
Chapter 26: Pendant

Magnus noticed a cruel gleam in the bird's eyes and before he or anybody else could shout out a warning, the bird released a final shot of acid.

Either by dumb luck or stupidity, the man slipped on the slimy acid when hopped in another spot. Which in turn causing him to land on his ass and cry out in pain as the acid he sat on ate away at his trousers and burned his butt.

Still though that was a much better outcome than getting hit by the actual thing head on which in fact went sailing over his head.

The sparrow clearly wasn't happy with the fact that it wasn't able to kill its challenger so it spat out two more shots of acid at its opponent. The man seeing that he had no time to hop on his feet and dodge, did the only thing he could do, roll on the ground.

Magnus winced at the sight and felt ghost pain traveling up his body just watching it.

Nevertheless, the champion made the right call as he made it through alive, though Magnus couldn't say perfectly intact and healthy.

In addition, before the bird could continue on with its relentless attacks from high above, its collar started to come into play. Without any forewarning, the sparrow cried out in pain as its collar started to light up with glowing letters and came crashing into the floor.

Then from the left gate, the men from before appeared, this time they carried long iron rods as tall as a full-grown man and a half, tipped with three long prongs at each end. They swiftly approached the sparrow who was shaking off the damage it received and trying to get back into the air.

Yet the bird never got a chance, the men circled it, completely cutting off any sort of escape, and started to poke it with the pitchforked ends. It looked like forked ends where some sort of taser because with each jab electricity would spark on the bird's feathers.

The bird fought back valiantly but these men looked like they have done this before, numerous times. So with practiced ease the bird was taken down and hauled off.

From the right gate came out another two men carrying a cot between themselves, and an additional at their side. From the extra person, Magnus gathered she was a healer by the garbs she was wearing.

They put the moaning man onto the cot and took him any, Magnus had to look away, the damage done on him was not life threatening but still queasy.

It wasn't the soles of his feet that made him squeamish, the only damage done on that area was the total loss of his boots. Nor was it his rear end, which was reddened like a baboon's.

It was his elbow and knee areas, the points he used to roll around in the acid spat ground. They were literally cooked meat that made his head spin from all the way up here since he could smell it and taste it at the tip of his mouth.

"That was a really close thing," Magnus whispered to himself.

However, his seating neighbor must have caught it, and said, "He was one of the lucky ones, some don't even make it."

"That is god damn awful," Magnus uttered, voicing what he thought, and having a deeper perspective of what this all means.

"These boys and girls know what they are getting into, and it also pays handsomely. You win any match you get paid pretty well, also any injuries incurred on the arena get healed by the amphitheater, and if you die your family will be reimbursed."

Magnus sighed, he could clearly see the attraction this arena held, still though it is the failings of society that people throw their lives here.

"I would have tried to join, but you need to be healthy and fit," the man said as he tapped his foot which was a wooden lump when he looked closely at it.

All at once Magnus understood why he was drawn to this man, he sort of reminded him of a pirate, all he needed was a parrot and he would be set.

"Alright, the next match is starting up," the man pointed out, which he was correct on since another bird and champion entered the arena.

"Are all the beasts going to be birds?" Magnus asked, this was the third time in a row he now saw only bird beasts fighting.

"Yea," the man replied as his attention stayed focus on the fight down below. "You city folks might not know what goes on in the mountains thanks to being safe underneath the Guilds' skirts. However, us folk, who have to make it on our own, get to know our adversaries pretty well.

The beasts that haunt us and vex us, are the birds, they usually make their nests in other unoccupied mountains, but they still need to feed."

Magnus swallowed down on the lump in his throat when he heard 'the need to feed.' If these that are fighting in the arena right now are any indication, these creatures are a cruel and bloodthirsty lot, though captivity must have upped that by a lot.

Anyways it just showed you how dangerous and deadly this world was; first, there was the inequality. Then the discovery of magic and people who have tapped into it, and now there are large man-sized beasts with strange mutations and abilities.

This world truly doesn't give you a moment of rest!

Nevertheless, Magnus kept his thoughts to himself and got back to watching the matches.

Soon before he even knew it, time passed, one match turned into another and now the hour is getting late. He had to say the matches were exciting and fascinating, there where folks who got injured and some even killed but he knew that he couldn't be a bleeding heart towards everyone.

They were grown folk, they knew what they were getting into, even though most likely they had no choice but to go down this path. That did sort of bring up his predicament, though he promptly banished it off.

Today, he is going to take it easy like the matron said, so none of that impending doom and gloom stuff.

