
Chapter 4: An Oath to Protect

[Location: Somewhere deep within the dark forest between the Hero and Mage countries]

A group of five individuals, including Sam's grandfather, Jin, suddenly materialized in the eerie depths of the dark forest. The air was thick with mana, yet strangely devoid of the usual beastly presence. Even the creatures seemed to avoid the area, sensing something amiss.

Guided by a man named Daiki, the group followed a foul stench that led them further into the heart of the forest. What they encountered was a chilling and horrifying scene of mass destruction.

Lifeless bodies, both human and beast, were scattered across the forest floor. The sight was heart-wrenching, and it ignited a fierce anger within Jin, who bore the responsibility of safeguarding the area as its elder.

The group stood in silence, unable to find words to convey the gravity of the situation before them.

"This area falls under our jurisdiction. How could this happen right under our noses? Who could dare commit such atrocities in my domain?" Jin's anger burned, fueled by his millennia-long dedication to protecting the city and its surroundings.

The lack of blood and the repulsive, slime-like substance covering the bodies puzzled them. Haine speculated that the killings could be the work of a magical beast, but Daiki disagreed, pointing out the deliberate and malicious nature of the deaths.

"These victims were not merely killed; they were tortured and disfigured. This level of cruelty goes beyond the behavior of magical beasts. It's as if the killer deliberately wanted to conceal the identities of the victims," Daiki deduced.

"Or perhaps the perpetrator is a deranged individual who takes pleasure in these horrifying acts," another member suggested.

Jin questioned why the guards patrolling the area hadn't noticed anything suspicious, and Daiki revealed that the victims were disciples of the Green Lotus Alchemy guild, who had come to harvest rare herbs during the full moon. The tragedy had struck while they were searching for a flower with incredible healing properties.

"We need to take action. If this persists, people will lose faith in us, and I won't allow that," Jin resolved, his mind racing with ideas and possibilities.

Haine raised the possibility of vampires being involved, but Jin assured him that they had a pact with the vampires, ruling them out as suspects.

As they contemplated the situation, a sudden burst of blinding light enveloped the area. A magic circle appeared on the ground, and three individuals emerged from it.

"Long time no see, Jin. How have you been?" greeted a man with long, dark black hair, gray spots, and brown eyes, flashing a smirk.

"Anos, what are you doing here?" Jin's irritation was evident, as if he had been interrupted from something important.

"Don't you know how to welcome friends?" Anos retorted, conjuring a glass of wine with a small magic circle. "I didn't come here to play. I came to discuss this," he said, pointing at the burned corpses.

Jin's annoyance faded as he realized the seriousness of the situation. Anos informed him that mages from their side were also missing, with some found dead in a similar manner.

"We must capture these culprits quickly to avoid trouble for your king and our elders," Jin contemplated.

The gravity of the situation demanded immediate action. Jin issued orders to the group: a curfew would be enforced, prohibiting anyone from roaming after dusk, and no entry or exit from Eiyu and the surrounding cities would be allowed. Multiple search parties would be formed to raid public places and apprehend anyone suspicious.

Jin was certain that the perpetrator was still within one of the five cities, and he vowed to personally see to it that this criminal was brought to justice.

Anos agreed with the plan and dispatched his own mages to relay the orders to the Kinley guards before vanishing through a magic circle.


[Author's Note: As a new writer, I appreciate your understanding and feedback.

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