
See You On The Other Side

On rooftops, a figure was observed running and jumping while periodically turning to face behind them. After looking behind him, one could not help but wonder what this figure was running from because there was nothing at all to be seen behind him.

   Seemingly calculating something, he glanced ahead of him before becoming at ease. "I should not be here much longer before I leave. I am happy I got rid of that devil.

   However, he quickly stopped walking after hearing a voice that instantly made him feel extremely uneasy. "Which devil is pursuing my brother, I wonder. Give me a heads-up and I will take care of him." A laugh could be heard in the voice.

   After hearing that peal of laughter, the figure that had been running earlier appeared to have turned terrified. The person in front of him was obviously someone he was extremely afraid of. Both of them had black clothing on, and a black cloth covered their faces. After seeing his reaction, it was clear who was afraid of whom.

    The person in his path sighed after staring at him for a full twelve seconds. "Come back with me, Eleven, my brother."

     The moment Eleven heard those words, his whole body shook. Without hesitation, he shot back, "Never!"

    A frown appeared on the other person's face, which was conveyed through his eyes. "Eleven, why are you acting so rebelliously? Why are you fleeing and voluntarily seeking death? Have you ever been in need of anything?Were the resources you required not readily available to you? What makes you so unfaithful and challenging? If you will not accompany me back to the family, I will have to kill you even though I do not want to. Please return with me so that we can steer clear of this."

  With a sigh, Eleven shook his head after giving the figure in front of him a long, hard look. "You are not getting it, and I do not think you ever will. Thirty-Eight, you will understand in due course. You will always be the little child dc that I look after, both in this life and the next. I apologize that it had to come to this point between us."

   Thirty-Eight stared at the person in front of him with an unwavering glare in his eyes. A frown appeared on his face. How come you are acting so tough today? This is not how you have always been. What is it that you understand that I cannot? How come you can not tell me what is wrong so I can work with you to find a solution? Do not pretend that you have forgotten that you can not flee from your family and survive." The tone of Thirty-Eight's voice was almost like a yell.

   Eleven had apeculiar smile on his face. "I can not really be that dull, is that right?"

  Thirty-Eight's expression became more scowling and his eyes appeared confused as he

regarded the person in front of him. His eyebrows were deeply furrowed, as though they might suddenly lift. "So why? Why are you still trying to flee when you know what will happen to you if you do? Why do you want to die in this way so much? Why do you act so foolish all of a sudden? What is wrong with you? Why do I feel like you are not the same person I have known for so long now?Like you are not the one who will hold his ground and deal the final blow after waiting for his opponent to make a mistake first? Who in the world are you, exactly?

Eleven gave him a wry smile and looked at him with a questioning, deep-set gaze. Why is it that I feel like you have turned into an idiot just like me? Do you not think that you have also become naive? "Oh no, thirty-eight, is there a problem with you?"

With a quick glance away, Thirty-Eight whistled, as though he had not heard a word. "Even though you are still the same, I have the impression that you have changed since I have known you for so long. What exactly is wrong with you, my brother?"

Eleven gave him a soft look, his eyes shining with a confused emotion that made his mind go blank. After a long while, he was able to gather his thoughts and he sighed. They were quite close, based on their interactions. "Prior to now, I would never have dared to call myself your enemy, but I am confident that you are not, even now, because I recognize that you are acting in this way due to lack of choice, and I still would never dare tell you to leave that horrible place, because I want you to live on for me and for any other compelling reason you may have."

The moment Thirty-Eight heard those words, he scowled. "You are not allowed to use those derogatory remarks against Eleven, the family brother."

Eleven bowed his head and appeared to be thinking deeply. After a while, he lifted his head, defeat written all over his face.He said, "Look, brother..." while fixing Thirty-Eight with a flaming gaze. I do not mean to cause trouble for you or anything, but I have a question for you: do you really think that man loves you? Do you really believe that he regards you as his son? How can you not believe that he only sees you as a weapon to deal with his enemies? How sure are you that he will not try to silence you once he is finished using you to commit his heinous acts? I would like you to think about it.

Thirty-Eight appeared to be deep in thought, but shook his head and glared at Eleven. "And here you were telling me that you aren't trying to drive wedge between us. If this isn't a wedge, then tell me what it is, brother.are temping while periodically turning to face behind them. After looking behind him, one could not help but wonder what this figure was running from because there was nothing at all to be seen behind him.

   Seemingly calculating something, he glanced ahead of him before becoming at ease. "I should not be here much longer before I leave. I am happy I got rid of that devil.

   However, he quickly stopped walking after hearing a voice that instantly made him feel extremely uneasy. "Which devil is pursuing my brother, I wonder. Give me a heads-up and I will take care of him." A laugh could be heard in the voice.

   After hearing that peal of laughter, the figure that had been running earlier appeared to have turned terrified. The person in front of him was obviously someone he was extremely afraid of. Both of them had black clothing on, and a black cloth covered their faces. After seeing his reaction, it was clear who was afraid of whom.

    The person in his path sighed after staring at him for a full twelve seconds. "Come back with me, Eleven, my brother."

     The moment Eleven heard those words, his whole body shook. Without hesitation, he shot back, "Never!"

    A frown appeared on the other person's face, which was conveyed through his eyes. "Eleven, why are you acting so rebelliously? Why are you fleeing and voluntarily seeking death? Have you ever been in need of anything?Were the resources you required not readily available to you? What makes you so unfaithful and challenging? If you will not accompany me back to the family, I will have to kill you even though I do not want to. Please return with me so that we can steer clear of this."

  With a sigh, Eleven shook his head after giving the figure in front of him a long, hard look. "You are not getting it, and I do not think you ever will. Thirty-Eight, you will understand in due course. You will always be the little child that I look after, both in this life and the next. I apologize that it had to come to this point between us."

   Thirty-Eight stared at the person in front of him with an unwavering glare in his eyes. A frown appeared on his face. How come you are acting so tough today? This is not how you have always been. What is it that you understand that I cannot? How come you can not tell me what is wrong so I can work with you to find a solution? Do not pretend that you have forgotten that you can not flee from your family and survive." The tone of Thirty-Eight's voice was almost like a yell.

   Eleven had a peculiar smile on his face. "I can not really be that dull, is that right?"

  Thirty-Eight's expression became more scowling and his eyes appeared confused as he

regarded the person in front of him. His eyebrows were deeply furrowed, as though they might suddenly lift. "So why? Why are you still trying to flee when you know what will happen to you if you do? Why do you want to die in this way so much? Why do you act so foolish all of a sudden? What is wrong with you? Why do I feel like you are not the same person I have known for so long now?Like you are not the one who will hold his ground and deal the final blow after waiting for his opponent to make a mistake first? Who in the world are you, exactly?

