
028 Unexpected News

28 Unexpected News

Arc had a great time with Mia yesterday, he didn't think his visit to the construction site would end up with him and Mia talking until it gets dark...

"It's been a while since I had a great time with a girl," Arc said with a smile on his face

He reminisces a little, he was laying on his bed waiting for news from Diana and the rest. Earlier, the press conference about the release of their line-up of hunters' equipment was successfully concluded, but news of war stops him from celebrating.

Just a few minutes ago, the HUMAN FEDERATION ALLIANCE just released shocking news. That an unknown, powerful alien Force was discovered by an HFA exploration ship. The exploration ship tried to communicate with the alien force only to be fired upon, the HFA exploration ship tried to escape without retaliating in order not to escalate the issue, but the alien Force continued to pursue and attack the HFA exploration ship and eventually got destroyed. Over 2000 lives were lost on that ship including the daughter of the president of HFA who volunteers to be part of the exploration mission to help and discovered new life in the Galaxy.

But that's not the end of it. The rescue fleet that responded to the emergency signal of the HFA exploration ship called Explorer EX was also attacked, 5 of the 12 ships of the fleet were destroyed, killing over 20,000 men and women. But with the determination to rescue the command fleet, they were able to destroy 3 out of 5 alien ships. Only 2 were able to escape after receiving significant damage. And now HFA has issued a full-blown war against that unknown alien species who are clearly hostile to humans.

The news was first released a few hours ago, and only a few minutes ago they released the declaration to the public. Recovery and study of the destroyed alien are already underway. According to HFA they are doing everything to find the location of the alien species.

In the meantime, HFA is readying for a full-blown war. A code red was issued to all fleets roaming across the Galaxy...

It would be a lie if Arc said he was not excited, in fact, they were not alone in that sentiment, almost all of humanity felt excited, only those pacifists are against it, but those people are few in numbers.

It's been a while since humanity has had a full-blown war, there were a few skirmishes now and then against other alien species, but humanity always acts passively and that gives humanity a good reputation with other alien species. Humanity always finds a way to make friends with other species...

Humanity is always reluctant to engage in a war because of their past, they don't want to repeat the mistakes of their predecessor, the survivors of the apocalyptic war, tried hard to ingrain in their descendants the horror of war, and they carry it till this day, but now after a long time humanity is going for war, and because it's not against another human there are little oppositions in it, in fact, there's almost none, as they say, humans only shines in war...

Arc didn't know if this war was good or bad for him, but he knows he was excited.

"Hmm, Eve, what's up?"

"The liaison for the navy supply office wants to discuss something with you." said, Eve

"I'm sure Diana is more than capable of making decisions without me"

"No boss, I think you should go this time," said Eve

This is the first time Eve asked him to participate in something because Eve and the rest can do almost anything, there's hardly anything for him to do. That's why he was surprised when Eve asked him to go...

"Well, if you say so, then it must be important"

"It's not really important, boss, but I think you will be interested in it," replied Eve.

"Did she find out I was bored?" Arc said a little embarrassed

Arc didn't waste time in just a few minutes he was already in the conference room, in there he saw a beautiful woman in officer uniform.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting, miss, how can I address you?" Arc Asked

Because of rashness, he forgot to ask Eve about the name of the liaison...

"Boss, you're here." welcomed Diana.

"Tiffa and Wedge are not here, they're coordinating with the Hunters," Dianna said

Arc nodded at Diana and look again at the woman next to her and waited for her reply.

"No, not a problem, I should be the one apologizing for imposing on you. I'm lieutenant Lisa Lang, liaison for the Navy supply office." said Lisa with a composed aura

"So then, lieutenant, what can I do for you that my CEO can't" Asked Arc curiously

Arc was seated in the chairman chair, to his left was Diana, and on his right was lieutenant Lisa Lang

"Call me Lisa, a lieutenant is too formal and since we'll be working for a long time let's not be too formal," Lisa said with a smile

"Alright, Lisa, nice to meet you, call me Arc, so what can I do for you?," said Arc with a curious smile.

"As you know, that war is coming, so in preparation for the war we want you to make a military-grade solution for us."

Arc frown a little when he heard it,

"It's not a problem to make a military-grade solution the problem is the quantity, just making an S-grade solution required a lot of materials not to mention military-grade that's the reason we made the S-grade solutions a limited supply, but you already know this, that means you have a solution," said Arc

In truth, it is not hard to create military-grade solutions it is basically the same as S grade only it has more energy in them. In other words, it requires more materials to create. And since Grand Trading Corporation is only just been founded, they don't have a huge amount of stockpile of materials, which is one of the reasons they made S-grade a limited stock only.

"As expected of you, Arc, I guess you building the Grand Trading Corp. is not an accident. I won't call it a solution, but more of a suggestion, what do you know about space beast?" Lisa asks

"So that's your suggestion hmm, let me think," Arc replied

He slumped back into his chair and pretended to think, but in truth, he was asking Eve about it, it's not surprising that he didn't know about it, although it's not exactly a top secret it's still can be considered a secret, HFA didn't disclose the existence of the space beast to the public to avoid public panic, only top family and government officials know about it.

Now that Eve explained what a space beast is, he now has a general idea of what it is, in simple terms, it was a beast living in space, and that is why it is called a space beast, the only difference is, it's many times bigger than its land counterpart.

Space Beasts are one of the dangers in exploring or traveling in space, but they are mainly found in deep space far away from any life planets, they are dangerous yes but compared to modern weapons they can easily be killed. Of course, not all space beasts are the same, some are more dangerous and almost impossible to defeat. Of course, those kinds of space beasts are very rare.

But the most common type of space beast are those herd-type space beast that travels in huge number, many of them are less dangerous compared to those who travel alone. Herd-type space beasts are often very passive and don't attack unless provoked

But one thing is clear, each space beast is huge, mainly because there is no gravity in space to limit their weight, so they grew huge, and their meat contains a huge amount of energy.

"I can see where you're going with this, but my question is why us? There are many companies who are more qualified for this, for example, General Food Manufacture Incorporated, so why did you choose us?" ask Arc looking at her in curiosity.

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