1 Chapter: Prologue

Huh. Where am I?

What is this white space? Am I dead? How did I die? I don't wanna die. I'm still need to help my parents in the future. Please, somebody help me.

'Harakawa Kuro-kun'

Huh. Who is this? Why do you know my name?

'It's simple. I am the being who govern life and death. Your time has come.'

No. I don't wanna die. Please send me back. My parents are waiting for me.

'As much as I like to send you back, I'm sorry but I can't. You need to go on to heaven or you need to reincarnate. So what do you choose?'

Huh. I don't want both. I need to help my parents. They are old now. Who is gonna help them if not their only son? Please send me back.

'Sorry, Kuro-kun. But only this two choices you can choose. Choose carefully.'

Huh.... I can't really go back?

'Yes. It's okay, your parents I will always watch them seeing as how they gave birth to such an astounding kid like you. So, what are your choices?'

To where I will be reincarnated if I chose reincarnation?

' To a world of Sword and Magic'

Fine then, I will reincarnate. Thank you for the opportunity.

'But before you go, I will gift you with some blessing so you will not die there.'

Being reincarnated is good enough for me. But you want to gave me a blessing thank you very much.

'It's okay time for you to go now. I wish you the best for your new life'

Thus, I am reincarnated

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