Eleven gave him a wry smile and looked at him with a questioning, deep-set gaze. Why is it that I feel like you have turned into an idiot just like me? Do you not think that you have also become naive? "Oh no, thirty-eight, is there a problem with you?"

With a quick glance away, Thirty-Eight whistled, as though he had not heard a word. "Even though you are still the same, I have the impression that you have changed since I have known you for so long. What exactly is wrong with you, my brother?"

Eleven gave him a soft look, his eyes shining with a confused emotion that made his mind go blank. After a long while, he was able to gather his thoughts and he sighed. They were quite close, based on their interactions. "Prior to now, I would never have dared to call myself your enemy, but I am confident that you are not, even now, because I recognize that you are acting in this way due to lack of choice, and I still would never dare tell you to leave that horrible place, because I want you to live on for me and for any other compelling reason you may have."

The moment Thirty-Eight heard those words, he scowled. "You are not allowed to use those derogatory remarks against Eleven, the family brother."

Eleven bowed his head and appeared to be thinking deeply. After a while, he lifted his head, defeat written all over his face.He said, "Look, brother..." while fixing Thirty-Eight with a flaming gaze. I do not mean to cause trouble for you or anything, but I have a question for you: do you really think that man loves you? Do you really believe that he regards you as his son? How can you not believe that he only sees you as a weapon to deal with his enemies? How sure are you that he will not try to silence you once he is finished using you to commit his heinous acts? I would like you to think about it.

Thirty-Eight appeared to be deep in thought, but shook his head and glared at Eleven. "And here you were telling me that you aren't trying to drive wedge between us. If this isn't a wedge, then tell me what it is, brother.are telling mewere telling me that you aren't trying to drive wedge between us. If this isn't a wedge, then tell me what it is, brother."

E that you are not attempting to drive a wedge between us." If this isn't a wedge, then tell me what it is, brother."

Eleven shook his head but he still replied, "The truth."

Thirty-Eight looked like someone who had the funniest joke in the world, he couldn't help but laugh. "You even dare to say it's the truth? Tell me what other truth there could be in the whole world apart from you dying by my sword tonight."

There was no change in Eleven's expression as he heard those words, but it was more like there was a look of appreciation in his eyes. "I'm well aware of the fact that I might die here tonight and won't dispute with you if it's the truth or not... but I must tell you to be careful of that man."

Thirty-Eight was silent for a while before he suddenly turned around and stayed like that for long, with his back to Eleven. His eyes were closed as he stood there in the silent night.

Eleven could only continue to stare at his back while reminiscing on the past he'd shared with the person before him. He'd always thought about the day when they would both have a falling out, and yet when they where finally standing on the opposing sides of each other he found it inconceivable to oppose this formidable person that was never his opponent to begin with. He remembered how he'd always doted on him and protected him from anyone who tried to bully him like he was the most cherished treasure in the world. He also remembered when he was brought in newly, his feet bare and his clothes almost in tatters like rags, he'd gone out that night and killed the abominable people that the kid had stayed with before his arrival that day, and even their adoptive father whom they feared like a plague had supported his decision instead of dishing out punishments to him like he'd always done whenever he wanted to vent his anger and he'd sincerely called him 'dad' which he refused to call him since the day he stepped into the 'family'. His adoptive father had been in an unusual 'pleasant mode' than he normally would which was a very pleasant surprise to the children.

He used to be the fifth most formidable person in the family, but the growth of this brother of him scared the strength and pride out of all the children whenever they stood before him, because he had actually grown to become the strongest of them all! He was even a rare genius in academic sense! His name alone struck terror in their hearts.

After a long time of silence passed between them like that, Thirty-Eight turned around and stared silently at the person he'd become too accustomed to and cherished the way the other cherished him. There was a bit of reluctance in his eyes for a second before he shook his head as if to get rid of the thought. They'd grown in the fiercest of places and had already killed a lot of their loved ones without any second thought and to him nothing could ever change his mind about any mission that was assigned to him, but it was clearly different with this person, he found it a bit difficult.

He shook his head and raised it slowly and set his gaze dead on Eleven. "Draw your sword, traitor. I want to have a reason for killing you today." His eyes had become red from his conflicted heart.

Eleven nodded his head slightly and kicked the tip of his sword's sheath sending it up into the air, his eyes never leaving the other person who stood there calmly as if nothing could ever shake him. In one swift motion, he drew his sword out of its sheath while it was still in the air and streaked toward the other person who stood there silently, waiting for him.

The sound of sword clashing against sword rang in the air, and several other sounds followed after that. Eleven continously searched for openings while striking at the other figure's vitals , but his strikes always failed to touch his opponent's clothes each time making him feel depressed.

After exchanging strikes in an instant, he backed up from his opponent and stood several yards away swiftly. "Make your move, I alread lost"

Thirty-Eight bent his head for a moment and said softly, "I won't hold back." He moved almost immediately

Eleven brought his sword to his front to protect himself, but it was already too late ... because a sword had pierced his heart already. He smiled when he saw the sword in his chest, and held the hand that held the sword. He raised his head to look at the figure in black who stood there silently like it had nothing to do with him in the slightest. "Thank you, my dear brother. In the next life... we'll be blood brothers, and an inseparable one too."

The hand that held the sword withdrew, and together with it, the sword. Eleven fell to thOn rooftops, a figure was observed running and jumping while periodically turning to face behind them. After looking behind him, one could not help but wonder what this figure was running from because there was nothing at all to be seen behind him.

   Seemingly calculating something, he glanced ahead of him before becoming at ease. "I should not be here much longer before I leave. I am happy I got rid of that devil.

   However, he quickly stopped walking after hearing a voice that instantly made him feel extremely uneasy. "Which devil is pursuing my brother, I wonder. Give me a heads-up and I willing mewere telling me that you aren't trying to drive wedge between us. If this isn't a wedge, then tell me what it is, brother."

E that you are not attempting to drive a wedge between us." If this isn't a wedge, then tell me what it is, brother."

Eleven shook his head but he still replied, "The truth."

Thirty-Eight looked like someone who had the funniest joke in the world, he couldn't help but laugh. "You even dare to say it's the truth? Tell me what other truth there could be in the whole world apart from you dying by my sword tonight."

