
Enigma's Pursuit: Echoes of Betrayal

In a world where trust is a rare and elusive treasure, Bai Feng, once an altruistic demi-human devoted to the guardianship of humanity, endures the searing torment of betrayal from those he held closest to his heart. This wrenching betrayal becomes the catalyst for an extraordinary and profound expedition of redemption, retribution, and the unearthing of his innermost self. Blessed with unparalleled might by an inscrutable system, Bai Feng's ascension to omnipotence sets in motion a symphony of envy and trepidation among his peers. His fate is intricately intertwined with the enigmatic machinations of this arcane system, a celestial weaver that had been instrumental in forging his supremacy in a bygone existence. Haunted by the lingering specters of his past, Bai Feng undergoes a metamorphosis that is as captivating as it is awe-inspiring. His evolution transcends the mere scope of his role as humanity's guardian, transmuting him into an unrelenting emissary of retribution. Armed with newfound mastery, prophetic foresight, and unwavering tenacity, his raison d'être crystallizes into a single, luminous gem: to rectify ancient injustices and to establish his dominion over a realm that once embraced him, only to later forsake him. Under the tutelage of the enigmatic system that augments his capabilities, Bai Feng engineers a tectonic shift in the very fabric of power. Yet, his mission is far more profound than mere retribution—it evolves into a sacred quest to dissect the very pillars of betrayal, laying bare the culpability of those architects who sowed the seeds of his disillusionment. Nevertheless, his voyage straddles a razor's edge between the abyss of vengeance and the ethereal summit of virtue, and this dichotomy blurs as intricate moral mazes threaten to envelop his very essence. Within a realm saturated with cryptic cultivation, arcane sorcery, and enigmatic forces, Bai Feng's expedition unfolds against a backdrop of labyrinthine moral ambiguity. His journey to etch a course of vindication is an elemental symphony harmonized with the encroaching shadows that obscure his inner sanctum. His pursuit of vindication becomes an alchemical crucible, catalyzing unprecedented pandemonium and igniting a transformative alchemy that will inscribe his legacy into the hallowed tapestries of history. Can Bai Feng, against the gravitational pull of vengeance's consuming abyss, emancipate his essence, or is he fated to metamorphose into a vessel of its all-consuming conflagration? This magnum opus marks my inaugural foray into the realm of literary creation, and I humbly beseech your discerning gaze to scrutinize its contents for any potential imperfections. Allow me to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all who have contributed to its inception. Should any errant elements be detected within this composition, I implore you to illuminate them with the brilliance of your insight, casting a luminous beacon upon the path of refinement that stretches before me. With sincere appreciation, I_Sleepy

I_Sleepy · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Hei Ying

Name: Bai Feng

Race: Foxblood (Demi-Human)

Cultivation Realm: Qi Condensation Disciple 1st Layer

Cultivation Progress: 0%

Spirit Qi Resonance: 20/100

Body Refinement: Tier 0

Soul Attunement: Soul Transformation


- Heavenly Breath Control Technique

Description: Bai Feng possesses knowledge of a heavenly technique that enhances his breath control, resulting in a 50% increase in efficiency.

- Timeless Palm

- Insightful Mind Blade

- Elemental Mastery

- Celestial Serenity

[Cultivation Insights]

- None

[Spiritual Insights]

- Current State: Basic Breath Control

- Progress: 20%

[Ancient Bloodline]

- Ancestral Lineage:

- Elder Fox: Slumbering

- Vulpine Guardian: Silent

[Artifacts and Relics]

- Equipped Artifacts: None

- Relics: None

[Soul Insights]

- Past Soul Attunement: Soul Transformation

[System Messages]

- Travelled to the past with the help of ???

[Worldly Perception]

- Sensory Range: Enhanced (Soul Transformation Influence)

- Aura Detection: On (Soul Transformation Influence)

- Elemental Awareness: On (Soul Transformation Influence)

[Tribal Bond]

- Aligned with the Foxblood Clan

- Clan's Blessing: Enhanced Charisma

[ Conclusion]

- Bai Feng possesses knowledge of his past life and his journey. He remembers his previous existence and how he died, returning to the past with valuable insights and techniques.

As Bai Feng looked at the system panel, he felt that he started his journey to his revenge.

He moved in the mountain terrain and the system notification sounded in his mind.

Epic Quest

Save the Demon Fox and release it.

Rewards : Demon Fox Trust +1, Talent+1.

Kill the Demon Fox in it's seal.

Rewards : Demon Fox Anger +1, Cultivation Realm+1 ( Applicable Below Nascent Soul )

In his past life, he chose the second choice without a second thought and he killed the demon fox with humans and his friends.

Now he regrets it.

Bai Feng chose the first option and the second option disappeared while increasing his talent and his quests became like this.

Epic Quest

Save the Demon Fox and release it. ( In Progress )

Rewards : Demon Fox Trust +1, Talent+1. ( Given Partially )

Main Quest

Option 1: Join the Demon Sect ( In Progress )

Rewards: Become a 1st Layer Qi Condensation disciple and receive a cultivation technique that transforms your appearance, infusing it with the distinctive characteristics and allure of demons. ( Given Partially )

Bai Feng stood at the heart of a cave concealed behind a colossal waterfall. The powerful cascade created a natural veil that masked the secrets held within, and Bai Feng had only stumbled upon it two decades after he had first received a cryptic quest, part of the legendary quest for the Demon King.

