Hinata is a very special boy. Why do you ask? Well he is from a very rich royal family who finally have let him go to a college. Hinata is an Omega and has a very Royal Scent and his parents have sent him to a college to be able to become academic and find a prince but the only problem is, there’s not just ‘A’ Prince who wants him. No. They all do.
Hinata Shoyo took a soft deep breathe, breathing in and out slowly as he stepped out of his family's private airplane.
He stood still to take in the warm Japanese air for just a few moments before his name was called by one of his servants.
"Madam Hinata! Follow me this way to the limo and don't worry, I've gotten the outfits you requested to choose from for your arrival to your new college." She gave a small wink and Hinata blushed nodding softly.
Finally he could change out of this stuffy dress his parents made him wear and change into college clothes, clothes he would have probably never of been allowed to wear if he were still at home with his parents.
He followed the woman to the limo and climbed inside to see his personal maid sat waiting for him with a smile on her face. He had no idea she would be coming to collage with him.
"Yachi! I didn't know you were coming too! I thought I would have to go alone and make use of the help there!" Hinata said excitedly, he was overjoyed to have her with him and very very ecstatic about not having to find a new personal maid because he really trusted Yachi's help and to get a new one he knew he wouldn't trust them even half as much.
"Well of course! I wouldn't let you come here alone now would I? With all of those Alpha's you'd be eaten alive or more so no one would go near you without my fashion sense! Now let's get you out of that dreadful thing and into one of these outfits. You picked well. But remember. First day impressions mean everything! Because we are gonna find you one amazing prince. Or, you know, maybe a few amazing princes." She said with a wink as the door shut and immediately started to help Hinata out of the dreadful gown he was made to wear to Japan.
"Maybe there will be more than prince. It depends what these princes are like. I'm not dating any stuck up princes who do as their mommy's tell them so I'm going to give it my all show them who I am and I wanna be and that's not some stuck up princess who wears the most dreadful gowns. And yes, first day impressions matter so, I want the shorts and the top outfit please." He says with a giggle, pointing to the outfit and Yachi just giggles, nodding and passing him the outfit so he could change into the short blue denim shorts and the baby pink crop top.
Yachi was then smiling at how pretty he looked and a faint strawberry smell filled the air as if she was a proud mother or in her case, a very proud friend.
Hinata looked at her and smiled softly. "So it looks good right? Your scent is saying you're proud so, it's good?" He asked the Beta who nodded excitedly while smiling softly.
"Hm. Now I think that the white thigh high socks and the baby pink flats would be a good choice to match this outfit don't you think?" She said to him even though it was more of a question than a statement, so Hinata nodded his head and slipped on both the thigh high socks and the pink flats.
"You look almost perfect. There's just one thing missing." Yachi said with a smile, moving behind Hinata and putting his hair into two buns, one on each side, before slipping in handmade roses into each bun.
"Now you look beyond perfect and I'd be surprised if every Alpha and Beta didn't fall for you at first sight." She said with a soft giggle and Hinata just blushed, a rosey pink colour spreading from ear to ear and covering his cheeks leaving his nose a dusty red colour as both sides met in the middle, and smiled softly at her. He really was beyond glad that his personal maid and best friend would be joining him.
Hinata then looked at Yachi, his amber eyes shining as bright as the sun did on a warm summers day. "So in your opinion, these princes will like me right?" He asked, the blush just starting to fade and his voice full of strings of anxiety but as he looked at Yachi the Beta just giggled softly. He had no reason to be anxious.
"Listen Hinata. If they don't fall for you at first sight then those boys have problems because anyone in their right mindset would fall for you from your beauty the minute they lay eyes on you." He said softly and Hinata giggled happily, the blush re-appearing in his cheeks once again.
The two them then talked about all different things, like: ways to act around the different Alpha's and Beta's, and other things like that before the limo finally came to a halt and the doors were opened by one of the limo's footmen.
"Madam Hinata. We have arrived at your new college. Your mother has told me to inform you that to have a room basis in every sorority mansion and it is up to you which you take. She said it would be the best way for you to know the different princes and the ways they act when in the confines of their own frat mansions." He stated and Hinata nodded softly, stepping out of the limo with Yachi following behind him, carrying an all essential hand held bag.
Hinata was then led into the campus by a girl who looked just slightly older than Yachi. She had long locks of black hair that from the reflection of the sunlight started to shine a deep blue.