There was no change in Eleven's expression as he heard those words, but it was more like there was a look of appreciation in his eyes. "I'm well aware of the fact that I might die here tonight and won't dispute with you if it's the truth or not... but I must tell you to be careful of that man."

Thirty-Eight was silent for a while before he suddenly turned around and stayed like that for long, with his back to Eleven. His eyes were closed as he stood there in the silent night.

Eleven could only continue to stare at his back while reminiscing on the past he'd shared with the person before him. He'd always thought about the day when they would both have a falling out, and yet when they where finally standing on the opposing sides of each other he found it inconceivable to oppose this formidable person that was never his opponent to begin with. He remembered how he'd always doted on him and protected him from anyone who tried to bully him like he was the most cherished treasure in the world. He also remembered when he was brought in newly, his feet bare and his clothes almost in tatters like rags, he'd gone out that night and killed the abominable people that the kid had stayed with before his arrival that day, and even their adoptive father whom they feared like a plague had supported his decision instead of dishing out punishments to him like he'd always done whenever he wanted to vent his anger and he'd sincerely called him 'dad' which he refused to call him since the day he stepped into the 'family'. His adoptive father had been in an unusual 'pleasant mode' than he normally would which was a very pleasant surprise to the children.

He used to be the fifth most formidable person in the family, but the growth of this brother of him scared the strength and pride out of all the children whenever they stood before him, because he had actually grown to become the strongest of them all! He was even a rare genius in academic sense! His name alone struck terror in their hearts.

After a long time of silence passed between them like that, Thirty-Eight turned around and stared silently at the person he'd become too accustomed to and cherished the way the other cherished him. There was a bit of reluctance in his eyes for a second before he shook his head as if to get rid of the thought. They'd grown in the fiercest of places and had already killed a lot of their loved ones without any second thought and to him nothing could ever change his mind about any mission that was assigned to him, but it was clearly different with this person, he found it a bit difficult.

He shook his head and raised it slowly and set his gaze dead on Eleven. "Draw your sword, traitor. I want to have a reason for killing you today." His eyes had become red from his conflicted heart.

Eleven nodded his head slightly and kicked the tip of his sword's sheath sending it up into the air, his eyes never leaving the other person who stood there calmly as if nothing could ever shake him. In one swift motion, he drew his sword out of its sheath while it was still in the air and streaked toward the other person who stood there silently, waiting for him.

The sound of sword clashing against sword rang in the air, and several other sounds followed after that. Eleven continously searched for openings while striking at the other figure's vitals , but his strikes always failed to touch his opponent's clothes each time making him feel depressed.

After exchanging strikes in an instant, he backed up from his opponent and stood several yards away swiftly. "Make your move, I alread lost"

Thirty-Eight bent his head for a moment and said softly, "I won't hold back." He moved almost immediately

Eleven brought his sword to his front to protect himself, but it was already too late ... because a sword had pierced his heart already. He smiled when he saw the sword in his chest, and held the hand that held the sword. He raised his head to look at the figure in black who stood there silently like it had nothing to do with him in the slightest. "Thank you, my dear brother. In the next life... we'll be blood brothers, and an inseparable one too."

The hand that held the sword withdrew, and together with it, the sword. Eleven fell to thOn rooftops, a figure was observed running and jumping while periodically turning to face behind them. After looking behind him, one could not help but wonder what this figure was running from because there was nothing at all to be seen behind him.

   Seemingly calculating something, he glanced ahead of him before becoming at ease. "I should not be here much longer before I leave. I am happy I got rid of that devil.

   However, he quickly stopped walking after hearing a voice that instantly made him feel extremely uneasy. "Which devil is pursuing my brother, I wonder. Give me a heads-up and I willEleven shook his head, but he still said, "the truth."dge between us. If this isn't a wedge, then tell me what it is, brother."

E that you are not attemptEleven shook his head, but he still said, "the truth."dge between us. If this isn't a wedge, then tell me what it is, brother."

E that you are not attempting to drive a wedge between us." If this isn't a wedge, then tell me what it is, brother."

Eleven shook his head but he still replied, "The truth."

Thirty-Eight looked like someone who had the funniest joke in the world, he couldn't help but laugh. "You even dare to say it's the truth? Tell me what other truth there could be in the whole world apart from you dying by my sword tonight."

There was no change in Eleven's expression as he heard those words, but it was more like there was a look of appreciation in his eyes. "I'm well aware of the fact that I might die here tonight and won't dispute with you if it's the truth or not... but I must tell you to be careful of that man."

Thirty-Eight was silent for a while before he suddenly turned around and stayed like that for long, with his back to Eleven. His eyes were closed as he stood there in the silent night.

Eleven could only continue to stare at his back while reminiscing on the past he'd shared with the person before him. He'd always thought about the day when they would both have a falling out, and yet when they where finally standing on the opposing sides of each other he found it inconceivable to oppose this formidable person that was never his opponent to begin with. He remembered how he'd always doted on him and protected him from anyone who tried to bully him like he was the most cherished treasure in the world. He also remembered when he was brought in newly, his feet bare and his clothes almost in tatters like rags, he'd gone out that night and killed the abominable people that the kid had stayed with before his arrival that day, and even their adoptive father whom they feared like a plague had supported his decision instead of dishing out punishments to him like he'd always done whenever he wanted to vent his anger and he'd sincerely called him 'dad' which he refused to call him since the day he stepped into the 'family'. His adoptive father had been in an unusual 'pleasant mode' than he normally would which was a very pleasant surprise to the children.

He used to be the fifth most formidable person in the family, but the growth of this brother of him scared the strength and pride out of all the children whenever they stood before him, because he had actually grown to become the strongest of them all! He was even a rare genius in academic sense! His name alone struck terror in their hearts.

After a long time of silence passed between them like that, Thirty-Eight turned around and stared silently at the person he'd become too accustomed to and cherished the way the other cherished him. There was a bit of reluctance in his eyes for a second before he shook his head as if to get rid of the thought. They'd grown in the fiercest of places and had already killed a lot of their loved ones without any second thought and to him nothing could ever change his mind about any mission that was assigned to him, but it was clearly different with this person, he found it a bit difficult.

He shook his head and raised it slowly and set his gaze dead on Eleven. "Draw your sword, traitor. I want to have a reason for killing you today." His eyes had become red from his conflicted heart.

Eleven nodded his head slightly and kicked the tip of his sword's sheath sending it up into the air, his eyes never leaving the other person who stood there calmly as if nothing could ever shake him. In one swift motion, he drew his sword out of its sheath while it was still in the air and streaked toward the other person who stood there silently, waiting for him.

