
Chapter 15

At this time, inside the black shop.

The shopkeeper Tong stood respectfully by the table, and Zhao Linger was sitting on the main seat.

"Big Miss, I have accepted a time-limited mission this morning, please set down the level."

Shopkeeper Tong put a task list on the table.

"Time-limited mission?"

Zhao Linger was slightly surprised, and turned to the information on the task list.

The so-called time limit means that the task must be completed at the specified time point, otherwise everything will be invalidated.

This is a rather special assassination mission, of course, in terms of remuneration, it will be several times higher than that of the same level.

"The prey is a second-level warrior, but there is a follower swordsman of a fourth-level warrior. The strength is not low, so it should be classified as a medium mission."

After analyzing the information in the data, Zhao Linger said so.

The task level is generally divided according to the strength of the prey.

One to third-level fighters are classified as ordinary.

Practitioners from fourth to sixth-level are classified as medium.

Seventh to ninth-level fighters are difficult levels.

As for the list on the red list, it is a powerful Practitioner that transcends the ninth-level warrior Realm.

The powerhouses of that level, ordinary assassins can't complete it at all, and even their whereabouts are difficult to find.


Shopkeeper Tong nodded respectfully, and then stamped a red seal on the task list.

At this moment, a black shadow walked in, and immediately attracted the attention of Zhao Linger and the shopkeeper Tong.

"May I ask you are?"

As Lin Hao changed his outfit today, the shopkeeper Tong couldn't recognize it all at once.

"Jing Ke."

Lin Hao lowered his throat and said indifferently.

Hearing the word'Jing Ke', Zhao Linger's heart was slightly startled, her eyes were clear and she could not help but glanced at Lin Hao a few more times.

She had known the news that the mysterious assassin completed the mission quickly yesterday.

"Mr. Jing Ke, what kind of mission do you want to receive today?"

Shopkeeper Tong greeted him immediately and asked with a smile.

"As usual."

Lin Hao said lightly: "Ordinary tasks, the location is in Tianwu City."

Zhao Linger shook his head secretly.

I thought he was a hidden master, but I didn't expect to receive a low-level mission again this time. It seemed that he was overestimating him.

The shopkeeper Tong had a professional smile on his face, "I'm sorry, there are no ordinary tasks in Tianwu City. The nearest location is Qingyang Town, five hundred miles away."

"Five hundred miles…"

Lin Hao frowned slightly, even riding this distance would take a day.

Shopkeeper Tong seemed to see what Lin Hao was thinking, and continued: "Actually, we received a time-limited mission today, and the location is in Tianwu City."

"However, this task is quite special. The assassination needs to be completed at a specified time point, and it is a medium task."

Upon hearing this, Lin Hao's eyes flashed with surprise.

This task does sound a bit special.

However, the location is in this Tianwu City, and in terms of time, he can control it.

It's just a medium task, and the corresponding prey, the assassination is undoubtedly much more difficult than Ascension.

"How much is the reward?"

Lin Hao couldn't help asking.

Compared to others, Lin Hao is most concerned about his own interests.

If there are not many benefits, there is no need to take risks.

"According to the rules, 200,000 taels are required for medium tasks."

The shopkeeper Tong smiled and said: "But because of the special time limit, the remuneration doubled to one million taels."

One million two!

Hearing the amount of the bounty, Lin Hao's eyes flashed, and he nodded directly: "I'll take this job."

The shopkeeper Tong was not surprised that Lin Hao was so decisive.

Because in his opinion, Lin Hao is a top assassin who has nothing to do and comes out to make some extra money.

Soon, the shopkeeper Tong took out a task list and handed it to Lin Hao.

In the field of vision of Kung Fu Little Fly, the above information is at a glance.

Prey: Ma Feiyu

Age: 25 years old

Strength: second-level fighter

Identity: The second Young Master of the Ma family in Qingyang Town.

Recently active locations: Tianwu City, Underground City Exchange Center

Subordinates: Li Kun, fourth-level warrior, superb swordsmanship.

Bounty: one million taels

Time Limit: On July 5, 9986, at 8 o'clock in the evening, the light in the central hall of the trade fair was extinguished, and it was immediately killed.

After reading the task list information, Lin Hao's heart moved slightly.

It is not difficult to see that this should be a carefully planned murder.

Otherwise, how would you know that the lights will be turned off at that time?

As for the reason, Lin Hao didn't think much about it.

Anyway, his goal is to kill the prey at the appointed time.

And from the information, Lin Hao also has some general understanding of Ma Feiyu.

This is a full-fledged Young Master, relying on the power of the Ma family in Qingyang Town, his acting style is extremely domineering and a lot of evil.

"It can not only eliminate harm, but also make money, but it can be regarded as a piece of merit."

A thought-provoking smile appeared at the corner of Lin Hao's mouth.

Although he chose to be a killer, he didn't want to be a butcher for the wicked in disguise because of money.

What is good and what is bad.

Deep in his heart, while indifferent and ruthless, he still retains a trace of conscience.

"For a time-limited mission, the prey must be killed at the specified time point, otherwise it will be regarded as a failure and the employer will not give any remuneration."

At this moment, the Qingling voice sounded, and it was Zhao Linger who was talking.

She stared at Lin Hao and said, "I have already stated the rules, do you accept it?"

Facing Zhao Ling'er, Lin Hao didn't have the slightest idea of ​​subduing, and said very hardly at the moment: "Stop talking nonsense, you are ready to pay."

After that, Lin Hao turned and left.

Zhao Ling'er couldn't help but startled with such an extremely high posture.

She stared slightly, looking at the back of Lin Hao walking out of the shop, she was quite surprised.

Although this task is medium, due to the time limit, even an assassin with many years of experience would not dare to receive it easily before it was ready.

Is he really that confident?

After leaving the black shop, Lin Hao reviewed the mission time.

July 5, 9986, 8 o'clock in the evening

Isn't that tomorrow night?

Lin Hao's heart sinks slightly, but time is a little tight.

"I have 150,000 in hand now, so let's save it for future use."

On the street, Lin Hao walked through the crowd and began to think.

The level of Kung Fu Fly is C-level beginner.

Tarantula is an intermediate level D.

As long as the king level is strengthened once, the tarantula can meet the conditions for evolving C level.

However, the elementary level is 10,000, the intermediate level is 100,000, the high level is million, and the king level is 10,000.

There is still a long way to go before the king level is strengthened.

"Beside Ma Feiyu, there is a fourth-level warrior's swordsman bodyguard. The strength is not low. To be on the safe side, it is better to give the Kung Fu Fly more arms."

As Lin Hao thought about it, he bypassed the weapon shop and walked directly towards the refining workshop next door.

With the size of Kung Fu Little Fly, the equipment of ordinary weapons shops can not be worn at all due to the huge difference in size.

The only way is to tailor it.


Stepping into the gate of the refining workshop, a heat wave suddenly rushed towards you.

Immediately afterwards, there was a heavy metal crash.

Lin Hao raised his eyes and looked, but saw a middle-aged blacksmith standing by the stove, slamming the iron sword with a hammer, and the flames were everywhere.

The blacksmith was extremely short, only as high as the waist of an ordinary adult, with a big beard, almost covering most of his face.

However, he looks very strong, his muscles are ligated, and he feels full of strength.