The group soon reached the area of where all of the Frat mansions were positioned and Hinata looked around at the different names wondering which one he should go for first.
He decided that he would ask the girl who led himself and Yachi to the destination they were at now.
"Hello. May I ask. In your opinion, which frat mansion should I start in? Which one has the best boys? Or maybe the ones that it would just be the best to get to know first?" He asked the girl while smiling softly, and the girl who led them just let out a soft giggle.
"Well, for that I wouldn't know since I'm into girls. But, I will tell you, the Karasuno frat mansion holds the best welcome parties." She says softly and Hinata smiles and nods at her. He would stay there for the time being then.
"We'll go there first then please! Oh! And also, may I get your name?" He asks the girl who just smiled at him and nodded.
"Of course you may. I'm Kiyoko. I'm just here as campus staff so you will see me around helping people with all sorts of different things." She said with a smile and Hinata just smiled back at her.
"Then Kiyoko, please show us the way to the Karasuno frat mansion." He said with a giggle and the girl nodded softly, leading them down a path and into the Karasuno frat mansion.
When Hinata stepped inside of the Karasuno frat mansion he just looked around in awe. The place felt so homey and sweet, the walls painted in creams aeith dashes of orange and black paintings. And immediately Hinata felt at home at the place apart from the strong stench of Alpha in the air that hit his nostrils making him smell so many different smells at once and it caused him to let out a small moan which Kiyoko just chuckled at. That was definitely one thing he wasn't ready for, being able to always smell Alpha and probably always being horny from the large smells of Alpha.
"There are 6 Alpha's and 3 Beta's who live in the Karasuno frat mansion. One of the Alpha's are an empath and can always tell what your feeling but don't worry, he only shares that information if he thinks it's funny, if he's asked about it or if he feels he genuinely needs to." She stated and Hinata blushed a rosey pink and nodded. He was nervous about the fact that he would always be around so many Alphas and Betas. The girl then lead Hinata up the stairs and walked with him to a room with the number '10' on the door.
She turned to him and smiled softly. "This will be your room. Your mother made it so in every frat mansion your room is number 10." She said with a smile and pushed the door open to show Hinata a beautiful homey room.
The room was painted in cream like the other walls of the house but this one had a mix of sparkly black and purple colours.
The bed was a king sized canopy bed with the sheets, pillows, curtains and cushions being in sparkly black, purple and pink to match the room theme, as well as there being beautiful mirrors which opened into a walk in closet, 2 bedside tables and a pink couch with purple and black pillows.
Hinata looked around in awe loving it all before turning Kiyoko and Yachi while smiling excitedly. "It's beautiful. I love it! It's amazing." He said excitedly while smiling, before walking over and taking a seat on the pink couch by the door.
"I'm glad you like it." She said with a pleased smile before continuing. "If it's okay with you I'd like to borrow your help for a minute. I need to show her the cottages. Each member of help gets their own cottage so I must show her where she'll be staying. I promise we won't be too long, so make yourself at home and feel free to meet any of the other Karasuno residents. They'll be finishing classes in about 15 minutes." She said and Hinata nodded whispering to yachi.
"Go on. Have fun. I know she's your type. Make sure to get her number and tell me all about when you get back!" He whisper-yelled to her in which Yachi just blushed a bright red and nodded walking out of the room and exiting the Karasuno frat house with her.
Hinata then went to his new bed and flopped on top of it. It was so soft and comfy, and Hinata was now radiating with excitement and comfort, making a very strong and sweet smell of cinnamon fill his room and flood out of the door, leading down the hall and filling the entire mansion with a sweet smell of cinnamon.
As Hinata was making his new surroundings feel like a home should feel he didn't even hear, nor notice the main doors of the mansion open up but he would the second the scents got stronger.
"Hey! So did you guys hear about what's happening today?" A boy who was slightly shorter than the others, and with brown hair with a blonde streak through it asked before continuing. "That new princess is supposed to be joining our school today! I wonder which frat mansion they have chosen to stay in on their first night?" The shorter Alpha asked while strong excitement radiated off him making the air smell of soft caramel.
The boy with raven black hair sighed and rolled his eyes. "You should stop referring to them as a princess. You know they might night even like being referred to as one because the last time I checked, they are a HE. They go by Madam the Prince Hinata. So they're not titled as a princess, just an Omega prince." He states with another eye roll and the boy with blonde hair nods in agreement.