The sound of sword clashing against sword rang in the air, and several other sounds followed after that. Eleven continously searched for openings while striking at the other figure's vitals , but his strikes always failed to touch his opponent's clothes each time making him feel depressed.

After exchanging strikes in an instant, he backed up from his opponent and stood several yards away swiftly. "Make your move, I alread lost"

Thirty-Eight bent his head for a moment and said softly, "I won't hold back." He moved almost immediately

Eleven brought his sword to his front to protect himself, but it was already too late ... because a sword had pierced his heart already. He smiled when he saw the sword in his chest, and held the hand that held the sword. He raised his head to look at the figure in black who stood there silently like it had nothing to do with him in the slightest. "Thank you, my dear brother. In the next life... we'll be blood brothers, and an inseparable one too."

The hand that held the sword withdrew, and together with it, the sword. Eleven fell to thOn rooftops, a figure was observed running and jumping while periodically turning to face behind them. After looking behind him, one could not help but wonder what this figure was running from because there was nothing at all to be seen behind him.

   Seemingly calculating something, he glanced ahead of him before becoming at ease. "I should not be here much longer before I leave. I am happy I got rid of that devil.

   However, he quickly stopped walking after hearing a voice that instantly made him feel extremely uneasy. "Which devil is pursuing my brother, I wonder. Give me a heads-up and I will take care of him." A laugh could be heard in the voice.

   After hearing that peal of laughter, the figure that had been running earlier appeared to have turned terrified. The person in front of him was obviously someone he was extremely afraid of. Both of them had black clothing on, and a black cloth covered their faces. After seeing his reaction, it was clear who was afraid of whom.

    The person in his path sighed after staring at him for a full twelve seconds. "Come back with me, Eleven, my brother."

     The moment Eleven heard those words, his whole body shook. Without hesitation, he shot back, "Never!"

    A frown appeared on the other person's face, which was conveyed through his eyes. "Eleven, why are you acting so rebelliously? Why are you fleeing and voluntarily seeking death? Have you ever been in need of anything?Were the resources you required not readily available to you? What makes you so unfaithful and challenging? If you will not accompany me back to the family, I will have to kill you even though I do not want to. Please return with me so that we can steer clear of this."

  With a sigh, Eleven shook his head after giving the figure in front of him a long, hard look. "You are not getting it, and I do not think you ever will. Thirty-Eight, you will understand in due course. You will always be the little child that I look after, both in this life and the next. I apologize that it had to come to this point between us."

   Thirty-Eight stared at the person in front of him with an unwavering glare in his eyes. A frown appeared on his face. How come you are acting so tough today? This is not how you have always been. What is it that you understand that I cannot? How come you can not tell me what is wrong so I can work with you to find a solution? Do not pretend that you have forgotten that you can not flee from your family and survive." The tone of Thirty-Eight's voice was almost like a yell.

   Eleven had a peculiar smile on his face. "I can not really be that dull, is that right?"

  Thirty-Eight's expression became more scowling and his eyes appeared confused as he

regarded the person in front of him. His eyebrows were deeply furrowed, as though they might suddenly lift. "So why? Why are you still trying to flee when you know what will happen to you if you do? Why do you want to die in this way so much? Why do you act so foolish all of a sudden? What is wrong with you? Why do I feel like you are not the same person I have known for so long now?Like you are not the one who will hold his ground and deal the final blow after waiting for his opponent to make a mistake first? Who in the world are you, exactly?

Eleven gave him a wry smile and looked at him with a questioning, deep-set gaze. Why is it that I feel like you have turned into an idiot just like me? Do you not think that you have also become naive? "Oh no, thirty-eight, is there a problem with you?"

With a quick glance away, Thirty-Eight whistled, as though he had not heard a word. "Even though you are still the same, I have the impression that you have changed since I have known you for so long. What exactly is wrong with you, my brother?"

Eleven gave him a soft look, his eyes shining with a confused emotion that made his mind go blank. After a long while, he was able to gather his thoughts and he sighed. They were quite close, based on their interactions. "Prior to now, I would never have dared to call myself your enemy, but I am confident that you are not, even now, because I recognize that you are acting in this way due to lack of choice, and I still would never dare tell you to leave that horrible place, because I want you to live on for me and for any other compelling reason you may have."

The moment Thirty-Eight heard those words, he scowled. "You are not allowed to use those derogatory remarks against Eleven, the family brother."

Eleven bowed his head and appeared to be thinking deeply. After a while, he lifted his head, defeat written all over his face.He said, "Look, brother..." while fixing Thirty-Eight with a flaming gaze. I do not mean to cause trouble for you or anything, but I have a question for you: do you really think that man loves you? Do you really believe that he regards you as his son? How can you not believe that he only sees you as a weapon to deal with his enemies? How sure are you that he will not try to silence you once he is finished using you to commit his heinous acts? I would like you to think about it.

Thirty-Eight appeared to be deep in thought, but shook his head and glared at Eleven. "And here you were telling me that you aren't trying to drive wedge between us. If this isn't a wedge, then tell me what it is, brother.are telling mewere telling me that you aren't trying to drive wedge between us. If this isn't a wedge, then tell me what it is, brother."

E that you are not attempting to drive a wedge between us." If this isn't a wedge, then tell me what it is, brother."

Eleven shook his head but he still replied, "The truth."

Thirty-Eight looked like someone who had the funniest joke in the world, he couldn't help but laugh. "You even dare to say it's the truth? Tell me what other truth there could be in the whole world apart from you dying by my sword tonight."

There was no change in Eleven's expression as he heard those words, but it was more like there was a look of appreciation in his eyes. "I'm well aware of the fact that I might die here tonight and won't dispute with you if it's the truth or not... but I must tell you to be careful of that man."

Thirty-Eight was silent for a while before he suddenly turned around and stayed like that for long, with his back to Eleven. His eyes were closed as he stood there in the silent night.

Eleven could only continue to stare at his back while reminiscing on the past he'd shared with the person before him. He'd always thought about the day when they would both have a falling out, and yet when they where finally standing on the opposing sides of each other he found it inconceivable to oppose this formidable person that was never his opponent to begin with. He remembered how he'd always doted on him and protected him from anyone who tried to bully him like he was the most cherished treasure in the world. He also remembered when he was brought in newly, his feet bare and his clothes almost in tatters like rags, he'd gone out that night and killed the abominable people that the kid had stayed with before his arrival that day, and even their adoptive father whom they feared like a plague had supported his decision instead of dishing out punishments to him like he'd always done whenever he wanted to vent his anger and he'd sincerely called him 'dad' which he refused to call him since the day he stepped into the 'family'. His adoptive father had been in an unusual 'pleasant mode' than he normally would which was a very pleasant surprise to the children.