This knowledge was not new to him, but it was a memory from a previous life, a life steeped in the mysticism and danger of the quest. The seal guarding the cave had weakened over the centuries, yet the demon fox it entrapped had long surrendered to its fate, resigned to its captivity. It was only when those who sought its power drew near that the fox's will to break free would rekindle.

Without hesitation, Bai Feng leaped into the turbulent waters and made his way through the hidden entrance behind the waterfall. Inside, he discovered a sight that might have appeared endearing to some: a small wolf, held captive within the cave. Its appearance, though, belied the truth—it was not cute but rather in a deep slumber, a condition necessary for its cultivation.

Approaching the captive wolf, Bai Feng picked up a nearby stone and tossed it at the cage where the creature slept. The sudden disturbance roused the little wolf from its slumber. It had a curious appearance, with a human face adorned with fox-like ears and a tail, and its entire body covered in a pristine white fur. The wolf regarded Bai Feng with a brief, disinterested glance before settling back down, indifferent to the presence of the young boy.

To the wolf, Bai Feng was but a child, and in its millennia of existence, it had learned not to expect much from those who stumbled upon its prison. Hidden for over a millennium, even the fox clan had lost knowledge of the elder among their kind who remained trapped within these cavernous confines.

Undeterred, Bai Feng addressed the demon fox, his voice determined. "Don't you want to be free, Hei Ying? I can help you."

Startled, the demon fox, who had kept its eyes shut in slumber, opened them angrily and retorted, "Who the hell are you?"

Bai Feng replied calmly, "Someone who seeks revenge."

With a derisive laugh, the demon fox mocked, "You think you can break this seal and set me free?"

Bai Feng met the fox's taunt with a steely resolve. "I can help you escape, and in return, you will be bound to me."

The demon fox regarded Bai Feng with skepticism, as it realized that the boy before it was merely ten years old, a Qi Condensation disciple with limited power. It chuckled, speaking in jest, "Very well, if you can break this seal and release me, I shall serve you for the rest of your life."

Observing Bai Feng's youthful appearance and inexperience, the fox thought its words to be nothing more than a playful challenge.

Unperturbed by the fox's sarcasm, Bai Feng calmly accepted the proposition. "So be it. Having a Core Formation Fox as my protector for a while doesn't sound like a bad deal."

A mix of anger and amusement flickered in the demon fox's eyes, but it chose to remain silent. Fear welled up within it, as it sensed that there was something about Bai Feng that made it hesitant to provoke further.

With determination burning in his heart, Bai Feng activated his technique—the Timeless Palm. His outstretched palm began to radiate a brilliant, pure white energy, its luminescence filling the cavern. As he pushed his palm forward, the radiant energy coalesced into the shape of a hand, a hand of destiny, and it hurtled towards the cage containing the slumbering fox.

Startled and alarmed, Hei Ying, the little fox, awoke with a jolt. She had spent centuries imprisoned and had grown accustomed to her confinement. Now, with a burst of newfound energy, she mustered all her strength and unleashed a formidable attack to repel the oncoming threat. Her attack collided with the palm, but in an instant, it was obliterated.

As the hand of destiny continued its inexorable approach, a sense of desperation washed over Hei Ying. She fought with every fiber of her being, but her resistance was futile. The luminous palm drew closer, and she prepared for her end.

Just when it seemed that her fate was sealed, the palm halted right in front of her, and Bai Feng's finger tapped her forehead gently. A surge of energy coursed through her, and she was propelled backward with a force that shattered the entire cave.

The brilliant palm dissipated, and amidst the rubble, Hei Ying emerged, her eyes wide with fear as she gazed upon Bai Feng. The young boy, however, appeared unperturbed by her newfound trepidation.

Bai Feng, with a hint of amusement, remarked, "I merely gave you a tap on the forehead, and you're already this scared."

He then issued a command with unwavering authority, "Transform yourself."

As the little fox transformed into a beautiful girl with her incredible features, it was like a scene from a dream. Her long purple hair cascaded over her back, accentuating her prominent bust and long, slender legs.

The girl seemed like a fashion model, with perfect proportions and flawless skin. Her eyes sparkled like stars against her rosy complexion, captivating the onlookers. Her lips were full and inviting, and framed by her sharp cheekbones.

The girl's bust was ample, just like that of a supermodel. Her waist was slender and her curves were accentuated by the long, purple hair flowing over her shoulders. Her legs were slim and toned, leading down to tiny feet.

The girl was undoubtedly the most beautiful being he has ever seen, with her crowning glory being her long, luxurious hair. It seemed to be alive with the vibrant color, and flowed like a river of amethyst and onyx.

Even Bai Feng felt she is beautiful than Chu Qing because when he fought her, she was in demon form and in human form, she is undoubtedly the beautiful woman he had ever seen.

Next chapter will be a bit late because I am on a trip, so uploading it may take a day or two.

Thank you for your understanding

I_Sleepycreators' thoughts