

Before there was anything. Before there was nothing. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Isn't that something we learn in science class? Well turns out it was wrong. The concepts brought on by human minds never existed. There was only one "entity" as described in human tongue. The one with no name, the one who can't be described with words. Eye of all things is the name I've chosen to go with. No one has ever seen or heard of this being. It is impossible to ever get in contact let alone know what it is thinking. I am William.D.Fredrick here to tell you this very real story. You do not have to believe me and I have no intention of proving myself. I only want you to know that this story will in no way shape or form affect your daily life. This story will not change the way you live. But if you care to listen, let me take you on a journey through my story.

This story starts off with me, a lonely depressed man in his late 20's. Now this just sounds like a self pity story but I promise you it is much more than that. I was out of a job, my parents kicked me out and I couldn't go to college. I was an idiot. I went through highschool thinking sports was all I needed. I neglected my studies and dropped out because of that. I was stranded on the verge of despair. My life had come to an end, just as soon as it started. What do you do when there is nothing left? Well no, my ego…my mindset refused to let me kill my self. What I did instead was something dirty and to this day still pains me. Although I have no regrets of doing it.

The pain of being alone on the street is a lot to handle. Growing up seeing homeless people whom I felt sorry for, never clicked how bad it was. But there is a dark side to being on the street with only desperation for survival. I wasn't talking about the average homeless joe. The struggle and darkness of being homeless was enough. But I decided to invite more darkness into my life through desperation. This desperation I'm talking about is a cult. The dirty work I got myself involved in was with a cult. "The Eyes of the Watcher". I'm not here to educate people on the history of cults. A quick google search will give you all the information you need. There are so many gods and so many religions. They all exist. After death you will get what you deserve. Or perhaps what you think you deserve. You will go to heaven or hell, reincarnate, Jannah etc... That is if you believe in that stuff. If you walk the earth with no beliefs you will not be permitted into the good or bad side of any afterlife. Instead you will just cease to exist after you die. That is it game over. Though you must be wondering about babies and other humans who can't think for themselves. Although every part of this is sad they also cease to exist. Because of this the cult I was in weren't scared to murder the innocent. "They have no soul so it will be fine". Funny enough though there is an isekai process where people who believe in that go.

Enough about the afterlife. Seems I've lost track for some reason or another. Explaining the wonders of the world is nothing compared to seeing it. Back to what I was saying..."The Eyes of the Watcher" or the "EOW". They are watching me. Watching you, the reader. Wherever you are reading this please listen on. This is my story from being a bum on the verge of death, to finding out all the secrets of the world.