"I hate to have to agree with this fucking idiot here but he's got a good point. This guy probably isn't even all tha-" The boy with the blonde hair stopped in his tracks, pausing in what he was saying as he stepped inside, a sweet cinnamon scent filling his nostrils and flooding his lungs.
"Holy shit. Alright then. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe he is all that. And maybe he's fucking staying with us!" He said in shock before groaning at the sweet smell as the others stepped in and had similar reactions to the strong scent of cinnamon.
"He's excited. And he thinks the place is comforting." A boy with silver hair states and everyone nods while smiling. Well at least the Omega was excited to meet them, well from what their empath Alpha is telling them anyway.
But at that Daichi just sighed. "Look Suga. Please. We all know that you're an Alpha empath but please stop doing that. It can get annoying and you being an empath could scare the little Omega off if you're always reading his feelings and we want him to stay with us for as long as possible. It also gets annoying after a while." A boy with dark brown hair stated with a sigh and Suga nodded softly with a sigh of his own.
"Okay, got it. Sorry Daichi." He apologised and Daichi nodded, giving Suga a soft smile to show him he wasn't angry he just wanted his friend to understand.
Just a few moments later the group of Alpha's and Beta's then heard footsteps coming closer to the stairway and they all waited in anticipation as two of the members of the group near the back closed the doors to the mansion.
Hinata at first didn't notice the door open or that people had entered the Karasuno frat mansion but not noticing didn't last for long because after only a few minutes Hinata could smell the scents in the air become much stronger and blushed, finally realising that the Alpha's and Beta's must have already arrived. "They must be here! Yes! I can't wait to go and meet them!" He exclaimed to himself excitedly and climbed off of the bed, going to the mirror to check his outfit, fixing the bows on his white thigh high socks before leaving his room and walking through the corridor to the stairs.
As soon as Hinata reached the top of the stairs he was hit with a very strong wave of scents and blushed bright red, coughing to cover up the moan that threatened to release from all the beautiful smells flooding into the air and filling his lungs.
When he had finally gotten his breathe back, he looked down to see that 9 sets of eyes were on him, looking at him so intensely and he giggled softly as he started to make his way down the flight of stairs.
"Hi! I'm Hinata." He said with a cute smile before continuing. "I kind of hope you don't mind that I made myself at home before you arrived." Hinata said cutely as he walked down the stairs, following the air that lead him to the strongest scent. It was a beautiful chocolate flavour, clearly showing that that the owner of this scent was the Head Alpha of the Karasuno frat mansion.
Hinata continued walking as he reached the air of the scent and stopped in front of the boy with short, dark brown hair and smiled up at him. "I was told you guys threw the best welcome parties?" He asked as he looked up at the Alpha who just bit his bottom lip and nodded at the cute Omega.
"Yes we do, they're always the best. And it's very nice to meet you. I'm Daichi." He states to Hinata who nods at him while smiling happily before raising his eyebrows.
"I hope I'll enjoy staying here with you all. Which I'm sure I will. And I am talking to the right person right? Sometimes my nose gets in wrong but you are the Head Alpha right?" Hinata asked a little worriedly and Daichi just chuckled before nodding softly.
"Yes. That would be me. I am indeed the Head Alpha." He states and Hinata smiles at him, feeling relieved that he had gotten it right. As he let out the different feelings he could feel someone analysing him and turned to his side, walking up to the silver haired boy. "Empath?" He asked the boy who chuckled and nodded, smiling softly at Hinata.
"Hah. Yeah. That would be me. Hi. I'm Sugawara but most people call me just Suga. And yeah, I'm an Alpha empath. And also, feel free to tell me if my abilities start to annoy you because sometimes they annoy others a lot." He says and Hinata just smiles softly while shaking his head.
"I don't fine Empath annoying. I find them super cool!" He said with an excited smiled and Suga just smiled happily at Hinata, at least one person enjoyed the fact that he was an Empath, unlike the others who were annoyed of his ability.
"Also, if you wouldn't mind. Can you tell me why the boy with the black hair is glaring at me from behind. I'm kinda scared to turn around." He said and everyone just burst out with laughter, Kageyama looking away and blushing from the embarrassment of being called out.
