
Eve & Not

After “Arthur ‘Art’ Holmes” gets reincarnated to another world, he embarks on a journey that will lead him to the ends of of the Eve. What do human limits mean if you aren’t human? Follow Art and his journey through Eve & Not!

Ecraig_23 · Fantasía
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6 Chs

A New Life

After hearing the strange voice I began to fully grasp the reality of my situation, I had been reincarnated! My mind shut off after reaching the light and I woke up as a very built 15 year old boy. I have no idea why this age was important or why I was reincarnated in the middle of the forest but there I was.

My talk with God let me know exactly how this world existed and how to fully tap its potential. From what I learned, this world was made by an astral and had a system that can be accessed at the age of 18. I'm currently a 15 year old body with a 24 year old mind. The whole situation was surreal. I didn't know how I could even defend myself without the system in place and I had no idea where to even start walking.

I soon started in a direction while desperately trying to call the system to no avail. I thought, since I heard the system when I came to this world, that I would be given access, but I guess I was 24 at the time and hadn't yet entered my body. It's odd being this small again, but I could move way better than on earth. I eventually found a clearing through some trees that led to a road.

I started walking to the road and thought that this God didn't let me choose a world to reincarnate in because he knew the best place for me to thrive. 'this world is beautiful' I thought to myself. Even the wildlife far surpasses anything we had on Earth. After traveling the road I heard a gallop of sorts, I turned around to find a carriage heading my way. The carriage stopped beside me as the man up front asked me "what are you doing out here young man?" "I'm actually quite lost." I said twiddling my thumbs in nervousness. "Well, if you keep walking where this carriage is heading, you'll reach Myriad City."

After telling me that the man sped off as if he had some place to be. I headed in the same direction I was going and noticed the trails marks of the wagon being fresh in the ground. After walking only a couple miles surprisingly, I found myself at a gate with two security guards I presumed. "Welcome to Myriad City, you're a little young to be by yourself." "I'm actually very lost sir and have no memory of where I came from or how I got here."

Keeping things simple I explained the situation at hand and he prompted me to come in the guard booth. I was greeted by a woman who had yellow eyes and blue hair that were truly otherworldly. Her clothes were simple but clean and an air of prestige was always around her. "It's been a long time since we've had a 'lost one' enter the city. Every once in a while we have someone with no memory show up in the village, and while we cannot help them recover that memory, we do our best to push them in the right direction for the future." Hearing this was very odd, it's not like I had no memory at all, I came to this world after I died but I'm afraid to tell people that. So what are these "lost ones" and why do they have no memories.

The girl asked me "do you have any belongings on you?" I had two rings on but I had no idea what they did or if they were important at all. I also had on scratchy pants and a buttoned white shirt. My pockets were empty. "Just two rings and a hope to stay alive." She did not find that funny at all. I get it though, a 15 year old out on his own with no memories is not a funny matter. "Well we can put you to work in the guard barracks if you're willing. There's also agricultural work and many trades you can apprentice under. I do hope you would join the guards in all honesty though, it's hard to find good willed recruits these days." I knew I wanted to join the guards as soon as I heard the option. They had no reason to be kind to me but they were anyway. I wasn't going to risk my next three years being miserable. "I'll join the guards if you'll have me." I replied.