

Harley is enjoying Nana and Molina's company. They were talking random stuffs when they heard a familiar voice calling.

"Little brother! It's dinner time!" It's Harley's big sis. Lesley.

"I gotta go Nana. Here take this." Harley took a bell in his pocket and gave it to Nana. "I want you to have this." He said and smiled widely.

"Are we going to see each other again?" Asked Nana.

Harley smiled as if he won a lotto.

"Ofcourse, tomorrow morning at 9. We'll meet here. Is it okay?" Harley said with excitement in his voice.

"Yeah sure. Thanks for the bell Harley. And thanks for helping me find my Molina." She said and bid good bye.

"Hey. I saw that."

Harley stiffened upon hearing that voice.... That malicious voice.

"Saw what?" Harley said as if nothing actually happened.

He bring out the cards from his pocket and shuffled it as if he's not seeing his big sis.

"Oh c'mon Harley. Tell me, who's that? Yeeeeeee. My baby brother is having a crushyyyyy~" Lesley said animatedly while poking Harley's side.

Harley's face is as red as a ripe tomato!

"Big sis!" He shouted.

Lesley ran and as in que, Harley chased his sister throwing cards to her but Lesley dodged every cards.

... To be continued.

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