Now like he was saying, these matches are a real well of information and knowledge. During those matches where the champions either have some speck of skills or high stats, Magnus was in for a match of his life.

Thanks to them, showing how they fought, Magnus was able to learn how to use his body and gain a whole new perspective of what all his instructors were trying to teach him.

These trainings that Shui makes him do was obviously to get his body into tip-top shape. The stances that Bulut makes him do has many uses, the square games that he plays with Soykan where to get him thinking strategically, and even what Taylan lessons could be put to use; like for example playing dirty.

Magnus got up, he had his fill of fights today, so best to go home now. However before he could take a step, the announcer shouted, "For our last battle of the day, we have the most famous and distinguished champion who graced this arena. We all know him, we all love him, so give it up for…. Caaaag!"

Once he heard last match, Magnus sat back down, one more spectacle wouldn't hurt. He watched as a heavy armored man carrying a long sword and shield walked into the field. He couldn't make out the man's face since he had a helmet on, but the crowd seemed to have known him pretty well since they went bonkers.

[Name: Cag | Highest Stat: Endurance(MAX)]

"What does max, mean?" Magnus asked once he got an overview of the man's stats.

"That means he is at 20, the highest possible so far in our scale," Codex simply replied, dropping the bombshell with ease.

Magnus tried to have a closer look at the man, but that visor was too small to see through, still, that did not stop his awe towards the man. No wonder he is the greatest champion here, he is even slightly more powerful than three out four of his thief acquaintances.

"On the other end of the field is a creature we all know very well. One who has terrorized this land for countless years." Hushed whispers started to spread at the announcer's declaration, even the man himself did seem to want to reveal this.

From right beside him, his neighbor muttered under his breath, "They couldn't have…"

"A Thunderbird!" from the left gate came out a bird that was a mix between an eagle, a vulture, and a prehistoric pterodactyl. Even though this bird was as big as every other bird that came before it, mass pandemonium still started up.

People started to run out of the amphitheater, others just sat there dumbfounded, while others screamed for all they were worth.

"Please calm down folk," the announcer said, though Magnus could make out from his voice he really wanted to join in with everyone in the chaos. "This is only a baby Thunderbird, and we have a Guild representative here, to protect us, if anything were to go wrong."

That statement at least eased a lot of folks, but still, some decided they had enough entertainment value for the day, and left.

Though what attracted Magnus attention was the word, 'baby' because how in god's name could that be a baby?! It was the size of a bear! How big would it be when it is a grown-up?

He did not even want that question to be answered, because if these people's reaction was any indication it would be ridiculously scary. Also its stats made him sweat buckets;

[Name: Thunderbird | Highest Stat: Agility(MAX)]

"Now, let the match begin!" the announcer shouted, which was pointless since the fight had begun once the bird entered the arena.

Once the baby bird entered the field Cag instantly charged it, that was one of the brilliant tactics that those who know what they are doing execute. You never want the beast to get off the ground or else it would have the advantage of the sky.

The little baby bird, or the humongous baby bird, tried to escape to the air, but Cag already closed the distance. With an uppercut chop of his sword, the bird had no choice but to fight back.

It brought out its talons which shined in the low hanging sun, casting a long, deep shadow then used it to block the strike. Still though Cag did not let up, he followed his attack up with a stab which the bird was able to parry through the skin was nicked.

That caused blood to be drawn, the thunderbird thrilled out in anger, and went on the offensive. It brought out its other talon and slashed down in a racking motion.

Cag had no time to bring out his sword to block so he had to use his shield. Its massive frame must have been behind that attack since the man got pushed back a few steps trailing behind two long furrows in the ground.

Before he was able to steady himself the bird once more attacked this time trying to pluck him with talons like it would a prey. Cag hastily brought up his shield and was able to block the downwards struck by a hair's breadth, though he was able to bring out his sword and get a slash in.

This time is the cut was not a little graze, but one that cut so deep that one of the bird's talons was hanging on by only a meat string.

The bird screeched out in pain and flapped a few steps back to safety, it looked at its opponent with hate filled eyes and Magnus noticed that electricity was cascading through it dark coarse feathers.

"Oh, shit," Magnus's neighbor stated, as the thunderbird opened its beck wide and blasted out a stream of lightning.

Yes, real-life lighting!

For a moment there he mistook it as a dragon. Was that thing a fire breathing serpent when it was shotting out lighting like that.

As the dust settled, everyone finally got a good look at the destruction the baby bird caused; scorch marks lined many areas in the filed, upturned earth littered the floor, and standing tall and proud in the center was Cag.

For a moment there everyone thought he was fine, and somehow he was able to make it through that blast of lightning. Even though his armor was cinched in places and there was a massive scorch mark on his shield.

