
Failed To Marry The Best Woman (Will be republished)

Vera is a cheerful and kind-hearted girl who earns Resi and Lexy's respect, who are hunters with gentle and kind nature and behavior. However, Lexy's fate is sad when he doesn't succeed in marrying the woman he wants, instead a man named Resi whom Vera recognizes while in Paris is destined to become Vera's life partner. Humans cannot predict how the destiny of love will be for them later. Resi's meeting with Vera grows the seed of love in Resi's heart. Resi, who was initially embarrassed to express his love for Vera, tries to have the courage to express his feelings to Vera when he is in Paris and the Eiffel Tower as a witness to the beginning of their love, until Resi manages to propose to and marry Vera and converts her to Islam. Lexy, who also loves Vera, still doesn't have the courage to express his feelings for the woman he dreams of until he changes his beliefs to embrace Protestantism and hopes to marry Vera, but instead, fate doesn't turn out the way he expected. It becomes a very hurtful thing, when the woman he dreams of, whom he hopes to marry, instead marries another man. Lexy didn't know that Vera already had a lover, so she kept her hopes on Vera. And it is this ignorance that causes great pain and suffering to Lexy. On the other hand, Lexy, who changed her mind to stop the marriage between Vera and Resi, managed to save the happiness of the two couples.

LaSya_Nn · Ciudad
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11 Chs

Resi Starts to Have Feelings for Vera

At her inn while in the bedroom, Vera secretly looks at Resi's photo uploaded on Resi's Facebook account. wearing black loafers posing in front of the Sydney Opera House, Vera was unconsciously smiling while still looking at Resi's photo. It had been a long time since he had met Resi again, a sense of longing began to stir up in his heart.

Resi has been in Paris for 1 year, he has not seen Vera for months but they are still actively connected virtually, in fact Resi also misses Vera, he thinks of inviting Vera to meet him again and chat and joke together. Resi told Vera via a WhatsApp message that he would pick her up next weekend to meet, then Vera agreed to the request, Resi suggested that Vera not invite anyone to their meeting, Resi wanted the meeting next week to be just him and Vera.

Week has arrived. In accordance with his promise, Resi will pick up Vera at his inn. After breakfast, Resi immediately put on his nice casual clothes and sprayed some fragrance on his clothes 'okay that's neat, it's time for me to go see Vera' he said to himself while looking in the mirror. A few minutes later, the delivery car that had been rented by Resi arrived in front of his inn, the driver honked the car horn to signal that he had arrived at the pick-up location, Resi immediately approached the car and left for Vera's inn.

'knock tock' sounded a knock on the door of Vera's inn. Vera walked into the hall to open the door.

"Are you ready to go with me?" asked by Resi who was standing at the entrance.

"I'm ready, let's go now" said Vera.

Unknowingly, Resi stretched out his hand in front of Vera to invite her to join hands. Suddenly Vera was pensive for a moment seeing Resi who reached out his hand to invite her to join hands. After that, Resi immediately realized and he felt very ashamed of what he had done just now.

"Sorry" said Resi with a red face, "let's get in the car" Resi invited to distract Vera from this.

All the way to the Palais Royal garden, Resi felt nervous thinking back to what he had accidentally done earlier, moreover his sitting position beside Vera made him feel even more nervous and uncomfortable. Because of his awkward behavior, when he turned to face Vera, his forehead hit Vera's forehead. "Ouch" suddenly Vera's soft voice while holding her forehead. And spontaneously Resi immediately stroked Vera's forehead.

"Vera, I'm sorry I accidentally hit your forehead," said Resi while he was stroking Vera's forehead.

Vera was amazed to see Resi's handsome face which was displayed up close and clear in front of her, the gentle caress of Resi's hand on her forehead made her feel even more complacent. Resi's face is really charming when seen from a very close distance. A sharp nose, wide eyes, a firm jawline and slightly thick lips made Vera fall asleep. Many women yearn for a Resi, but Resi does not easily accept every woman who wants him, he is very careful in choosing a partner. As far as Resi was growing up, he had never had a woman he had made as a girlfriend.

