

A girl named Violet and A guy named Arthur got reincarnated into a new world. Suddenly, they see a monster and it attacked them. Will they survive? What is this world? Why are they here?

AHBAB_SABAB · Fantasía
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14 Chs

Solviered Kingdom: FIERY TOWN


Solvired Kingdom: Part 4


What I saw in front of me was utterly disturbing. I saw a star shape in the middle of his room. He was standing in the middle talking to a creature. There was a huge amount of flesh of some kind of animal. It gave me a negative feeling. I had realised what was happening.

It was a ritual!

"You've found it out I guess,"Arthur said.

"What are you doing?"I asked.

The door behind me closed automatically. I tried to open it. It wasn't opening. I tried to scream and attacked Arthur. For some reason, I couldn't scream for some reason. I couldn't attack him. He didn't train like me but somehow he is faster than me. He reached me fast and made me unconscious in a second.


When I opened my eyes maybe after 2-3 hours after, everything that could go wrong happened. I was tied with a rope. Everything around me was on fire. I was not understanding a single thing. I used my air pressure ability to break the rope. Everything in front of me was on fire. Walls were falling apart. A pillar had fallen in front of the door. I saw a window. I jumped out of it and used the air pressure ability to get me down slowly.

Air pressure puts a lot of air on a certain place that the user wants. The thickness of the air damages the enemy when casted. They can make it heavier and thicker as much as they want. It depends on their magic capacity. They can thicken it to even walk in the air. If they make it less thick, they can use it to slowly get down from a huge height.

When I came down, I saw the whole Casthome was on fire. Wait, it isn't just the Casthome, the whole town is on fire! It was bursting in flames everywhere. I ran around the town. I didn't see a single person who was alive.

What the hell? What the hell is going on?

Everywhere I look, there is only fire, houses falling apart, dead bodies and there were some bodies that were barely alive. They were waiting for their death. Every one of them was burned alive.

I was running when I saw a huge platform. It is where the competition was held! I ran towards it. Most of the people there burned to a crisp. I couldn't recognise any of them.

Wait! Who's that?

I saw a girl on the broken platform. I know her. She is Emma. She had died.

Why? Why was this happening? What is happening?

I knew who did it. It is Arthur but how? He wasn't trained. We didn't even know his magic division. How did he do it? And why? Why did he kill every single human in this town? The town wasn't small. It was a big town. It had at least 5000 people living here. Why? Just why?

Emma, Grandpa and Grandma were here. They all died. I was sitting near Emma then I heard a noise. It was the noise of two swords. Someone was fighting. I ran there. I saw it was Arthur and Prince Johan fighting.

"You can't win. Accept your defeat. You might get a peaceful death then," Prince Johan said.

"Lose? Me? Look at you, damaged by that Deadly and now fighting with me. You are at a disadvantage ," said Arthur.

There were flames everywhere. The screeching of flames was loud. Sound of both of them fighting still was even louder. The clashing between swords hurt my eardrums. They were dashing and kept clashing their swords on and on.

"Why? What do you want?" Prince Johan asked.

"There is something that I want. Unfortunately, You'll be dead to see it,"Arthur replied.

I always saw Arthur cold. He never smiled. It felt like he was almost emotionless. But now I am watching him smile. His face was filled with evil and the smile was full of corruption. He had a very scary and disturbing smile on his face. Just watching him made me shiver.

"You don't get it do you? Didn't you think what was a Deadly doing in a Kuma dungeon? I'll tell you. It was me. Nice plan right? You will be either defeated by that or injured heavily. It leaves me a lot of advantage,"Arthur said.

"You fucking bastard!,"Prince Johan screamed.

"Hahaha, what will you do now? Every single guy in the town is dead. There are no traces of who did this to the town. The capital is far. It will take at least 2 days for them to find out. You will be dead like your sweet sister too,"Arthur said.

Princess is dead? She died? All I could think of at that moment was her smile. Her sweet and kind smile. The way she accepted us. The way she was kind to the people. That smile that was pure and had no evil thoughts behind it.

The clash between their swords became louder. Prince Johan kept getting weaker. It was becoming one sided. Arthur had sliced Princess cape. His suit was ripped.


Prince used a lot of his energy to use it but Arthur easily dodged it.

"Look at you, so weak. You can only use the base attack of Flame Breath. No wonder why this Kingdom is falling," Arthur said.

He even counter attacked him. He pierced the prince in his belly through his belt breaking the pattern stone. As he pulled his sword out, he punched him in the face sending him flying. He crushed his head against a house wall.

