
Erebus : A Druid’s journey

Follow the growth of a Druid and his companions on his path of godhood. anyone can die! nobody is spared from death. also please read first 15 chapters before you leave, as I am aware that the first few chapters are very jumpy and inconsistent.

Arius_PenDragon · Fantasía
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36 Chs

excited brambles

"Great," Clay started, "as you seem competent enough I shall trust the second half of our great plan too you! Or with some frie- I mean fellow followers!"

[humble beginnings] COMPLETED

Difficulty: starting A+ ending C

On your way to the world of Erebus you where whisked to an mysterious Temple. help the fledgling gods setup their religion by constructing a temple in the Silva Forest.


-part 2

-finale church blueprint

New [Building a foundation]

Difficulty: B

The journey starts now for the two young gods and they need your help yet again! Build a grand church and gather some followers

Build church 0/1

Gather regular followers 1/25

Convert fanatic 0/2






Favor lost with the god of Demi-humans.

Favor lost with the twin gods of Creation and destruction

Favor list with ??? the almighty.

Seeing the names of who he would be offending this time, Demetre was glad he had prevented his own demise by completing the mission, as offending a god is a sure fire way to get yourself killed.

With the religion on the right track Clay went back to his lunch, and finished it, before heading back out with Nirin to discuss ideas on how they might comprehend their divinity within the temple of the gods. They got access to the temple due to the completion of their assignment, and wouldn't have to pay to enter.

After a talk over lunch and later before bed, the two decided to not have a primary Idea like Chaos, or harmony as that ment they would both need to comprehend creation and destruction respectively, and then have a equal comprehension of the main topic.

This lead to their final decision of leaving them separate.

In Clays combat class the teacher, Saint William, had announced that starting Soon they would be doing live-combat with real monsters adapted to their skill levels to give them experience.

This news was great, as Clay was feeling that his progress was mediocre for a god, and he didn't want to be weaker then his followers!

After a few days passed it was time for practical combat lessons. The practical combat lessons would consist of students in group of three, going into a dungeon and clearing it.

Most of the dungeons selected for the practical lesson where grade I, the lowest grade out there. The ranks went I, H, G, F, E, D, C, B, A, and S, anything higher then those had never appeared before.

The dungeons grades where determined through their total mana.

Saint William, the combat teacher, had gone over what dungeons where and how they where formed the day prior.

"Dungeons are formed when two locations on different planes, but still in the same location when the planes are layerd on top another, are saturated with mana. A dungeon is a bridge between the two planes in the 3rd dimension. It can be thought of how 3D being observes the overlapping 2d planes, but from 4d perspective on 3D planes." Clay hadn't heard of this and even took notes, but on not just this topic but the next as well.

"The monsters within the dungeons can be anything from small creatures to dragons and sometimes even gods. The type and strength of the monsters within are determined by how concentrated the mana that formed the dungeon is."

These words where what saint William had said the prior to today.

Snapping back to reality, Clay heard saint William speak. "In a few minutes everyone will be entering the dungeons around the academy, in groups of three. These dungeons have formed due to excessive spell casting, and experimenting over the years." Pausing for a moment to not only let them process the information but to signafiy a change in topic. "The groups are, group 1, Vittugr, Jorōgumo, Khepri, group 2, Caladrius, Kasha, Nekomata, group 3, Clay, Jack, Inga, group 4…

meeting with his group members, Clay could tell that this was Goning to take forever. Inga had already started a fight with Jack.

"You too should stop. We need to work together to clear the dungeon safely." Clay tried to reason but it merely sparked more conflict.

"I'm just teaching this peeking basterd a lesson!" Inga roared while chasing Jack around, who was a archer and self proclaimed god of causality.

As anything was possible, one merely needed to manipulate probability for anything to happen. This was what Jack had chosen to be a god of. A hard concept to grasp but powerful once taken a hold of.

Jack and Inga argued the entire time they waited for saint william, they then continued to argue while saint William guided them to the dungeon entrance.

Approaching the strange well the didint match the rest of the academy, saint William spoke. "Both of you be quite! This dungeon has previously been reported too be a overgrown sewer system that connects to an abandoned city on the other side. Be carful and don't climb the latter up at the end, just come back." And with these words the trio repealed down the well with little difficulty thanks to their previous lessons on basic equipment.

When Clay dropped to the bottem, Jack and Inga close behind, he found that while it was a large, stone, sewer system it also had some brass pipes, and no water flowing down the center canal.

"Inga, do you know what these pipes are for?"

"Ugh, it's how some mortals transport water. How do you not know this?"

Deciding not to respond, Clay reached out with his senses and spoke to the brambles blocking their way forward.

Please move so we can pass.

To Inga and Jacks surprise the large bramble bush parted like the sea for them to move through, some of its thorns even bobbing in what could on be described as excitement.

Jack thinking that Clay did it trusted the whole scenario, while Inga who though lt with her fists was cautious as she didn't know what's going on.

In the end they all started their delve into the dungeon.


Chapter may be late, but the content is garenteed! Hope you all have a great day! And please vote