Resi and Vera had arrived at the Palais Royal, the tour guide welcomed them very kindly. Resi and Vera walked to a restaurant near the Palais Royal, as soon as they got there the waiter immediately opened the restaurant's door and asked them to sit in the chairs of their choice. The food delivery waitress approached the two of them while carrying a food menu book. Vera and Resi were engrossed in looking at the various menus attached to each page of the food menu book.

"Vera, what food would you like to order?" Resi asked while handing a food menu book to Vera.

"I want to order a beef steak with a lemon-flavored cold drink" Vera replied while pointing at the photo of the food and drink menu she chose.

The food delivery waitress took Resi and Vera's order, then immediately went to the kitchen to give the order note to the chef. A few minutes passed, the food delivery waiter came over to Resi and Vera with a serving of food, the waiter politely and neatly placed the food and drinks on the table. Resi and Vera immediately devoured the food that was served.

"Vera. I want to ask, have you been okay so far?" Asked by Resi in the middle of them enjoying each of their food.

"Yeah, I've been fine so far and I haven't had any problems. Why do you ask me that?" replied and asked back by Vera with a sense of wonder.

"I just want to know how you are. As a friend, I'm also worried about the condition of my friend who hasn't seen me for a long time" replied Resi while giving a warm smile.

Vera also responded to Resi's words with a warm smile. She was touched to hear Resi's wise answer which showed that Resi was a friend who cared about her friend's condition. 'Actually I miss you Vera, there is something different that I feel when I meet you again. Letting go of this feeling of longing is like finding back something that was once lost' muttered Resi in his heart. For a moment, Resi stopped bribing his food for a moment and looked at Vera's face, while Vera was still looking down enjoying the food he was feeding. 'A simple woman, but her heart is very special', Resi muttered in his heart.

"Resi" Vera called out to make Resi realize who was staring at his face, and suddenly Resi was shocked. "What are you observing?" asked Vera curiously.

"Oh no, when I saw you, I remembered my childhood friend, whose face looks a bit like yours," replied Resi's lie while glancing his eyeballs to the right and left. But unfortunately, from Resi's eyes, Vera knew that Resi was lying and did not say what he meant honestly. Vera tried to forget about it and erase her curiosity about it.

The Resi took a deep breath "Vera, would you like to walk alone with me around the gardens of the Palais Royal? Ask and invite by Resi.

"That's okay, I don't refuse because we are only on vacation together," Vera replied, smiling.

When the two of them had finished their food, they immediately went around the Palais Royal gardens. There was still a different feeling, Resi's heart was beating faster the whole time he was walking with Vera. About 2.5 hours have spent around, they finally stopped and rested for a while.

"Resi. I plan to invite you to dinner at my house, are you willing to come?" said Vera.

"I will come. If I may ask, who else did you invite besides me?" reply by Resi.

"nothing else, dinner was special for the two of us with my parents. I have told my parents about you, they want to meet you in person" answered Vera.

Spontaneously, Resi was surprised to hear Vera's answer, because the first time she was asked by Vera to come to dinner at her house without anyone else, Vera had previously invited Resi to meet and eat with her friends in a crowded place.

"Okay, it's good for me to get to know your parents," Resi replied in response to Vera's conversation.

'Maybe this is an opportunity to strengthen my friendship with Resi' Vera muttered in her heart when she took her eyes off Resi while smiling faintly. He did what Fiva had asked him to do so that his friendship with Resi would be even closer.

"It's getting late, do you want to go home or do you still want to enjoy your holiday a little longer?" Resi offers to Vera.

"To be honest, I actually still want to be here with you enjoying the holiday at this time, but because my body is starting to feel tired, we should go home so I can rest and relieve fatigue," said Vera.

The pressure of the words I still want to be here with you, makes Resi think that Vera feels very comfortable around him so he wants to be with him, but Resi tries not to misunderstand those words, he thinks back maybe Vera wants to enjoy her day off a little longer to let go burden of mind that may arise due to academic and work pressure.

They both returned to their respective lodging houses. Arriving at home, Resi rushed to the bathroom to take ablution water and then performed the Maghrib prayer. After that, he lay down on the bed, in his mind he was constantly haunted by the image of Vera. Resi turned on her cellphone and looked at the portrait of Vera that she had uploaded from Vera's Facebook account. He smiled to himself staring at Vera's self-portrait, until finally he fell asleep while still holding his cellphone whose screen showed Vera's self-portrait.