He used to be the fifth most formidable person in the family, but the growth of this brother of him scared the strength and pride out of all the children whenever they stood before him, because he had actually grown to become the strongest of them all! He was even a rare genius in academic sense! His name alone struck terror in their hearts.

After a long time of silence passed between them like that, Thirty-Eight turned around and stared silently at the person he'd become too accustomed to and cherished the way the other cherished him. There was a bit of reluctance in his eyes for a second before he shook his head as if to get rid of the thought. They'd grown in the fiercest of places and had already killed a lot of their loved ones without any second thought and to him nothing could ever change his mind about any mission that was assigned to him, but it was clearly different with this person, he found it a bit difficult.

He shook his head and raised it slowly and set his gaze dead on Eleven. "Draw your sword, traitor. I want to have a reason for killing you today." His eyes had become red from his conflicted heart.

Eleven nodded his head slightly and kicked the tip of his sword's sheath sending it up into the air, his eyes never leaving the other person who stood there calmly as if nothing could ever shake him. In one swift motion, he drew his sword out of its sheath while it was still in the air and streaked toward the other person who stood there silently, waiting for him.

The sound of sword clashing against sword rang in the air, and several other sounds followed after that. Eleven continously searched for openings while striking at the other figure's vitals , but his strikes always failed to touch his opponent's clothes each time making him feel depressed.

After exchanging strikes in an instant, he backed up from his opponent and stood several yards away swiftly. "Make your move, I alread lost"

Thirty-Eight bent his head for a moment and said softly, "I won't hold back." He moved almost immediately

Eleven brought his sword to his front to protect himself, but it was already too late ... because a sword had pierced his heart already. He smiled when he saw the sword in his chest, and held the hand that held the sword. He raised his head to look at the figure in black who stood there silently like it had nothing to do with him in the slightest. "Thank you, my dear brother. In the next life... we'll be blood brothers, and an inseparable one too."

The hand that held the sword withdrew, and together with it, the sword. Eleven fell to the ground with a thud. He smiled as he stared at the sky. "The stars shine so bright tonight, and the moon looks...beautiful too." His eyes lost their luster and he breathed his last.

Thirty-Eight stared at the corpse far a long time and sighed. His voiced seeIf this is not a wedge, tell me what it is, brother.even shook his head but he still replied, "The truth."

Thirty-Eight looked like someone who had the funniest joke in the world, he couldn't help but laugh. "You even dare to say it's the truth? Tell me what other truth there could be in the whole world apart from you dying by my sword tonight."

There was no change in Eleven's expression as he heard those words, but it was more like there was a look of appreciation in his eyes. "I'm well aware of the fact that I might die here tonight and won't dispute with you if it's the truth or not... but I must tell you to be careful of that man."

Thirty-Eight was silent for a while before he suddenly turned around and stayed like that for long, with his back to Eleven. His eyes were closed as he stood there in the silent night.

Eleven could only continue to stare at his back while reminiscing on the past he'd shared with the person before him. He'd always thought about the day when they would both have a falling out, and yet when they where finally standing on the opposing sides of each other he found it inconceivable to oppose this formidable person that was never his opponent to begin with. He remembered how he'd always doted on him and protected him from anyone who tried to bully him like he was the most cherished treasure in the world. He also remembered when he was brought in newly, his feet bare and his clothes almost in tatters like rags, he'd gone out that night and killed the abominable people that the kid had stayed with before his arrival that day, and even their adoptive father whom they feared like a plague had supported his decision instead of dishing out punishments to him like he'd always done whenever he wanted to vent his anger and he'd sincerely called him 'dad' which he refused to call him since the day he stepped into the 'family'. His adoptive father had been in an unusual 'pleasant mode' than he normally would which was a very pleasant surprise to the children.

He used to be the fifth most formidable person in the family, but the growth of this brother of him scared the strength and pride out of all the children whenever they stood before him, because he had actually grown to become the strongest of them all! He was even a rare genius in academic sense! His name alone struck terror in their hearts.

After a long time of silence passed between them like that, Thirty-Eight turned around and stared silently at the person he'd become too accustomed to and cherished the way the other cherished him. There was a bit of reluctance in his eyes for a second before he shook his head as if to get rid of the thought. They'd grown in the fiercest of places and had already killed a lot of their loved ones without any second thought and to him nothing could ever change his mind about any mission that was assigned to him, but it was clearly different with this person, he found it a bit difficult.

He shook his head and raised it slowly and set his gaze dead on Eleven. "Draw your sword, traitor. I want to have a reason for killing you today." His eyes had become red from his conflicted heart.

Eleven nodded his head slightly and kicked the tip of his sword's sheath sending it up into the air, his eyes never leaving the other person who stood there calmly as if nothing could ever shake him. In one swift motion, he drew his sword out of its sheath while it was still in the air and streaked toward the other person who stood there silently, waiting for him.

The sound of sword clashing against sword rang in the air, and several other sounds followed after that. Eleven continously searched for openings while striking at the other figure's vitals , but his strikes always failed to touch his opponent's clothes each time making him feel depressed.

After exchanging strikes in an instant, he backed up from his opponent and stood several yards away swiftly. "Make your move, I alread lost"

Thirty-Eight bent his head for a moment and said softly, "I won't hold back." He moved almost immediately

Eleven brought his sword to his front to protect himself, but it was already too late ... because a sword had pierced his heart already. He smiled when he saw the sword in his chest, and held the hand that held the sword. He raised his head to look at the figure in black who stood there silently like it had nothing to do with him in the slightest. "Thank you, my dear brother. In the next life... we'll be blood brothers, and an inseparable one too."

The hand that held the sword withdrew, and together with it, the sword. Eleven fell to the ground with a thud. He smiled as he stared at the sky. "The stars shine so bright tonight, and the moon looks...beautiful too." His eyes lost their luster and he breathed his last.

Thirty-Eight stared at the corpse far a long time and sighed. His voiced seemed weak as he said, "They'll be happy to have you with them, brother. I'll... see you... on the other side... dear brother. Good bye from here." He turned away after saying those words and jumped off the roof, the silence of the night to keep him company.

e ground with a thud. He smiled as he stared at the sky. "The stars shine so bright tonight, and the moon looks...beautiful too." His eyes lost their luster and he breathed his last.

