
Strip of Hair ~

A high school girl named Kaila, loves to dance and is very good a martial arts. She has black hair with a bit of highlights with a streak of purple. Enters a DD (Dream Dance) a school that focuses on Voice and Dance. On the first day I see a boy with black hair with a streak of blue, he had this glare and he seemed kind of mean. I did notice his strike and thought it was similar to mine but didn't really think about it. My streak appeared when I had found a ring on the sand I thought it was very mysterious and valuable so I keep it with me wherever I go. When I got to contemp class ( which in ballet and jazz) there were two girls who said, "hi" and we became friends instantly. I had sat down and noticed that that boy with the blue strike was in this class and was sitting across the room. He seemed kinda popular but distant from girls. I had asked my friends about him and they told me all the girls thought he was handsome. All I thought was "what's so special about him?". My friends were like " omg! You two have the same streak! Do you know him?" I said no obviously but he seems interesting.... After school I go to this place where people go to dance hip hop for fun.

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