Arthur slowly walked there. Standing in front of him he said,

"You were stronger but I am smarter. If i hadn't made the plan, I would've died in a one on one with you. Rest in peace."


The prince began to turn into crimson dust. It was glowing.

"As he died, now let's get to your business,"Arthur looked at me.

I became hopeless. He defeated the Prince. He was far stronger than me. I went numb. I couldn't move at that time. I didn't have my wand so I could not use big attacks anyway.

He was slowly walking towards me. I could not think of anything. The distance was shrinking second by second. What should I do?

I saw a large stick beside me. I'll use this as a wand. With all my power,


It created a large wind storm in the shape of a ball. It went towards Arthur. I thought it was enough to distract him. I could run.

It did nothing. He holds it mid air. He sent it back at me but this time the speed was even faster. It reached me in the blink of an eye. I was sent backwards flying. He had caught me.

"Nice to meet ya, Violet. Are you hurt?" Arthur said. He still had the evil smile.

"Why?"I asked.

"Why what?"Arthur replied.

"Why did you kill this many people?"I asked

"Why? Why not?"Arthur replied.

"What do you mean? Why would you kill this many people? What did they do?"I asked.

"Aww, don't pressure yourself. See, you started coughing blood,"Arthur said.

"Wha-" as I was saying that he punched in my stomach and made me cough blood.

"This world is too cruel, Violet. Someone shall fix it,"Arthur replied.

"How are those innocent people cruel? What did they ever do to you?" I asked.

"Violet, you sure don't know a lot of things. People of this world are the same as our world. To incarnate someone from the other world , they sacrifice the real ones that exist here. That means our selves of this world were sacrificed. Isn't very pleasant, right? They were gonna kill us too if we were proved to be weak,"Arthur said.

"That's the royals. What did these innocent people do to you?" I asked.

"Nothing. They did nothing to me. But they sure are evil. Treating slaves badly, scamming people etc stuff. They sure did a lot of bad things, in the other world too. If they don't get the punishment in one life, they shall get it in another life,"Arthur said.

"Who are you to judge? You aren't god," I said.

"God? What is that?"Arthur said.

"You crazy piece of shit!"I screamed.

"Aww, come on. Are you sure you are 25? You are dumb considering 25," Arthur said.

"What will you do after killing me?"I asked.

"Kill? Who said I am killing you?Arthur said.

"Why leave me?"I asked.

"You are someone great I can use," Arthur said.

"I'll never work for you," I asked.

"Haha, you got it wrong. I was never asking you. You are forced to do it. You asked me once how you can help me. This is how. Just look at that pretty face,"Arthur said.

"You'll never get to use me if I kill myself,"as I said that I picked up sharp stick beside me and I was gonna stuck it in my head…

He stopped me. He used force. He broke my hand bone. I screamed in pain.

"Haha, You can't suicide. I own you now. If you don't do what I say, I'll just snatch your body from you. You'll be in your body but you won't be able to control it. Someone else would be controlling it. You'll see you destroying humanity. How funny right?"Arthur said that and started laughing like a psychopath.

"What do they call the world leader here? I remember, EXSTIEFEN.







After two days,

A guy is sitting on his horse with some of his guards. By the clothing, It is surely can be said that he is the First Prince of the Solviered Kingdom.

Five guys come on horseback from the north.

"Sir, Solviedge town is burned to a crisp. There seems to be a huge fire. Every single human there is dead. There is no clue who did it. There isn't a single thing left there. Everything has become black. It is surely a human who did it,"one of them reported.

"Was it the enemy kingdom?"Prince said.

"No sir, there is no sign of any flag there. Our guards near the walls also didn't see anyone go through ,"one of them reported.

"That's weird. We'll go to the capital for now. Everyday some people will go there to find clues of who did it. Hakuji, you'll be in charge,"the Prince ordered.

Hakuji is the warlord of the Solviered Kingdom. He is trusted by the Prince a lot.

"Roger that, Prince,"Hakuji replied.

They were going back to the kingdom. In the middle of the road, they see a girl lying in the middle of the road.

"Who is she? She wasn't here before,"the Prince said.

"Can it be the bandits?"Hakuji said.

"No, they don't mess with the royals and there are a lot of us here,"the Prince said.

The girl's face was covered by a scarf, A black scarf.

"She seems to be hurt. Pick her up. We'll take her to the healer,"the Prince ordered.

They followed the order and started to go towards the capital again.

As the horse was running, it was shaking a lot. That shake made her scarf move and reveal her face.



[To be continued....]