're going to ride a train? Don't we need tickets for that?" (Jack)

"NYRUFUFUFU~ We don't need one when I'm around." (Korosensei)

That left Jack confused. Does that mean he has a special pass? Since the yellow octopus wasn't planning to say much, he didn't try to indulge the topic.

It has already been thirty minutes and their train hasn't come. Fortunately, Korosensei remained patient. Jack decided to behave properly as well, and perhaps restrain himself from doing something reckless. The yellow octopus is fondling over a picture of a woman after all, which annoys the former veteran. Based on the pink hue covering all over his head and his beady eyes shaped into tiny hearts, it seems he is in love.

Jack is both flabbergasted and speechless. From his memory, the Assassination Classroom introduced Korosensei as a jovial character who is determined to teach the students of Class-E about various things before his death. However, there is a slight flaw in his personality; he is actually a big pervert. If he didn't have such an attitude, even in his octopus form, several women would have considered giving him a chance. But Jack knew him better. Although he is a man who has a lust for women's breasts, Korosensei can control his desires when necessary. After all, he was a heartless assassin known as "The Reaper" when he used to be human.

Even if he has a change of heart, Korosensei never thought about dating with anyone before. He just loves holding breasts.

And now, Jack is looking at a lovestruck octopus who is whispering sweet nothings to a photo. Who is this woman that could make this guy fall over heels? It's just ridiculous!

Despite growing impatient, Jack maintained his composure and asks, "Who's that?"

"Hm? Who?" Korosensei, who just woke up from his daydream after hearing Jack's voice, turned to him and blinks innocently.

With just that look, Jack almost have second thoughts whether he is an octopus, or a turtle with a yellow head and eight tentacles.

"The photo. Who's in the photo?"

Korosensei glances down at the photo then towards him. Out of Jack's expectations, the octopus begins to wear a smug grin. He almost plasters the photo onto his face for him to see as Korosensei bashfully exclaims.

"My wife~!"

Like he suspected, the person in the photo is indeed a woman; very slim and has large bust where she placed both of her hands. She also has a petite frame, with a short black hair with bangs and gentle light brown eyes. This woman has all of the qualities that men like Korosensei would drool at. Even Jack himself almost had a nosebleed, if it weren't for her clothes.

She was wearing a gray cleavage suit, leaving most of her fair skin exposed, including her private parts. But what left Jack speechless is the design of the dress. I-Is that koala themed? She even wore a headband with koala ears?!

"*Sigh* I know. She has a bad fashion sense as you can see. Despite that, she is still beautiful as always even I considered her koala theme clothes as my favorite! She looks so pure and innocent in that suit that I couldn't help but cuddle her all to myself~!"

As Korosensei continues to compliment his wife, he didn't know that Jack isn't listening the whole time. The former veteran just stares at the photo again, finally noticing the woman's short black hair and light brown eyes. He took note of her face as well; her cheeks was dyed in red hues as if she just turned to a tomato which made her exceptionally cute. Judging from her face structure and lack of wrinkles, he can tell that she is somewhere around mid twenties. How else is she hot as the beautiful morning sun? Although she appeared shy and embarrassed in the photo, Jack can still recognize her face from elsewhere.

In the anime, Korosensei had a close bond with a woman. She has a similar face as this woman in the photo. Let's not forget that she also has a bizarre sense in fashion.

This realization left Jack dumbfounded. Even the sight of a golden ring in her right hand nearly choked him from shock.

Since I'll be continuing this story, don't expect any more chapters this week. There are two reasons why; one, I often get reader's block and two, I have other things to do besides this. But I promise that I will update many more chapters next week (since it's Christmas). If you have anything to say, use the comment section. If you want to rate this chapter, then rate it. If you want to vote, then vote with Power Stones!

With that, thank you for reading and Merry Christmas~!


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