Thirty-Eight stared at the corpse far a long time and sighed. His voiced seeIf this is not a wedge, tell me what it is, brother.even shook his head but he still replied, "The truth."

Thirty-Eight looked like someone who had the funniest joke in the world, he couldn't help but laugh. "You even dare to say it's the truth? Tell me what other truth there could be in the whole world apart from you dying by my sword tonight."

There was no change in Eleven's expression as he heard those words, but it was more like there was a look of appreciation in his eyes. "I'm well aware of the fact that I might die here tonight and won't dispute with you if it's the truth or not... but I must tell you to be careful of that man."

Thirty-Eight was silent for a while before he suddenly turned around and stayed like that for long, with his back to Eleven. His eyes were closed as he stood there in the silent night.

Eleven could only continue to stare at his back while reminiscing on the past he'd shared with the person before him. He'd always thought about the day when they would both have a falling out, and yet when they where finally standing on the opposing sides of each other he found it inconceivable to oppose this formidable person that was never his opponent to begin with. He remembered how he'd always doted on him and protected him from anyone who tried to bully him like he was the most cherished treasure in the world. He also remembered when he was brought in newly, his feet bare and his clothes almost in tatters like rags, he'd gone out that night and killed the abominable people that the kid had stayed with before his arrival that day, and even their adoptive father whom they feared like a plague had supported his decision instead of dishing out punishments to him like he'd always done whenever he wanted to vent his anger and he'd sincerely called him 'dad' which he refused to call him since the day he stepped into the 'family'. His adoptive father had been in an unusual 'pleasant mode' than he normally would which was a very pleasant surprise to the children.

He used to be the fifth most formidable person in the family, but the growth of this brother of him scared the strength and pride out of all the children whenever they stood before him, because he had actually grown to become the strongest of them all! He was even a rare genius in academic sense! His name alone struck terror in their hearts.

After a long time of silence passed between them like that, Thirty-Eight turned around and stared silently at the person he'd become too accustomed to and cherished the way the other cherished him. There was a bit of reluctance in his eyes for a second before he shook his head as if to get rid of the thought. They'd grown in the fiercest of places and had already killed a lot of their loved ones without any second thought and to him nothing could ever change his mind about any mission that was assigned to him, but it was clearly different with this person, he found it a bit difficult.

He shook his head and raised it slowly and set his gaze dead on Eleven. "Draw your sword, traitor. I want to have a reason for killing you today." His eyes had become red from his conflicted heart.

Eleven nodded his head slightly and kicked the tip of his sword's sheath sending it up into the air, his eyes never leaving the other person who stood there calmly as if nothing could ever shake him. In one swift motion, he drew his sword out of its sheath while it was still in the air and streaked toward the other person who stood there silently, waiting for him.

The sound of sword clashing against sword rang in the air, and several other sounds followed after that. Eleven continously searched for openings while striking at the other figure's vitals , but his strikes always failed to touch his opponent's clothes each time making him feel depressed.

After exchanging strikes in an instant, he backed up from his opponent and stood several yards away swiftly. "Make your move, I alread lost"

Thirty-Eight bent his head for a moment and said softly, "I won't hold back." He moved almost immediately

Eleven brought his sword to his front to protect himself, but it was already too late ... because a sword had pierced his heart already. He smiled when he saw the sword in his chest, and held the hand that held the sword. He raised his head to look at the figure in black who stood there silently like it had nothing to do with him in the slightest. "Thank you, my dear brother. In the next life... we'll be blood brothers, and an inseparable one too."

The hand that held the sword withdrew, and together with it, the sword. Eleven fell to the ground with a thud. He smiled as he stared at the sky. "The stars shine so bright tonight, and the moon looks...beautiful too." His eyes lost their luster and he breathed his last.

Thirty-Eight stared at the corpse far a long time and sighed. His voiced seemed weak as he said, "They'll be happy to have you with them, brother. I'll... see you... on the other side... dear brother. Good bye from here." He turned away after saying those words and jumped off the roof, the silence of the night to keep him company.

If this is not a wedge, tell me what it is, brother.even shook his head but he still replied, "The truth."

Thirty-Eight looked like someone who had the funniest joke in the world, he couldn't help but laugh. "You even dare to say it's the truth? Tell me what other truth there could be in the whole world apart from you dying by my sword tonight."

There was no change in Eleven's expression as he heard those words, but it was more like there was a look of appreciation in his eyes. "I'm well aware of the fact that I might die here tonight and won't dispute with you if it's the truth or not... but I must tell you to be careful of that man."

Thirty-Eight was silent for a while before he suddenly turned around and stayed like that for long, with his back to Eleven. His eyes were closed as he stood there in the silent night.

Eleven could only continue to stare at his back while reminiscing on the past he'd shared with the person before him. He'd always thought about the day when they would both have a falling out, and yet when they where finally standing on the opposing sides of each other he found it inconceivable to oppose this formidable person that was never his opponent to begin with. He remembered how he'd always doted on him and protected him from anyone who tried to bully him like he was the most cherished treasure in the world. He also remembered when he was brought in newly, his feet bare and his clothes almost in tatters like rags, he'd gone out that night and killed the abominable people that the kid had stayed with before his arrival that day, and even their adoptive father whom they feared like a plague had supported his decision instead of dishing out punishments to him like he'd always done whenever he wanted to vent his anger and he'd sincerely called him 'dad' which he refused to call him since the day he stepped into the 'family'. His adoptive father had been in an unusual 'pleasant mode' than he normally would which was a very pleasant surprise to the children.

He used to be the fifth most formidable person in the family, but the growth of this brother of him scared the strength and pride out of all the children whenever they stood before him, because he had actually grown to become the strongest of them all! He was even a rare genius in academic sense! His name alone struck terror in their hearts.

After a long time of silence passed between them like that, Thirty-Eight turned around and stared silently at the person he'd become too accustomed to and cherished the way the other cherished him. There was a bit of reluctance in his eyes for a second before he shook his head as if to get rid of the thought. They'd grown in the fiercest of places and had already killed a lot of their loved ones without any second thought and to him nothing could ever change his mind about any mission that was assigned to him, but it was clearly different with this person, he found it a bit difficult.

He shook his head and raised it slowly and set his gaze dead on Eleven. "Draw your sword, traitor. I want to have a reason for killing you today." His eyes had become red from his conflicted heart.

Eleven nodded his head slightly and kicked the tip of his sword's sheath sending it up into the air, his eyes never leaving the other person who stood there calmly as if nothing could ever shake him. In one swift motion, he drew his sword out of its sheath while it was still in the air and streaked toward the other person who stood there silently, waiting for him.

