
Emperor legacy discipline

Protagonist: Songtain, a young boy with memories of his past life Synopsis: Songtain, a 15-year-old boy, is reincarnated into a world of cultivation with memories of his past life intact. In his previous life, he lived a difficult existence, facing poverty, hunger, and cruelty. However, in this new life, he discovers he has a natural talent for cultivation. Determined to make the most of his second chance, Songtain embarks on a journey to explore the cultivation world and uncover its secrets. He seeks to understand the mysteries of this realm and to become a powerful cultivator. As Songtain adventures through the cultivation world, he encounters various challenges and obstacles, including: - Rival cultivators who seek to surpass him - Treacherous landscapes and mythical creatures - Hidden secrets and ancient mysteries - Moral dilemmas and difficult choices Despite these challenges, Songtain perseveres, driven by his determination to succeed and to make the most of his second chance. Along the way, he discovers new abilities, forms unexpected alliances, and uncovers hidden truths about the cultivation world. Themes: - Self-improvement and perseverance - Exploration and discovery - Redemption and personal growth - Balancing power and responsibilities

DaoistMcR4ND · Oriental
Sin suficientes valoraciones
15 Chs

Lui Songtian

The story starts in a small town, in the human plane, of the zongtian province in the Zonghu Dynasty one of the ruling kingdom.

"Songtain, move your sword faster and more powerful"

"Yes father."

"Nice, that was better keep moving like that."

Lui songtain, a handsome boy wearing black clothes, was practicing his swordsmanship with his father behind his courtyard. His father was the master of the lui mansion in the zongtian province. His name is Lui tongian.

Judging by the boy's appearance, he could be said to be 14years old.

"Father, what do you think of my swordsmanship has it gotten better?."ask songtain

"Well it still needs some more area's to focus on."said tongian

"So do you think you could teach me some sword art already?."

"Hmm your are very soon of age to awaken your spiritual core so just wait till then".

When one turns 15, he/she undergoes spiritual awakening were he/she forms their spiritual core.

" I can't wait to turn of age"songtain said all excited". This is because he wants to start cultivating and also to join a cultivation sect. His mother was not able to cultivate and die after giving birth to him,since then his father raised him.

"In two days time is your awakening so keep swinging that sword 100 more times''.

"What!!!". At the mention of 100 more swings of his sword, his hands started to shake. He had been practicing for 7hrs without rest. But with determination, he did what his father told him to do.

He had been practicing swordsmanship under his father's instructions since he was 8years young. Because of that he had a well build body. He was not yet a cultivator but he was already considered a genius in swordsmanship.

"That's enough for today rest and prepare for tomorrow".

"Okay father". said songtain

The next day came by quickly and it was time for him to undergo the awakening process.

In the Lui mansion, a ceremony of spiritual core awakening was been held in a huge martial practice field.

An alter stood in the center of the martial practice field, many elders and disciples of the Lui mansion were all gathered in the field watching the ceremony.

"Spiritual core formed, talent Red!".

"Spiritual core formed, talent Red!".

"Spiritual core formed, talent yellow!".

"Spiritual core formed, talent yellow!".

The elder hosting the ceremony continuously announced the talent of the Lui disciples spiritual core awakened. The talent of one's spiritual core can be determined through a talent crystal. Both red and yellow color were common talents and were considered to be mediocre.

When one does not have high talent in cultivation he/she can not reach high in their cultivation world and does people a often look down upon by other's with better talents.

Many people in the martial practice field fixed their eyes on a young man who was standing in the front row.

He was dressed in white clothes. He is the young master of the Lui mansion and the son of the mansion master Lui songtain.

People in the Lui mansion mostly practice sword art and their young master was the top genius in swordsmanship among the Lui disciples in the Lui mansion.

"Spiritual core formed, talent purple!".

The hosting elder was stunned at the sight of this spiritual core talent. The he shouted excitedly a purple talent has been awoken.

The purple talent was the highest talent in all of the zongtian province. Finally another genius has appeared in the Lui mansion.

The entire martial practice field into silence at the sight of this new genius. Then the was an upperoar among the crowd.

"Wow who is this new genius with purple talent".

"Don't you know him, he is the son of the second elder of the Lui mansion Lui lian."

"What that's elder Mong'er son wow."

" I heard he is also good in swordsmanship".

"Lui lian had a happy expression on his face". He had always felt inferior to songtain. No matter what he did he could never match songtain Level in swordsmanship and that made him feel bitter each time songtain was been mentioned as the Lui's mansion top genius and as his talent came out to be good he had anticipation that maybe he could have a better talent than songtain.

"I hope he get a bad talent so that I will be recognized as the Lui's mansion top genius instead of him".

"Young master songtain please come up to the alter".

Songtain's heart could not stop biting in anticipation as his turned arrived.

Entering the alter room and positioning himself in a lotus position while forming his core.

"Spiritual core formed, talent...!".