
Eyes Of Crimson (Danmachi FanFic)

A young man is ripped from his hometown and thrusted into a world completely unbeknownst to him. Armed with nothing but his own physical prowess and common sense, he'll have to give his all in order to survive. //Updated on the side as I'm currently focusing on my main original story.

Shadow_Drev · Cómic
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6 Chs


//I'm alway improving and I'll prove it with the chap I'm gonna write today. Just put your faith in my ability to tell a decent story.

The chapter is still short though


"...long have....been waiting....."


Quick snippets of conversation filled Mako's ears as he slowly regained consciousness, his previously dark world flooding with light as he pried his eyes open, crimson hues blinking back into existence. Little by little, the youths senses returned, the back and forth conversations between two individuals becoming clearer with each passing moment, sensations such as taste and smell following close behind. His head throbbed on repeat like a broken record and the pain in his chest and ribs dulled his ability to make any sudden movements, but it wasn't anything Mako couldn't handle.

As someone who did parkour and gymnastics for the majority of his life, injuries and broken bones were common and one quickly learned to push past the pain. In comparison to the brutal training he put himself through when practicing day in and day out, honing his skills to perfection, the mild discomfort residing within his abdominal region was practically nothing. That being said, he didn't believe it wise to move too much unless he was truly in danger, which he didn't appear to be. From what he could tell, without making any significant movements, he appeared to have been reallocated into a large, dark orange colored tent.

He highly doubted someone looking to finish what they started would bother putting him somewhere nice before gifting him a blanket. Of course, there was a chance that he was completely wrong but Mako preferred to look at everything with an optimistic tone rather then a glass half empty kinda guy.

"Oh. I see you finally woke up!!" That's good!!"

Mako's own train of thought was halted as a loud and cheerful voice filled his ears, one that caused him to flinch as it rang out through the area. Just like before, right after he had gotten smacked backwards like a sack of meat, a head of black hair appeared in his vision, the same girl he had seen before losing consciousness. She had the same dark skin as Aurori and looked sort of similar to her, although she was much younger with black hair and brown eyes with a white piece of fabric covering her breasts.

"Oh....hello." Mako nodded in greeting despite seeing her upside down, the girl having appeared from the back half of the tent. He didn't sense any sort of hostility, though his instincts still screamed at him to run, which he completely ignored. "Nice to meet you."

The black haired girl smiled. "I'm gonna go and let Aura know. Dont move." As quick as a rabbit, the mysterious girl fled the area, rapidly exiting Mako's field of vision. She hadn't even been within his gaze for a full thirty seconds before taking off, leaving the blue haired youth even more confused then he had been initially.

(("That...was something,")) the adolescent remarked. (("Not sure if I have a response to that."))

After he was sure the girl had left, Mako slowly worked himself into a sitting position, doing his best to push past the numerous spasms of pain that erupted every time he moved a touch too fast. Once he had finally managed to secure a proper stance, the blue haired adolescent began to check himself, assuring that he still possessed all four limbs as well as hoping he hadn't broken anything important.

His pants and shirt were missing, that was the first thing Mako noticed, his boxers being the only article of clothing remaining. Bandages wrapped around his chest and ribcage, thin white strips of gauze tightly encircling him before being held in place by tucking the end underneath one of the bands. Scratches and bruises lined his bare thighs and legs, but Mako didn't truly care about that since those would eventually heal in about a week. He was just glad that he had come out of the attack with no permanent damage and could probably still walk.

"Still though, what the hell hit me? A freakin truck?" Mako scratched his head as he tossed the covers to the side, no longer needing to use them. "Definitely wasnt your average joe. Or even human as far as I can tell."

The young man truly found it hard to believe that a regular person could send him flying that far whilst still doing so much damage, especially when he had managed to block a good portion of the blow with Aurori's staff. He doubted that even the strongest man in the world could do something as farfetched as knocking him back half a city street, and yet that's precisely what had happened. He was confident he had been attacked but it seemed highly unlikely that it had come from a mere human. Whoever had assaulted him was packing some massive power and he had no desire to meet that person ever again, even under the best of circumstances. While he wasn't one to hold grudges, he also wasn't fond of getting tossed around like a hackie sack.

"You shouldn't move too much," a soft voice instructed Mako from the side, slightly startling the youth. "You're hurt."

The adolescent turned his head towards the direction the sound had come from, a feminine voice that resided just outside his peripheral. Situated towards the back of the tent sat a girl with golden blonde hair and eyes of the exact same color. Mako almost immediately recognized her as one of the many individuals who had been within the settlement, the one who had had armor breastplate and arm guards. She had been quite easy to distinguish, especially since her bright hair had stood out to him from everyone else's.

The girl was around his age or perhaps younger, a youthful and innocent expression on her face making her year difficult for Mako to pin down. She didn't look very threatening at first glance until one saw the rapier attached to her side as well as felt the overwhelming aura of power that surrounded her. Mako had felt this 'power' before, the feeling that everyone around him could squash him like a bug with a flick of their wrist, but the girl was the worst among them as his instincts cried out in abject terror. While he himself wasn't afraid of her, logic dictated that he refrain from upsetting her in case she opted to end his entire existence.

"Hello. I didn't see you there." Mako tried his best to turn his body around, but only winced as pain shot through him once again. He inwardly cursed as he let out a small breath, the pain becoming nothing more then an annoyance as he finally managed to wiggle himself around. "Its nice to meet you."

Before the blonde could answer, a number of people walked into the tent, around three different individuals who all possessed the same skin tone. Two of them Mako was able recognize, one being Aurori, though her warhammer was missing, and the other being the energetic girl he had seen earlier. The last one wasn't someone he recognized but she did share an appearance to the other female, although the new girl did have a bigger pair of breasts then the energetic one.

//Apologies for the short chapter. I'm just bad at starting a novel.

That being said, I have a request. Instead of giving me powerstones, I'd much rather you guys head on over to my original novel called NameLess and tell me what you think of it.

Leave a comment over there. I'd greatly appreciate it.

Take care and Much Love,

From ShadowDrev