
Elemental Ruse: Silas Gamble

"When the roots wither, a calamity will come hither.." In a realm shrouded in mystique, where the very fabric of existence is governed by ethereal elementals, a delicate balance of harmony and serenity prevails. The roots of this peaceful coexistence, however, remain shrouded in mystery, mentioned only in hushed tones by those fortunate enough to have a glimpse of the secrets buried beneath it. After waking up in a world he didn't know, Silas Rei Callahan - a mediocre police officer, discovered himself as an elemental. Thrown into a series of puzzles, and entangled with the realm's enigma, he embark on a thrilling journey of survival as he fights against all odds. But with a relentless force stopping him, the stakes has never been higher. Will he prevail, or succumb to shadow? For within this world, where the forces of nature intertwine with the whims of the supernatural, a captivating and enigmatic tale awaits for those who dare to seek it...

Ali224 · Fantasía
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1 Chs


"Next!" A loud voice shouts, cutting through the bustling noise and chaos. Laughter and hollering fill the air, blending into a cacophony of sound.

Hmm.? How noisy..

Silas Callahan stirs from his sleep, his nose twitching to the overpowering scent of blood and sweat.


His body jolted quickly when the familiar aroma of blood entered his nose. His intuition kicked in, and his thoughts warned him because he had been through this many times before.

He opened his eyes, only to be greeted by a scene of unexpected chaos. He saw a familiar yet unique looking metal.

Hmmm. This looks exactly just like a- His thoughts was cut-off. Completely denying it.

"A jail.." He muttered suprised.

He was in a jail.. Inside the jail..


Confusion clouds his mind as he struggles to decipher the surroundings he finds himself in.

Where am I?

He silently laughs, believing this was all a dream. A vivid dream concocted by his weary mind.

How can a police officer be inside of a jail?

However, his thoughts were abruptly interrupted when he hear a deafening cheer that reverberated through the air.

Slowly and carefully, he walk forward, grabbing the cold iron bars and leaning forward to see what was outside.

He was suprised. Bewildered and shocked by the sight of it. Intrigued and apprehensive.

He is in arena. A battle arena.

And if that wasn't bad enough, the participants weren't fighting with brawn, or with guns, or with sword or anything a normal human will do.


Unsure, Silas Callahan murmured incredulously. A thing that he only see and read in televisions and novels, was unfolding right infront of his eyes..

There are two participants, obviously differed greatly in age and stature. On one side stood a man, weathered and battle-hardened, presumably in his forties. On the other side, a mere boy who appeared to be no older or younger than his twenties.

In any normal circumstance, one would assume that the man in his 40s held an advantage over his youthful opponent. Yet, for the first time, Silas found himself uncertain of the outcome.

As the man in his forties conjured fire in the palm of his hands and hurled it fiercely towards the boy, panic did not consume the young combatant.

With each step he took, the ground beneath him trembled, creating an impenetrable shield to ward off the incoming flames.

What's this?

Am I dreaming?

Have I gone insane?

Goosebumps prickled his skin, and a cold sweat broke out as he witnessed the boy effortlessly raise his hand. Instantaneously, the hardened soil beneath the man's feet, transformed into sharp spikes, piercing his defenseless body.

He freezed. Silas was transfixed, unable to tear his gaze away from the surreal spectacle that unfolded before him. The cheering of the crowd became more loud as the body of the man fell with a 'thud'..

Then slowly reality hit him. The cold iron bars that he shouldn't feel if he was dreaming. The loud cheering that ringed loudly in his head and aswell the body of a lifeless man in front of him..

"Where am I?" He uttered nervously.. He slowly closed his eyes and calmed himself. He tried to be rationale and calm, just like a trained police officer will do.

Don't panic, it will only make the situation worst, It will not help you.

Analyze your surroundingsSilas told to himself.

Silas's gaze sweeps across the crowd, trying to make sense of the disarray. The horizon seems to stretch endlessly, marked by towering buildings, their foundations etched with years of age and history.

How did I come here again?

He looked inside the jail, or perhaps a cage? and started to think about what happened before he was here.

Silas Callahan is a police officer. His father is the Chief of Police in their city and his mother owns a pharmaceutical company.


I was in the middle of a hostage rescue..

Then I was shot.. Trying to save a little girl.

Heh. He laugh sarcastically as bitterness filled his heart.


Am I in heaven?


He's eyes darted towards the commotion outside, his gaze fall upon a peculiar sight - the boy, who has an earth like ability, was shackled mercilessly by a man clad in a suit of medieval armor.

Is this heaven?

The boy was then dragged by the man and without an ounce of care, was thrown in the cell same as Silas.

Or hell?

He looked back outside and saw that another battle has already started.

His instincts scream at him, warning him that he has entered a realm far more dangerous than he could have ever imagined.

He looked outside and muttered.

"I need to get out of here.."

An obvious choice.

Silas' journey begins with the crimson-tinged air of uncertainty, bounded by destiny.

A tale that will test his courage, define his purpose, and eventually lead him to discover truths that will reshape not only his world but every reality he once believed to be true.