
Solar storm

<p>In 2020, humanity almost hurts extinguished by a solar storm never seen before, all of our communication networks, electrical networks, cell phones, smartphones and computers all exploded, killing billions of people. Everything we knew to be normal was destroyed, buildings, houses, hospitals nothing was spared from burning with fire, few buildings were left. A few months later a crisis broke out, all the devices that exploded were estimated at billions of dollars. Without communication, energy, internet and with the supermarkets ransacked, many people went crazy starting to kill whoever they found uncontrollably, and there was the highest suicide rate in the history of the human race, more than 94%, leaving only 10 million people scattered around the world.<br/><br/> But in the midst of so much misfortune a hope seemed to have arisen. Along with the solar storm also came a type of radiation that is only released in supernovae, and this radiation created a mutation in the DNA of some people generating the Gene S, which created human beings with superpowers, something that everyone thought impossible.<br/><br/> This lifted the spirits of many people, but since not everything in life is flowers, animals have also undergone this mutation, making many become rational beings. And as they spent years and years being hunted the remnants of humanity went to war with these animals.<br/><br/> --Nowadays--<br/><br/> "So, class, that's all for today, study hard for tomorrow's exams. And remember, passing the test will define what you will be in the future so you can work hard. " said a middle-aged man.<br/><br/> Several young people started to leave what appeared to be a school, but with a more modern architectural style. A young man was listening to music on a type of headphones when another young man came up behind him saying, "Hey Jake, what are you going to do tonight ?. If you're not going to do anything I was thinking that we could go to the party at Amy's house. "Said the young man who had green eyes and short blond hair.<br/><br/> The young man named Jake continued walking, as if he had not heard his colleague's call. Then the boy realizing this closed his eyes and pointed his hands at Jake, after a few seconds so an invisible wave threw Jake's headphones away from his head.<br/><br/> "Hey, Paul damn it was my last phone, you idiot! Cursed Jake "What the fuck do you want! "Jaje said going over to Paul.<br/> "Calm down, man, I just wanted to get your attention. I was talking about you wanting to go to Amy's party, but by the way vice does not want to have fun today !. "Paul said a little disappointed.<br/><br/> "Look, * sigh * I would even go but you know, the test is tomorrow and I have to pass it at all costs. So I will not ask for my time getting high at a party, when I can pass the test tomorrow and in the future be a hero to many people !. "Said Jake in an inspiring way.<br/><br/> "The ok face you won, but don't come to regret it tomorrow when I tell you what you missed. Bye bro take care. "Paul said before running out to the opposite street.<br/><br/> 'Well let me run, I don't want to waste another second,' Jake thought before running too.<br/><br/> Upon arriving home, Jake went up the stairs to the second floor, entered his room and took a shower. Now that he was clean and relaxed he sat on his chair and started to study.<br/><br/> Among the various themes of the race, the ones that have the most questions are the themes related to superpowers, history, social themes, psychological themes, morals and the laws that were created after the solar storm.<br/><br/> Jake took a simulation from last year to study. Jake spent hours and hours answering the simulation, he read and reread questions, and tried his best not to have typos, because intelligence was what really mattered to pass the test.<br/><br/> The other day Jake woke up on top of several sheets scattered on his desk. When he looked at the time he realized he was super late.<br/><br/> He got ready to run, brushed his teeth and ran out towards the school. He almost misses the chance to take the test.<br/><br/> "Excuse me teacher * cof cof * I woke up a little late today !. "Jake said when he got to the classroom door. "It's Jake, we all realized that. Now sit back and move on, you've already lost ten minutes, and every second you miss is another one percent chance of failing the test !. "Jake's teacher said angrily.<br/><br/> Jake came in, took the test and sat down. The test contained twenty sheets, with one hundred and forty-five questions. 'Damn come on * sigh * just focus and remember what I learned yesterday' said Jake mentally to himself.<br/><br/> Seconds passed, then minutes and then finally the hours passed until a bell started ringing * Triiimmmm * signaling the end of the test time and it was at that moment that Jake finished writing the last answer.<br/><br/> "Hey bro, are you okay ?! You look like a red tomato so hahahaah! "Said Jake's friend Paul.<br/><br/> "Ahh, don't joke. I have a very bad headache !. "Jake replied.<br/><br/> "Now I know where that burning smell was coming from… it must have been from your brain from forcing it so much hahahahaha. "Said Paul" It seems that studying has not helped much. "<br/><br/> "Fuck you! "He cursed Jake.<br/><br/> Jake got up and took the exam to the professor and left without waiting for Paul. "Hey Jake wait, I was making fun of you without resentment" Screaming didn't help, Jake put a new phone on his ear and walked off in an unknown direction.<br/><br/> He walked through streets and places that became increasingly deserted. He arrived at a lake surrounded by trees, his cell phone vibrated and it was a message from his father. .<br/><br/> Jake read that message and had no reaction. He took the backpack off his back, threw his phone over it, and headed for the water. When the sole of her sneakers touched the water it formed a layer of ice in a fraction of a second.<br/><br/> Jake walked to the center of the lake and stood in the middle of the water and for a few minutes he looked at the sky that changed every second to a darker and darker color. It was as if a storm was brewing over Jake, growing more intense by the second, until torrential rain began to fall.<br/><br/> And as if he was about to explode, Jake screamed with all his might, freezing everything around him. The lake, the trees, the fish, the animals all froze and turned into ice crystals, which exploded after a few seconds.</p>