
Epoch: The Cursed One

Felix Olson is a young man with a peculiar condition that makes any activity more tiring than it should be, and spent most of his childhood close to doctors. Now a full grown adult, integrated into the ruthless society of man, Felix aims to become someone through the new worldwide sensation: Epoch. However, as he explores the tension-filled Margarita, the snowy mountains of the North, the thriving Luxtamare or the alien Esu, passing by the weakening Empire, Felix discovers that not only did his condition follow him into the game, but it also took a whole new form. Curse of an unknown origin or Felix Olson, who shall overcome?

SlyOW · Fantasía
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55 Chs

Finish Him!

Having suffered humiliation after humiliation at the hands of what he considered ants, Yusax's fury reached a climax as his Mana ran wildly through his body.

His already large frame started growing bigger as his skin turned darker than it already was, while his claws-like nails elongated. The two horns on his head did not grow in size, but they started shining ominously.

Sending a glance at Drakon though, Felix saw in his eyes that he was ready, so Felix manifested a Runic Circle in his back, and swapped his spear for the Staff of Long Winter.

"Come over here, I'll send you to your daddy Izrath!"

The provocation was probably unnecessary, Felix would later reason in retrospect, but it did seem to trigger Yusax as he disappeared from his spot, arriving right in front of Felix.

Despite Yusax being even faster than before, Felix moved like a snake as he used Zeroth Circle: Push several times in quick succession to dodge Yusax, who was now heading straight for the daggers, and the Runic Circle surrounding them.

But the demon, who looked like he had completely lost his mind, showed a great feat of control as he stopped right in front of the trap, stopping in place and turning around to face Felix as he snickered, "You thought I would fall for this?"

But Yusax realized something was wrong when he saw the smile on Felix's lips.

"You already did."

Felix was suddenly pushed a meter to the side by several 'Push' Runes, revealing the sight of Drakon. Although Felix wasn't very big, as Yusax was focused on him, the demon failed to notice Drakon.

Only as Felix moved did Yusax notice Drakon, but his face was filled with scorn as he could still dodge in time.

'First Circle: Gravity Well'

Felix finally added the last Rune to the inactive Runic Circle on the wall behind Yusax as it activated. Yusax, who intended to dodge Drakon, suddenly felt a strong suction force appear behind him, attracting him toward the wall.

The demon's eyes widened as he struggled against the sudden force, and was immobilized. Yusax quickly crossed his arms before him, right before Drakon slammed into him.

Yusax felt pain in both of his arms as he was knocked back into the wall. The two daggers, which had been sticking out, pierced through his guts, while the suction force stopped him from bouncing away.

Gravity Well was what Felix considered to be his most advanced Spell among those he had created, as it affected gravity, as the name suggested. The range was quite big, and the closer to the Spell, the stronger the attraction.

So to Yusax, who had his back stuck against it, along with the two daggers sticking out of his belly, even he was immobilized for a moment.

And Felix had the perfect Spell to use in this situation.

[Winter Wrath: Silence all targets within a five meter radius, and deal 40 Ice Damage per second for 10 seconds. Cooldown: 6 Minutes.]

The skill was perfect as not only did it deal a total of 400 damage if the target remained inside for ten seconds, but it also silenced everyone within.

A silenced target meant that they wouldn't be able to use any skills. In other words, they wouldn't be able to use their Mana.

Although the small blizzard made it hard to see, Felix guessed that Yusax's transformation had probably been canceled by the skill, and these usually came with a weakness, so the chances of Yusax getting off the trap were slim.

Still, Felix didn't feel like taking chances, so as soon as the blizzard appeared, he manipulated his Mana to make several Runic Circles appear.

'First Circle: Wind Blade'

'First Circle: Cold Breeze'

'First Circle: Water Barrage'

When he first arrived at the Mountain Pass, it took Felix half a second to make a single First Circle Spell. His experience using it in real combat had allowed him to shorten that time to 0.3 seconds.

So every second, each of the three Spells mentioned appeared once. Through the ten seconds, Felix manifested a total of thirty First Circle Spells.

Each Spell taking 20 MP from him with his Curse, this onslaught cost Felix 600 MP, so more than half of his total. Added to the MP he had already used before, his reserves were getting dangerously low.

As a result though, it was like the elements themselves poured their anger on Yusax as he became the first being to truly suffer from the full might of Felix's Runic Magic.

Felix hadn't chosen those three Spells at random either, as among the Spells he had mastered, those three were the ones that went best with Winter Wrath. Excluding Gravity Well, of course, as that one had been created precisely to work alongside Winter Wrath, forcing the targets within to suffer the full extent of the skill.

But for these three Spells, they used Water, Wind and Cold. Wind and Cold were the two elements used for Winter Wrath, and that made the Spells seamlessly merge into the stronger Spell, even strengthening it in the process.