"Actually he wasn't glaring at you! So don't worry! Actually come to think of. KAGEYAMA TOBIO! Hinata just moved in! Stop getting aroused by his arse!" The silver haired boy yells and this time Kageyama blushes bright red and hides his face in his hands. Hinata was now bursting out with laughter at the funny situation.
"And you're the Vice Alpha of this place then?" Hinata asked him, as to which Suga chuckles softl and nods. "Yeah that is also me. I'm the one who gets funny angry to stop our Head Alpha here from going Alpha crazy." He says with a chuckle and Hinata then turns around the see someone only slightly taller than him who was bursting with energy.
"And you? The really excited Alpha who's a little on the short side. You're a Party Animal Alpha right? One of those Alpha's who when they were around 12 thought it would be cool to not listen to his parents and dye one part of his hair a completely different colour?" Hinata asked him with a giggle as everyone else in the room chuckled at the accuracy and Nishinoya nearly choked on air because of the accuracy and the slight embarrassment.
"Ha. I guess I did do that. Yeah. Hah. Um anyway! Hi! I'm Nishinoya Yuu! You can call me anything you like though princess. And yes! I am the Party Animal Alpha. Well one of them anyway!" Nishinoya says in an upbeat tone and huge smile and Hinata just giggles soft and smiles back at him cutely.
Hinata then turns around again, this time facing towards a very tall and large Alpha but he isn't the slightest bit scared. Nope. Instead he just looks at him and giggles cutely.
"You're a First Time Alpha right? You're new to Omega's? Because your family are all Alpha's, even your mom you unfortunately don't know what to do when you meet an Omega. But I can give you some tips if you want. Number 1. Don't worry about hurting us because we know you won't and similarly, you don't need to act scared. Omega's aren't harmful beings, we're actually really cute and sweet you know. " Hinata states with another cute giggle and the large Alpha immediately relaxes at Hinata's soft and helpful words.
"Ah. I am so sorry. I'm Asahi Azume. And yeah. Hah. You would be right about that. Hah. Well I very much appreciate the tips." The large Alpha says with a soft smile and rubs the back of his neck nervously.
As Hinata went to turn to the next person he could feel a pair of eyes glaring at him from behind and giggled softly. I think this Alpha just wants some friends.
Hinata turns around to face the Alpha who was glaring at him and smiles sarcastically but still cutely. "Hi! I'd really appreciate it if you did not glare at me just because I didn't come to you first okay? Just because you're an Alpha who sucks at making friends doesn't mean you have to glare at me to become mine. That's not how it works. If you would've just tapped my shoulder and said hello that would've worked much better." Hinata says with a smile and everyone else chuckles as the boy who was glaring at him earlier just coughs, his eyes softening and smiling slightly now.
"Ah. Sorry. Hi. I'm Tsukishima Kei. And I'm really sorry. I'm really not great at making friends. Hah. But um. Hopefully we could become friends?" He asks with a softly smile filled with hope and ends up letting out an amazing scent of pheromones. Hinata blushes a bright red as he is hit with a beautiful scent of mint chocolate and coughs to hide a moan from the smell that filled his nostrils. Tsukishima may not be the kindest but his scent was irresistible.
Hinata then turned to face the last one Alpha whose eyes sparkled like the stars in the darkest of the night skies. His eyes looking like deep pools of water. As he looked into his eyes he giggled softly. This boy wasn't scary, he was actually really sweet.
Because of his giggle eberyone was now just looking at Hinata, very confused confused since no one really got in with Kageyama. The boy tended to keep to himself and his brother.
Hinata just smiles softly and blushes lightly. "All of you push him too hard you know. He's full of beautiful scents of distant Omega and not much Alpha. This means he clearly comes from an all Omega family, apart from maybe one person." He sniffs the air. "I can't tell if it's a father or a sibling. But you know you don't need to be a Shy Alpha right? You can talk to the other Alpha's you know? They're all friendly and they won't hurt you, I promise. You'd be able to act perfectly fine without making it look like you're always giving them the death glare if you just have it a try." Hinata says with a soft smile as he is then hit with another scent, one full of happiness and hope. Beautiful smells of Blueberries and Vanilla filled Hinata's nostrils and he blushed bright red, choking on the scent, and how much it smelled even better than the amazing ones he'd already smelt today.