The sound of sword clashing against sword rang in the air, and several other sounds followed after that. Eleven continously searched for openings while striking at the other figure's vitals , but his strikes always failed to touch his opponent's clothes each time making him feel depressed.

After exchanging strikes in an instant, he backed up from his opponent and stood several yards away swiftly. "Make your move, I alread lost"

Thirty-Eight bent his head for a moment and said softly, "I won't hold back." He moved almost immediately

Eleven brought his sword to his front to protect himself, but it was already too late ... because a sword had pierced his heart already. He smiled when he saw the sword in his chest, and held the hand that held the sword. He raised his head to look at the figure in black who stood there silently like it had nothing to do with him in the slightest. "Thank you, my dear brother. In the next life... we'll be blood brothers, and an inseparable one too."

The hand that held the sword withdrew, and together with it, the sword. Eleven fell to the ground with a thud. He smiled as he stared at the sky. "The stars shine so bright tonight, and the moon looks...beautiful too." His eyes lost their luster and he breathed his last.

Thirty-Eight stared at the corpse far a long time and sighed. His voiced seeedge between us. If this isn't a wedge, then tell me what it is, brother."

E that you are not attempting to drive a wedge between us." If this isn't a wedge, then tell me what it is, brother."

Eleven shook his head but he still replied, "The truth."

Thirty-Eight looked like someone who had the funniest joke in the world, he couldn't help but laugh. "You even dare to say it's the truth? Tell me what other truth there could be in the whole world apart from you dying by my sword tonight."

There was no change in Eleven's expression as he heard those words, but it was more like there was a look of appreciation in his eyes. "I'm well aware of the fact that I might die here tonight and won't dispute with you if it's the truth or not... but I must tell you to be careful of that man."

Thirty-Eight was silent for a while before he suddenly turned around and stayed like that for long, with his back to Eleven. His eyes were closed as he stood there in the silent night.

Eleven could only continue to stare at his back while reminiscing on the past he'd shared with the person before him. He'd always thought about the day when they would both have a falling out, and yet when they where finally standing on the opposing sides of each other he found it inconceivable to oppose this formidable person that was never his opponent to begin with. He remembered how he'd always doted on him and protected him from anyone who tried to bully him like he was the most cherished treasure in the world. He also remembered when he was brought in newly, his feet bare and his clothes almost in tatters like rags, he'd gone out that night and killed the abominable people that the kid had stayed with before his arrival that day, and even their adoptive father whom they feared like a plague had supported his decision instead of dishing out punishments to him like he'd always done whenever he wanted to vent his anger and he'd sincerely called him 'dad' which he refused to call him since the day he stepped into the 'family'. His adoptive father had been in an unusual 'pleasant mode' than he normally would which was a very pleasant surprise to the children.

He used to be the fifth most formidable person in the family, but the growth of this brother of him scared the strength and pride out of all the children whenever they stood before him, because he had actually grown to become the strongest of them all! He was even a rare genius in academic sense! His name alone struck terror in their hearts.

After a long time of silence passed between them like that, Thirty-Eight turned around and stared silently at the person he'd become too accustomed to and cherished the way the other cherished him. There was a bit of reluctance in his eyes for a second before he shook his head as if to get rid of the thought. They'd grown in the fiercest of places and had already killed a lot of their loved ones without any second thought and to him nothing could ever change his mind about any mission that was assigned to him, but it was clearly different with this person, he found it a bit difficult.

He shook his head and raised it slowly and set his gaze dead on Eleven. "Draw your sword, traitor. I want to have a reason for killing you today." His eyes had become red from his conflicted heart.

Eleven nodded his head slightly and kicked the tip of his sword's sheath sending it up into the air, his eyes never leaving the other person who stood there calmly as if nothing could ever shake him. In one swift motion, he drew his sword out of its sheath while it was still in the air and streaked toward the other person who stood there silently, waiting for him.

The sound of sword clashing against sword rang in the air, and several other sounds followed after that. Eleven continously searched for openings while striking at the other figure's vitals , but his strikes always failed to touch his opponent's clothes each time making him feel depressed.

After exchanging strikes in an instant, he backed up from his opponent and stood several yards away swiftly. "Make your move, I alread lost"

Thirty-Eight bent his head for a moment and said softly, "I won't hold back." He moved almost immediately

Eleven brought his sword to his front to protect himself, but it was already too late ... because a sword had pierced his heart already. He smiled when he saw the sword in his chest, and held the hand that held the sword. He raised his head to look at the figure in black who stood there silently like it had nothing to do with him in the slightest. "Thank you, my dear brother. In the next life... we'll be blood brothers, and an inseparable one too."

The hand that held the sword withdrew, and together with it, the sword. Eleven fell to the ground with a thud. He smiled as he stared at the sky. "The stars shine so bright tonight, and the moon looks...beautiful too." His eyes lost their luster and he breathed his last.

Thirty-Eight stared at the corpse far a long time and sighed. His voiced seeIf this is not a wedge, tell me what it is, brother.even shook his head but he still replied, "The truth."

Thirty-Eight looked like someone who had the funniest joke in the world, he couldn't help but laugh. "You even dare to say it's the truth? Tell me what other truth there could be in the whole world apart from you dying by my sword tonight."

There was no change in Eleven's expression as he heard those words, but it was more like there was a look of appreciation in his eyes. "I'm well aware of the fact that I might die here tonight and won't dispute with you if it's the truth or not... but I must tell you to be careful of that man."

Thirty-Eight was silent for a while before he suddenly turned around and stayed like that for long, with his back to Eleven. His eyes were closed as he stood there in the silent night.

Eleven could only continue to stare at his back while reminiscing on the past he'd shared with the person before him. He'd always thought about the day when they would both have a falling out, and yet when they where finally standing on the opposing sides of each other he found it inconceivable to oppose this formidable person that was never his opponent to begin with. He remembered how he'd always doted on him and protected him from anyone who tried to bully him like he was the most cherished treasure in the world. He also remembered when he was brought in newly, his feet bare and his clothes almost in tatters like rags, he'd gone out that night and killed the abominable people that the kid had stayed with before his arrival that day, and even their adoptive father whom they feared like a plague had supported his decision instead of dishing out punishments to him like he'd always done whenever he wanted to vent his anger and he'd sincerely called him 'dad' which he refused to call him since the day he stepped into the 'family'. His adoptive father had been in an unusual 'pleasant mode' than he normally would which was a very pleasant surprise to the children.