But then he dropped on to his feet and fell to the ground, sprawling limply on the ground.

The bird thrilled in happiness as its opponent laid there, at its feet. It swooped high into the air and came down for the finishing blow, but just like every beast that reached too far, it collar acted up.

The bird came down crashing into the ground, and the men or as Magnus likes to call them the Tamers entered the arena. This time instead of carrying forked taser rods, they carried blowpipes and fired off a dozen shot into the beast.

This is was an intriguing development, where they too scared of the Thunderbird?

The bird must have been a thing of great will because it refused to go down, it feebly raised its head up trying to get up but the drugs inside of the darts were doing quick their work.

Then the most peculiar thing happened, cracks started to appear on the bird's collar, and he wasn't the only one to notice it. The men with the blowpipes must have seen it too since they took hesitant steps back.

Suddenly the atmosphere took a turn for strange, dark clouds started to form in the sky, but only underneath the amphitheater. People stared up into the sky, as lightning echoed off into the distance.

"Folks," the announcer said in a clearly shaky voice. "Please head to the exits in a clear, orderly fashion. Do not run, do not push, and do not panic. There is nothing to be afraid of, the Guild representative will keep us safe."

Unlike last time, there was no immediate break down into mass pandemonium, this time the people could not pinpoint the strangeness going on here, so they followed through with the announcer's course of action and left the amphitheater.

Still though there were still some folks acting like a troll and creating panic here, that why Magnus stayed back in his seat until the last few were heading on.

Magnus was curious about what was going on, but all that happened during the interim was the wind picking and lightning flashing through the sky. He knew that something was going on, but like the others, he had no idea what it was.

So with little choice in the matter, he was lead out of the amphitheater and into the darkening streets.

"What do you think that was?" Magnus asked his companion as he looked at the now closed entrances.

"I have no clue just like you," Codex replied. "Though it was something big, I could feel it in my bones!"

"Yea," Magnus said, as he rubbed his chin in contemplation, "Whatever that announcer said, that Guilders was not here to keep us safe or whatever excuse he made! Those fuckers could care less what we get up to, he must have been here because he knew what was about to happen today."

"That does make sense," Codex said with a virtual nod, "but what?"

"Well, that is the million dollar question!" Magnus stated with a shrug.

"Young man, could I interest you in anything?" a voice said.

Magnus turned to face the speaker which turned out to be a peddler who was selling some trinkets. "No thanks," Magnus said with a shake of his head as he politely declined the man.

There were dozens of little vendors like his, placed strategically at the foot of the stadium. All trying to catch the attention of people out for a day of entertainment and selling little cheap goods to make a small profit on.

Most were closing up now since the profitable crowd was long gone by now, only a few folks littered around like Magnus.

"Are you sure I can't interest you in a ring, an amulet, a talisman, or more…" the vendor asked once more.

Magnus once more declined politely, this man was tame compared to the rest of his other chum. They would curse at you, give you the stink eyes, and spit in your direction if you do not buy their wares.

If there is one thing you develop in this world, it is tough skin, it is truly the one thing you would ever need to get by.

"It can't be," Codex whispered.

"It can't be what?" Magnus asked, thinking that she has come up with a speculation of what is going on in the arena.

"That pendant over there," Codex clamored with restlessness in her voice.

Magnus went over to the vendor, who was starting to pack up, and asked, "Could I have a look at your wares, good sir?"

"I thought you weren't interested," the peddler said in accusative tone.

"Ahh, I just remembered my little sister would want me to bring her something back or she would never let me off the hook," Magnus said in a straight face, just like he said, you develop a tough skin in this world.

"Fine," the vendor said, as he stretched his back. "You better buy something, though," he mumbled as he brought out his wares once more.

Instantly he spotted what made Codex agitated, it was a pendant, the cord was of pure silver in color. It had a round cage attached to it, with strange letters written on it creating an intricate design. Inside the round, teardrop cage was a crystal clear bead, and when Magnus turned it around in his hands, his hands started to tremble and shake.

Immediately he closed his hands into a fist around the necklace.

'This couldn't be possible,' he thought. Come what may though this was best left to when he could find some privacy.

"How much does this cost," Magnus asked already putting on the pendant.

The man gave a price and without even haggling for it he paid and left.

Here the chapter for the day! And please, give this novel a review, follow, and favorite!

This arc will be over next week so tune in, as we tie up all lose ends.

Thunderbird Pic: https://fustifoccs.cgsociety.org/815e/eagle

Advance Chapter: https://www.p@treon.com/Abdirah

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