"Oh. Okay. I'm Tobio Kageyama. You can call me either or whatever you want to call me and thanks I guess. I'll make sure to keep that in mind when I need someone to talk to. But may I just say, you look very pretty." Kageyama says with a smile and a soft blush as everyone gasps and looks at both Hinata and Kageyama in shock, not knowing that it was actually possible for kageyama to actually smile. But Hinata knew, the group would be seeing a lot more of the blue eyed boys' smiles.
Hinata then turned once more. He was now onto the Beta's of the Karasuno Frat Mansion. "And you. You're the Party Animal Beta right? The other Party Animal member that Nishinoya was talking about? You thought it would be cool at 13 to shave your hair off completely but realised it wasn't and that you really regret doing it, yet you still try your hardest to rock with it, even though you know some people think it looks stupid?" Hinata asks with a softly giggle while looking at the Beta who just coughed to cover up his embarrassment and nodded.
"Yeah! That would be me. Hah. I'm Tanaka Ryuu. And yes exactly! I'm me and Nishinoya are a duo of Party Animals, you can always count on us to provide music and games." Tanaka states with a smirk and Hinata just smiles at him before looking over Tanaka's shoulder.
"And." Hinata sniffs the air but smells absolutely nothing, which was confusing due to the fact that all Beta's should have at least a faint scent. Hinata then realised. "Ah. You must be a Scentless Beta right?" Hinata asked the boy just shrugs and nods at him.
"Ennoshita. That's my name. I'm usually just around since no one can smell me, people usually don't realise I'm here." The boy states and Hinata giggles at that before turning around to face the final person.
He turns around to face a Beta and sniffs the air, his nostrils being filled with a faint scent of apple and pear.
Hinata just giggles at how cute the boy is and how sweet he must be. "And you! I want to have a sleepover with you! You seem so cute and sweet! Eek! I just wanna be your best friend!" Hinata tells him with an excited giggle and the boy just blushes just looks at him as a soft blush covers his face from ear to ear.
The boy then smiles and nods at him. "Hi. And that would be a lot of fun. I'm Yamaguchi Tadashi. And I'd love to become your best friend." Yamaguchi says with a soft and nervous smile while nervously rubbing the back of his neck and Hinata smiles happily and excitedly at him.
Someone then speaks to gain Hinata's attention and Hinata turns to face them. "Hey. Can I ask, how did you know like, a basis on who we are? Because we haven't told you anything, yet it's like to have a sort of variety of empath abilities?" Sugawara asks him and Hinata smiles softly while looking at him before replying.
"That would be because I'm a Royal Omega. I can tell how strong scents are which gives me an assumption on who they are. That's why I knew a basis on everyone apart from Ennoshita since he's a Scentless Beta. I can also sense different emotions based on scents but I can only sense the emotions if they are directly aimed at me." Hinata tells him with a happy smile and Sugawara smiles back and nods at him.
"I have one question though? Will I get a welcome party? I was told this Frat Mansion held the best parties out of everyone." Hinata asked and stated as Daichi just chuckled and nodded.
"Yes. You will 100% get a welcome party. The other Frat Mansions will arrive here for it later. Though, what you're wearing isn't really a party outfit." Daichi says with a chuckle and Hinata giggles in return.
"I know that. Don't worry. I'll have the perfect outfit. My maid should be back soon to help me choose one." He states and everyone's eyes widen in shock.
"Your maid came to the school with you?" Nishinoya asked him and Hinata nodded with a soft smile.
"She's my special maid. I can't do much much without her. Plus she has to be here or I have to go home, don't worry though, she's nice and fun." He says just as the door opens soon and Yachi steps inside, not noticing anyone at first.
"Hello? Madam are you her-" She started saying before seeing all the Alpha's and other Beta's blushing a bright pink due to everyone looking at her.
"This is my maid Yachi. Now. If you wouldn't mind, Yachi! I wanna get ready for my welcome party!" He said to her, taking her hand and going upstairs with her.
"His maid." Tsukishima started and Daichi continued. "Is an Unmated Beta?"
"This is not good. Most of the help are mated." Daichi states and everyone nods.
"I'm sure it's fine. The girl is clearly not straight anyway. And she is a close, Servant, to Hinata's family meaning his family would never let her be with him anyway." Sugawara says with a smile and everyone immediately felt a strong sense of relief.
"Party setup time? Nishinoya asked and Daichi smirks at him before nodding.
"Yes indeed. It's Party setup time." He says while smirking.