He used to be the fifth most formidable person in the family, but the growth of this brother of him scared the strength and pride out of all the children whenever they stood before him, because he had actually grown to become the strongest of them all! He was even a rare genius in academic sense! His name alone struck terror in their hearts.

After a long time of silence passed between them like that, Thirty-Eight turned around and stared silently at the person he'd become too accustomed to and cherished the way the other cherished him. There was a bit of reluctance in his eyes for a second before he shook his head as if to get rid of the thought. They'd grown in the fiercest of places and had already killed a lot of their loved ones without any second thought and to him nothing could ever change his mind about any mission that was assigned to him, but it was clearly different with this person, he found it a bit difficult.

He shook his head and raised it slowly and set his gaze dead on Eleven. "Draw your sword, traitor. I want to have a reason for killing you today." His eyes had become red from his conflicted heart.

Eleven nodded his head slightly and kicked the tip of his sword's sheath sending it up into the air, his eyes never leaving the other person who stood there calmly as if nothing could ever shake him. In one swift motion, he drew his sword out of its sheath while it was still in the air and streaked toward the other person who stood there silently, waiting for him.

The sound of sword clashing against sword rang in the air, and several other sounds followed after that. Eleven continously searched for openings while striking at the other figure's vitals , but his strikes always failed to touch his opponent's clothes each time making him feel depressed.

After exchanging strikes in an instant, he backed up from his opponent and stood several yards away swiftly. "Make your move, I alread lost"

Thirty-Eight bent his head for a moment and said softly, "I won't hold back." He moved almost immediately

Eleven brought his sword to his front to protect himself, but it was already too late ... because a sword had pierced his heart already. He smiled when he saw the sword in his chest, and held the hand that held the sword. He raised his head to look at the figure in black who stood there silently like it had nothing to do with him in the slightest. "Thank you, my dear brother. In the next life... we'll be blood brothers, and an inseparable one too."

The hand that held the sword withdrew, and together with it, the sword. Eleven fell to the ground with a thud. He smiled as he stared at the sky. "The stars shine so bright tonight, and the moon looks...beautiful too." His eyes lost their luster and he breathed his last.

Thirty-Eight stared at the corpse far a long time and sighed. His voiced seemed weak as he said, "They'll be happy to have you with them, brother. I'll... see you... on the other side... dear brother. Good bye from here." He turned away after saying those words and jumped off the roof, the silence of the night to keep him company.

med weak as he said, "They'll be happy to have you with them, brother. I'll... see you... on the other side... dear brother. Good bye from here." He turned away after saying those words and jumped off the roof, the silence of the night to keep him company.

are telling me that you are not attempting to drive a wedge between us." If this isn't a wedge, then tell me what it is, brother."

Eleven shook his head but he still replied, "The truth."

Thirty-Eight looked like someone who had the funniest joke in the world, he couldn't help but laugh. "You even dare to say it's the truth? Tell me what other truth there could be in the whole world apart from you dying by my sword tonight."

There was no change in Eleven's expression as he heard those words, but it was more like there was a look of appreciation in his eyes. "I'm well aware of the fact that I might die here tonight and won't dispute with you if it's the truth or not... but I must tell you to be careful of that man."

Thirty-Eight was silent for a while before he suddenly turned around and stayed like that for long, with his back to Eleven. His eyes were closed as he stood there in the silent night.

Eleven could only continue to stare at his back while reminiscing on the past he'd shared with the person before him. He'd always thought about the day when they would both have a falling out, and yet when they where finally standing on the opposing sides of each other he found it inconceivable to oppose this formidable person that was never his opponent to begin with. He remembered how he'd always doted on him and protected him from anyone who tried to bully him like he was the most cherished treasure in the world. He also remembered when he was brought in newly, his feet bare and his clothes almost in tatters like rags, he'd gone out that night and killed the abominable people that the kid had stayed with before his arrival that day, and even their adoptive father whom they feared like a plague had supported his decision instead of dishing out punishments to him like he'd always done whenever he wanted to vent his anger and he'd sincerely called him 'dad' which he refused to call him since the day he stepped into the 'family'. His adoptive father had been in an unusual 'pleasant mode' than he normally would which was a very pleasant surprise to the children.

He used to be the fifth most formidable person in the family, but the growth of this brother of him scared the strength and pride out of all the children whenever they stood before him, because he had actually grown to become the strongest of them all! He was even a rare genius in academic sense! His name alone struck terror in their hearts.

After a long time of silence passed between them like that, Thirty-Eight turned around and stared silently at the person he'd become too accustomed to and cherished the way the other cherished him. There was a bit of reluctance in his eyes for a second before he shook his head as if to get rid of the thought. They'd grown in the fiercest of places and had already killed a lot of their loved ones without any second thought and to him nothing could ever change his mind about any mission that was assigned to him, but it was clearly different with this person, he found it a bit difficult.

He shook his head and raised it slowly and set his gaze dead on Eleven. "Draw your sword, traitor. I want to have a reason for killing you today." His eyes had become red from his conflicted heart.

Eleven nodded his head slightly and kicked the tip of his sword's sheath sending it up into the air, his eyes never leaving the other person who stood there calmly as if nothing could ever shake him. In one swift motion, he drew his sword out of its sheath while it was still in the air and streaked toward the other person who stood there silently, waiting for him.

The sound of sword clashing against sword rang in the air, and several other sounds followed after that. Eleven continously searched for openings while striking at the other figure's vitals , but his strikes always failed to touch his opponent's clothes each time making him feel depressed.

After exchanging strikes in an instant, he backed up from his opponent and stood several yards away swiftly. "Make your move, I alread lost"

Thirty-Eight bent his head for a moment and said softly, "I won't hold back." He moved almost immediately

Eleven brought his sword to his front to protect himself, but it was already too late ... because a sword had pierced his heart already. He smiled when he saw the sword in his chest, and held the hand that held the sword. He raised his head to look at the figure in black who stood there silently like it had nothing to do with him in the slightest. "Thank you, my dear brother. In the next life... we'll be blood brothers, and an inseparable one too."

The hand that held the sword withdrew, and together with it, the sword. Eleven fell to the ground with a thud. He smiled as he stared at the sky. "The stars shine so bright tonight, and the moon looks...beautiful too." His eyes lost their luster and he breathed his last.

Thirty-Eight stared at the corpse far a long time and sighed. His voiced seemed weak as he said, "They'll be happy to have you with them, brother. I'll... see you... on the other side... dear brother. Good bye from here." He turned away after saying those words and jumped off the roof, the silence of the night to keep him company.