
Back from death ?

Chapter 2

"Wake up! You sleepy head!"somebody shouts outside Ji Woo's soundless room.

"I don't want to be late."the voice repeats. It feels full of concern as well as of annoyance.

She tries to pay attention to the noise ....and realises her mistake.

'Its Shen Yu!'

She knows that she is (well...kind of?!)late.

"I am coming."she replies back as soon as her dumb and numb mind starts working.

"You better do." such a threat is what she hears in return.

Without wasting another second ,she jumps out of bed, gets ready in a speed which is used by asteroids to enter earth.

Once , it is done she hurries out....looks around and releases a sigh of relief.

Both of them start walking towards the school.

On the other end of her house, a figure stands looking at the sky , he is wearing a light,long,expensive black hoodie underneath which lies the same uniform as that of Ji Woo's.

His back specifically seems confident only if his face is not seen.

If he allows one to touch him, that normal human would feel the inch-perfect features of his heavenly structure. But he won't.

Everybody is aware of that....


His stellar look even makes the most beautiful visible scene of tiny red flowers falling down forming a fresh layer of bright petals lying know they are dull in front of him.

He slowly turns around and leaves the house only with a black leather bag hanging down from his relaxed but inhumanly broad and bony shoulders.'How can one be so astoundingly flawless?' People passing by were wondering.

He continues walking ahead....his unfathomable grey eyes catch the zebra crossing.He stands there and taking a look at his unnaturally wonderful surroundings but is not aware that his surroundings were the ones staring him.

Even Shen Yu and Ji Woo reach that traffic signal within 2 minutes.

Shen Yu stops abruptly and looks at the mysterious handsome man in black.He first wonders who he that .....maybe he has seen him somewhere before.Right then his mind also stops working ....."He's Back."he whispers into the cold morning.


"Stop zoning out."

"You dumbass."she shouts to Shen Yu.

"Huh?"he returns to reality.

"I'm fine. Sorry."he says making an annoying baby face.

"Whatever.Who's asking what you are?"she says at last.

"As an apology for what you did yesterday to me . Get me a mango juice.Fresh!"she knows how to get him back for something wrong.

"OOOKKKK!"and he disappears in search of one nearby.

Just then the traffic stops and people start walking ....but she keeps waiting for him....waiting....taking a look at her phone every now and then. Neither she leaves so nor does the black man .

Though she didn't see his face , she could still sense the amazing aura around him.

Suddenly, she steps ahead thinking that Shen is walking beside her.


The traffic lights majestically turn red from green .

A car comes towards her in full speed, honking loudly.

But she stays there ....numb..... .

The next few moments seem to last forever...those moments she knows she would be dead after.

Her light green eyes fill up with tears.....let go .....she tells herself and calmly shuts them.

Tears now reach her red cute cheeks.....she keeps her eyes closed as the car approaches her faster....

"Ji Woo..." she hears a deep concerned voice neither whisper nor shout behind her.

Out of nowhere , a firm grip takes over her arm and .....