
Chapter 47 Fire Dragon? Mermaid? I Am Yanlong, I Am The Tidecaller Banshee


Shui Yue angrily picked out a unit token.

Passed it to Qin Mo.

"Lord Bad Lord." Shui Yue handed over the unit token in a childish voice.

The puffy cheeks look really cute.

Her face is pretty and pink, and it looks like Qin Mo just did it.

It was still very exciting for her.

Qin Mo glanced at the other troop tokens.

Either a lobster soldier or a giant crab.

Either jellyfish or seahorses.

Not only are they inhuman arms, they don't look like they can fight on land.

He lowered his head and looked at the troop token in his hand.

[Water Spirit].

"Thank you, Xiaoyue, I'll recruit troops first." Qin Mo raised the troop token in his hand.

Not in the ink.

He quickly threw it into the barracks nearby.

The inventory of [Arrow Tower] has been emptied twice.

[Explosion Tower] launches fireballs the size of basketballs.

It blasted out a large sea of ​​fire.

A high output was produced.

Dragging it on.

It's time for those desert lizards to rush to the city wall.

[Army Token] is thrown into the barracks.

A soft light flashed, and ethereal laughter sounded.

Qin Mo immediately opened the [Barracks] panel.

I found the recruitment panel of [Water Elves] and directly recruited ten of them.


The sound of water splashing was heard.

The barracks door opened, and ten small light blue energy bodies flew out.

The whole body is sea blue, human-shaped, condensed from the purest water element.

Looks pretty.

The big eyes are cute and cute.


[Water Spirit]

[Quality: Golden Legend]

[Level: lv1 (/050)]

[Physique: 30 (basic physique 3, ten times improved)]

[Spirit: 150 (basic spirit 15, ten times improvement)]

[Talent: Water element affinity +1]

[Bloodline: Water Elf]

[Skill: Water Element Control]


[Water element affinity]

[Talent Quality: Purple Rare]

[Attributes: Water element damage suffered is reduced by 100% (base value 10%, ten times increased), water element attack is increased by 100% (base value 10%, ten times increased)]


[Water Spirit]

[Blood quality: blue excellent]

[Attribute: water attribute attack damage increased by 50% (base value 5%, ten times increased), physical damage received reduced by 100% (base value 10%, ten times increased)]

[Introduction: Water elves, both invisible and visible]


[Water Element Control]

[Quality: blue excellent]

[Attributes: Casting speed +100%, power increased by 100% (base value 10%, ten times increased)]



Industry specializing in surgery.

The water elf in front of me has very good attributes.

It uses long-range magic attacks.

It fills the problem of the lack of long-range troops in the territory.


They are all masters of water play.

Just right for dealing with those desert lizards who are afraid of water.

"You are the lord, you are so handsome!"

"Good afternoon, Lord."

"Hehe, nice to meet you, respected lord."

Ten water elves flew to Qin Mo, flying around happily.

He greeted with a smile.

Cute big eyes looked at his lord curiously.

"I'm glad to see you too." Qin Mo responded with a smile and said, "Now is not the time for small talk. There are many desert lizards who are afraid of water outside the territory."

"Desert lizard?"

"Afraid of water?"

"We don't know anything else but water."

"I can summon water to wash them down!"

"I can shoot water arrows!"

"I...I can blow bubbles..."

The water elf started talking to me one by one.

Full of joy.

They only have one skill, water element control.

But according to your own different preferences and habits.

The means of attack are also different.

"I can lead them to directly transform the terrain." Shui Yue cutely raised her hand and said.



"Permanent? That's fine too."


Qin Mo immediately waved his hand and recruited thirty water elves.

Forty water elves flew around in the sky, laughing as loudly as bells.

Sprinkle some water.

Qin Mo could clearly feel that the air nearby was much moister.

All forty water elves were assigned to Shui Yue's command.

Qin Mo quickly took Shui Yue and forty water elves and ran towards the city wall.

Come to the city wall.

He jumped up and climbed onto the city wall.

Water Elf and Shui Yue are both friendly forces, so naturally they will not be banned from the air.

They followed and flew up to the city wall.


Yan Ling'er looked at Shui Yue and the water elves curiously.

"Her name is Shui Yue, and she is the second hero of our territory." Qin Mo introduced: "Ling'er, Yan Ling'er, is the leader of the Red Flame Army, just like you."

Shui Yue: "Fire dragon?"

Yan Ling'er: "Mermaid?"

Shui Yue: "No, Yue'er is a tide-calling banshee."

Yan Ling'er: "I am Yan Long."

The two of them smiled alike and stretched out their little hands to shake them.

"Ling'er, send someone to protect these little cuties." After Qin Mo said that, he looked at Shui Yue: "You and the water elves should take action. These desert lizards are about to invade the city."

Outside the tall city wall.

The khaki lizardmen of Wuyang Wuyang swarmed in.

The territory was surrounded.