As for Water Barrage, it was the one he had already used against the Steel Tusk Boars, that fired multiple water balls at high speed. This one also was exceptionally suited to work alongside Winter Wrath.

Because of the extreme coldness of Winter Wrath, the moment the water balls entered the spell's range, they would start freezing. However, because it was a moving mass of water, not all of it would be frozen, and the shape would change.

As a result, a part of it would solidify and hit the opponent as an icicle or a ball of ice, while the other would splash them, making the cold even worse.

It truly was a good combination, that worsened the effects of the already dreadful Spell.

But against a Level 50 Lord, Felix had no other choice. Moreover, that was only what he did with his mind. While a major part of his attention was solely used for his magic, a small part was used to move his body.

For no other reason than because he could, Felix had grabbed most of the weapons dropped by the dead Blue Light members, as he might be able to sell them later.

But he found a better use for them as he threw every sharp weapon he could find in his Spatial Bag. Although he couldn't see Yusax, he knew where he was stuck, and Felix aimed there as he quickly emptied his Spatial Bag. And when he was out of sharp weapons, he threw the rest, hoping the blunt trauma would hurt the demon.

As ten seconds passed, and the blizzard disappeared, the only weapon left in Felix's bag was the Staff of Long Winter, while Skera was in his hands.

Yusax appeared in sight, and said sight was quite shocking to see.

The Lesser Demon was still stuck against the wall, but in a far worse condition than before. It seemed that Felix's throwing skills weren't good enough as none of the weapons he had thrown had impaled Yusax.

Actually, Felix wasn't sure whether he had been hitting the demon, as while the demon sported several deep wounds all over his body, it could have been his Spells.

But whatever the cause was, the wounds had allowed the cold of the blizzard to seep deep into Yusax's body, probably dealing much more than 400 damage to his HP.

Yet, Felix received no notifications.

"You… You insects…"

His voice barely above a whisper, Yusax used his hands to push against the cavern wall behind him, struggling to get off the daggers going through his body.

"I will ki-"

'First Circle: Gravity Well'

As Yusax almost managed to get off the daggers and was in the middle of his threat, another Gravity Well appeared on the wall behind him, slamming him back into the wall as the daggers once again cut into him.

Yusax cried in pain, while Felix muttered, "What did you think, that I would simply let you attack us?"

Yusax tried to fight off against the might of the Spell, but it was so powerful that it was actually causing him damage as he felt like his body was being crushed onto itself.

Gritting his teeth as he tried to move his Mana, which had turned sluggish and hard to move because of Winter Wrath, Yusax growled, "You have no honor!"

Snorting softly as several Runic Circles appeared all around him, Felix did not activate them right away as he left a single Rune to be filled in each of them, while he focused on creating more.

"I don't exactly care about your opinion, but I'll humor you, for your final moments. How is it that I have no honor?"

Yusax coughed out blood, which only ended up splashing all over his face because of the Gravity Well.

"I'm stronger than you! You only won because of petty tricks and luck!"

Tilting his head as more Runic Circles appeared in the air, Felix asked, "So, because we are weaker than you, we should willingly show our necks to you? Are we not allowed to fight for our survival?"

Looking at Drakon, who was cooking up another charge of his Innate Skill, Felix added, "Yes, you have much stronger Stats. But this was no luck. This is called using the environment, and teamwork. You aimed to overwhelm us through raw power, while we opted for using our minds. That's it, so stop being a sore loser."

Gritting his teeth, Yusax screamed in defiance, "Die!"

A final burst of Strength came out of him right as the Gravity Well behind him ran out. But he was now considerably slower than before as both Felix and Enzo saw him move through the air, aiming to slap Felix's head off his shoulders.

They all knew this wouldn't work, and it didn't.

Yusax did not even reach halfway towards Felix when Enzo moved from his spot, using Divine Charge to slam into Yusax.

The demon was flung back against the wall, and although he somehow managed not to get hit by the daggers again, he harshly slammed against the cavern's wall, falling to the floor.

Looking down at the demon, Felix smiled and muttered, "That was a good fight."

'First Circle: Flamethrower'

'First Circle: Flamethrower'

'First Circle: Flamethrower'

'First Circle: Flamethrower'

'First Circle: Flamethrower'

'First Circle: Flamethrower'

'First Circle: Flamethrower'

'First Circle: Flamethrower'

'First Circle: Flamethrower'

'First Circle: Flamethrower'

Author's Note: The chapter is a little shorter than usual, but I thought this was best to end here. Also, don't worry, I won't copy paste the same Spell twenty times in a row when Felix uses many of them at once in the future, I'll write it once or twice and describe the scene under it. However, I made an exception here, because I think it just works better here. It helps the reader understand the impact of the attack without me going on a long description. Tell me what you think of it.

PS: I tried not to make Felix sound too cheesy with his last liner, I first went with 'Find solace in knowing I will remember you' or something like that, but I cringed at it and deleted it, so here you go.