
Chapter 1: The Meeting

"ahhhh", a sudden squeal from a shallow pit was heard.

"Somebody help me please!"

She was pale and frail after falling a shallow pit right in the middle of the forest.

She was been there for hours. Her eyes were blurring and suddenly collapsed. Minutes after she could barely open her eyes - still blurring.

"are you okay?", someone asked. "miss?"

She was trying to put herself together.

"Drink some water, you must be thirsty", he said.

"T-thank you but I'm fine", she stammered.

She was forcing her body to stood up but she could barely do it.

"miss you look frail, don't push yourself", he said as he waves his palms in and out.

Hanasuki was on her feet but could barely stand up straight and her eyes blurred and suddenly she collapsed.

Next time she knew she was lying on a sleeping mat as she ran her palms to the fabric while hearing the rushing waters from a river nearby. She was inside a small room and noticed that her bruises and bleeding wounds are being aided and suddenly stood up and really getting to feel better as she wandered around the room and a small table with food and water on it got her attention. She was starring at it for a moment and ate eat because of hunger and couldn't help herself.

" I hope the one who owns this won't get mad," she thought. "Thanks for the food". she whispered as her palms pushed against each other.

She looked outside the window and saw no one as well as she peeped through the door ad quietly tiptoed to reach outside the house knowing that no one is watching her. When she got a little far, she tried to run but her knees were in pain yet still forcing her legs. Suddenly a flash of light blinded her eyes for a moment and when it was slowly disappearing, there she saw two fairies with human appearance standing in front of her: one was a red-haired boy with a slender but healthy looking body wearing a black long coat as well as the other guy who looked older than the first one. He has black hair, muscular body looking so manly.

"Get out of my way...leave me alone". she said in a gruff voice and had a frown on her face.

"We're here to accompany you back to our world", the black-haired man said in a low voice.

"Our world?!...huh?!. That's not my world. It's your world and I don't want to be there!", she said as she sniffles, and tears start falling down her cheeks because of anger.

"your father wants to see you, he's worried about you", the red-haired male fairy said.

"he's worried about me or his worried about losing me and no one would take over his throne?", she said in a gruff voice as she sniffles.

The guys took steps closer and swiftly grabbed her both hands. They were trying to bring her back but she used her half-fairy powers and transformed into a cat and ran as fast as she could but the fairies are powerful.

The black-haired male fairy raised her hand at chest level and face his palm towards Hanasuki. A blue and white light beam came out room his palm and creates a portal that pulled her into it like a magnet. successfully, the fairies brought her back to the fairy world.

Dark, cold, and loud - it describes the fairy world and they have one single rule: No Interaction with Humans.

"let go of me!", Hanasuki roared as she was pulling her arms from the grip of the fairies.

"Where have you been?", a large voice said from a distance." you should be in your room and enhancing your magic." he continued.

"why can't you just let me go?!... I don't want to be queen!" she shouted with anger.

"and why daughter?", he asked in a low voice looking down at her with a frown face.

Hanasuki was facing down and her arms are still held, tears come streaming down her face.

"I- I want to find mom and live as a human with her. I don't want yo be stuck down here forever," she explained.

Her father was in silence for a moment looking down at her with a frown face and sighed.

"bring her to her room and guard her. Don't let her leave again." He commanded

"What?!" she exclaimed as her eyes widened.

"yes, sir", the male fairy answered and forced her to come with them.

"Father no!" she begged." just let me go please."

But her father didn't even look back at her. The fairies finally brought her tp her perfectly sealed room - no windows. Tears continuously come streaming down her face because of anger and the thought that she'll never escape her misery. She sat down and lean against her door absentmindedly.

"Get ready! were going to fight", a fairy guard shouted from the hallway." white wolves are attacking the humans again."

She lay her left ear against the door and listened. She heard several footsteps marching, running, and loud voices like their in trouble.

"This could be my chance", she muttered to herself.

So she searched for any holes and fissures in the room and noticed that there was a small crack on the wall. She transformed as an ant and attempted to get through the crack and she succeeds. She reached the other side of the wall. She crawled on walls and ceilings without anyone noticing her.

When she finally reached the entrance and exit of the fairy world, she turned into a butterfly with black and blue spotted wings. Later on, she turned into a sparrow and flew away from the portal of their world. She was breathing fast and feeling tired. She landed down a huge tree with enormous roots that seems like a small cave. She went inside and turned herself back into her original human-like appearance and fell asleep because of tiredness.

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