
Chapter 146 Battle in the Outskirts(1)

After walking along the wall for a while Alex finally found what he was looking for, infront of him was a large hole in the wall, big enough to fit a human. Alex stepped through the wall and after some hesitation, Lisa soon followed.

"Why is there a hole in the wall? Don't the Mayors of this city do maintenance on the wall?" Lisa asked with a frown.

"As far as I know, some monster broke through it around a decade ago but the people living in the outskirts managed to deal with it before it entered the main city. As for maintenance, they do maintain the wall, just not the parts in the outskirts." Alex replied with a bit of disdain in his voice. The mayors of Mountmend didn't care about the people in the outskirts, intact, Alex was sure that they would be happy if they all died. Lisa remained silent and continued to follow Alex as he guided both of them through the outskirts.

"Stop." Alex whispered and Lisa immediately stopped moving.

"What's wrong?" Lisa asked