
Evolution: Awakening SSS Talents

In a twist of fate, the bustling campus of Alan Fisher's university, along with its students and faculty, is inexplicably whisked away from Earth and transported to a mysterious realm filled with dangers. Through an unforeseen activation, Alan Fisher awakened his SSS Talents: Devour - The ability to absorb all forms of energy and Analyze - Granting insight into all things Now, Alan and his companions find themselves embarking on a perilous journey for survival and and what exactly brought them here.

Chizihn · Fantasía
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13 Chs

4. The Man Who Created Miracles


As Alan placed his hand on the students forehead, a flood of information entered his mind.

[Name: Jason Carpenter

Age: 20 years old

Injury severity: Severe, critical

Injured areas: Severe fracture of right leg, sternum fracture, ruptured internal organs, weakened heart rate, weakened blood pressure, difficulty breathing]

A series of injury notifications made Alan's expression turn serious.

"How is he?"

"Director, his injuries are severe, and he needs immediate treatment, or he may not survive."

The director had already heard this from the doctor, but hearing it again now still sent shivers down his spine.

Among Alan's awakened abilities, there was a special ability called Healing. However, he hadn't tested it yet.

"Brother, I hope luck is on your side, and my healing ability can save you"

Alan placed his hand on Jason's chest once more, feeling the faint heartbeat.


The Black Iron Warrior's ability activated, surging vitality flowing into Jason's body. The so-called supernatural power was, in fact, a special ability possessed by evolutionary beings.

The more abilities a creature had, the higher its level of evolution—Black Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond, and so on.

For example, a one-star Black Iron Warrior, a two-star Black Iron Warrior. Each increase in star rating brought the possibility of gaining a certain special ability.

As the potent vitality coursed through Jason's body, the injuries began to heal rapidly. Even some seemingly incurable ailments were cured under the influence of the powerful vitality.

With the robust vitality of the Black Iron Warrior, it was not a problem. Of course! If it were a two-star Black Iron Warrior, healing Jason would have been more challenging.

For a while, the entire medical room fell silent. All eyes were fixed on Alan, awaiting the miracles he could create.

Three minutes later, Alan withdrew his hand and stepped back, slightly panting. Even a three-star Black Iron Warrior would feel fatigued after continuously channeling vitality.

"Look, director, Jason's heartbeat and blood pressure have returned to normal!"


"It's true."

The equipment clearly displayed that Jason had indeed returned to a stable state.

"To possess medical skills and be able to revive someone on the brink of death... This damn hero is like a protagonist in a novel. How are ordinary people like us supposed to feel?"

The doctor's eyes gleamed. Why hadn't he realized before that Alan possessed the power to heal diseases and save lives? And the method he used was unbelievable.

At that moment, everyone looked at Alan with a mixture of awe and admiration.

After taking a brief break, Alan began to treat Jason's broken leg. Compared to the more severe internal injuries, a broken leg was much simpler to deal with.

He just needed to align the fractured bones and then use his ability to mend them. It was quickly accomplished.

Alan said, "Alright, he's fine now, but he needs to rest!"

"Is Jason really okay?"

"Director, don't worry. If I say he's fine, then he's fine."

Alan remained confident in his abilities. The group of students stared at him in awe, seeing him as a man who created miracles.

An hour later...

The school cafeteria prepared some simple meals to fill the hungry students' stomachs.

After the meal, the director led the school doctor and several teachers to find Alan.

"Alan, tell us the truth. What happened to make you so powerful?"

"Director, I don't know all the details, but I do know something you don't."

"Speak, we're all ears!"

Alan proceeded to share everything he knew with the director and others.

"We are not in the world we knew but in a special place called the Black Iron World."

"In the Black Iron World, there are no laws, no moral justice, only the law of the jungle!"

"The reason I became so powerful is because of the awakened ability I obtained at the beginning, which allowed me to evolve into a one-star Black Iron Warrior and defeat the green-skinned beast!"

"That's the whole story."

After Alan finished speaking, he observed the changing expressions on the faces of the director and others.

After a moment, the director forced a wry smile and said, "Actually, when the dean returned to the school, I had a sense that something was amiss. Now that you've said it, it seems we have truly entered a different world!"

"Alan, are there specific conditions for awakening abilities?"

"Doctor, you have supernatural powers within you, so it shouldn't be difficult to awaken them."


The doctor spoke with excitement and a touch of incoherence.

"Alan, what about me? Do I possess a supernatural power?"

"Alan, I'm your department head. You need to help me awaken my abilities."

Everyone understood that the only way to survive in the Black Iron World was to awaken their abilities and become evolutionary beings.

Facing the eager lecturers, Alan declined their requests.

"First of all, I hope all the lecturers understand one thing. Not everyone is eligible to activate their abilities and become evolutionary beings."

"Secondly, to be eligible, you must possess innate abilities."

"And I have no idea how to activate these innate abilities."

Upon hearing this, several lecturers showed disappointment.

According to what Alan had said earlier, except for the doctor, none of them possessed innate abilities. In other words, only a few people could activate their abilities, leaving the rest as ordinary individuals in this new life.

"Alan, can you see mine?"

The director looked at him expectantly.


Alan felt a little embarrassed.

In fact, he had checked the director's innate abilities back in the infirmary and found that the director didn't possess any.

There was no need to say it out loud—Alan's expression said it all. The director looked disappointed.

However, as the head of the school, he quickly adjusted his mindset, thinking about how to solve the current predicament.

"Alan, let's set aside the matter of activating abilities for now. Currently, there are more pressing issues for you to address."


"That's right, you have become the hero of our school"

The director half-jokingly remarked.

A hero? Alan had always considered himself a loser. Led by the director, Alan walked toward the school conference room.

On the way, the doctor deliberately walked beside Alan.

"Alan, can you help me activate my abilities?"

"I can give it a try."


"I can only say that we should try. After all, none of us have experienced anything like this before."

"You're right."

The doctor understood. Whether he could become an evolutionary being like Alan depended entirely on this opportunity. If successful, he would gain unparalleled power, but if it failed, he might end up like those students who died, without even a proper burial.

In this different world, even dying a natural death had become an extremely challenging matter. From the students who managed to escape back to school, those green-skinned monsters outside the school could eat people.