
El juguete de la Lujuria

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What is El juguete de la Lujuria

Lee la novela El juguete de la Lujuria escrita por el autor ILovePeaches_0427 publicada en WebNovel. * Está novela no es apropiada para personas sensibles. Se tratarán temas sensibles e inhumanos. El propósito de está novela es solo entretenerLa novela tendrá muchas escenas ilícitas (mucho sexo, tort...


* Está novela no es apropiada para personas sensibles. Se tratarán temas sensibles e inhumanos. El propósito de está novela es solo entretener La novela tendrá muchas escenas ilícitas (mucho sexo, tortura, canivalismo, entre otros)* ---------- Todo inicia con un pueblo que fue abandonado por su Dios y guardián, sus esperanzas se iban perdiendo conforme pasaban los años, y solo podían caminar sin rumbo y sin ningún lugar al que regresar. Ellos odiaban la guerra, odiaban no ser fuertes, odiaban no poder dar de comer a su descendientes. Su única fuente de alivio era saber que no fueron los únicos a los que su Dios abandonó Cuando huyeron a tierras extranjeras pudieron reunirse con otros reinos caídos; la tristeza, el dolor y la simpatía, fueron los que impulsaron su camadería. Un día, un grupo de cinco jóvenes entusiastas que se separaron de su tribu para explorar más allá, se encontraron con un hombre que estaba durmiendo en un árbol, el hombre era tan hermoso que no parecía de ese mundo. Entonces, cuando el hombre abrió los ojos, los jóvenes supieron que sus vidas cambiarían para siempre.

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The Protagonist’s Sister Is Actually The Strongest

I was just another failure of an author, writing stories nobody read, and that never sold. Seeking to improve my writing, I read the most popular novel at that time, Solo Player, to learn what made it so popular. However, as I read this story, I couldn’t help but feel frustrated about the story’s development, which had a terrible ending. Eventually, and quite bitterly, once I ended reading the book, I found myself transmigrated into the very world of this novel. Did I become the Protagonist? A Villain? Or perhaps even an Extra? No, it was much worse than I imagined. Because I ended up becoming the most worthless character that nobody ever cared about in the novel. A character that is often considered the motivation for the protagonist to grow stronger, but also his greatest burden. Someone every reader hated! “I’m the protagonist’s sister…” However, with my knowledge of this novel's events, my worthlessness was about to change. I’ve decided to not only become the strongest but also change the story’s terrible ending! “I won’t let you go inside a Dungeon, it’s too dangerous.” ...As long as I can get this incredibly corny and overprotective brother out of my way! And for some reason, the Constellations won’t stop bothering me. Ding! [The Cosmic Throne {Butterfly That Flies Across The Universe} seems interested in your tenacity!] [She has sponsored 1000000 Plot Points and the [Demon of Calamity Transformation Technique (SS)] Skill!] [The Cosmic Throne {Monkey that Dances in Chaos} finds your chaotic nature amusing!] [He has thrown the [Umbral Chaos Stone Necklace (S Rank)] at you!] [Not enough? He launched the [Immortal Heaven Peach (SSS Rank)] right on your face!] There was something really wrong with the Constellations this time around. Ding! [The Cosmic Throne {Jester Filled With Lies} is happy that you’re bringing despair to your victims!] [He has gifted you the [Jester’s Last Laugh (S Rank Privilege)] and the [Master of Manipulation (SS)] Skill!] [The Cosmic Throne {Maiden that Watches Over Nature} seems happy you’re growing stronger.] [She has gracefully sponsored you with 2000000 Plot Points and Fully Heals All Your Wounds!] [She has also begun to wonder if you could plant some trees for her, gifting you the [Divine World Tree Seedling (SSS Rank)]!] [The Cosmic Throne {Warrior That Seeks Calamity} is satisfied with your battle performance but asks for more battle!] [He has sponsored you with 500000 Plot Points and [Beheading Sword of Destruction (SSS Rank)]!] They simply couldn’t stop gifting me things as if I were some sort of famous streamer for them. “I am grateful, but please just leave me alone already…” Chapters are long, 1500 ~ 2000+ words. During its serialization, this novel will be available for free forever, no premium. However, you can read advanced chapters here: https://www.patreon.com/pancakeswitch Copyright 2023 PancakesWitch. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or used in any manner without the prior written permission of the copyright owner, except for the use of brief quotations in a review. This novel is also being posted on Scribblehub and Royal Road. If you see it anywhere else, please let me know. Thank you.

PancakesWitch · Fantasía
180 Chs


Diana stood in front of his door fumbling with the knob. it wasn't like she was scared to enter his room as this won't be the first time she was entering and neither would it be the last. She was about to do something very wild and may be stupid of her but this was the definition of her and it won't change. Sighing and taking a heavy breath,she opened the door closing it behind her and she met him on his bed with his back kissing the surface of his bed...shirtless as usual. he really didn't like putting on a shirt from what she had gathered. "Diana..what the hell are you doing here?" He said sitting up to reveal the cross on his chest and his sleeve tattoo on the left arm. he also had the drawing of a skull at the right. "We made a deal remember?"she reminded him and he raised one brow up to ask 'what deal?' Diana was wearing a smirk looking so wicked and Xavier could not help but wonder what she was up to. standing up fully from his bed,he went to stand in front of her. "What deal Diana?" "I got a tattoo" she bursted the news to him and his facial expression said it all,he was shaken up. "You got a whaa?" "Tattoo....I got a tattoo" "Are you fucking with me.. please tell me you're messing with me Diana" It felt so good to hear him curse. it sounded so seductive coming from him... everything he does is seductive... FOCUS DIANA..NOT NOW,she said slapping herself internally. "I'm being serious" she made it clear to him incase he e was having problems believing it. "Diana I told you not to get a tattoo" "Not exactly as I remember,you dared me to get a tattoo" "Your dad is gonna be mad" "It's my body..I get to do what I want" "How many tattoos did you get?" "Three" "Three? isn't that too much?" "Speak for your self. you got your whole sleeve tattooed, you've one on your chest and you've one on your right arm...who has the most tattoos now?" "That's me, I'm a male and I'm not underage" she scoffed when she heard him. "So now,I'm underage? I'll be 19 next year...I think I'm off age to make my own decisions" "You're still under your father's roof" " I will be moving out...and besides,he won't know...unless you're gonna tell him" Xavier sighed. this girl who stood in front of him could be so stubborn at times. How could such a pretty face be this stubborn?, he asked himself. "Can I at least see the tattoos you got?" "yeah sure." Taking off her shirt to reveal the black tank top she was wearing underneath it, she turned to her side so she could reveal her left arm. "Fuck!! you got a skull?"And for the second time since she entered his room,he cursed again.... why do it seductively?,she said in her mind. "Yes I did..what's wrong with it?" "Couldn't you get a flower or something feminine?" that was the samething the tattooist had said. "If you could get a skull,why can't I?" "I'm a man... Dianne..you're a girl, the whole point of being a girl is being girly and getting a butterfly or flower tattoo is something that is girly" "Well I don't want to be girly if I can't get a skull tattoo" He heard her say " And besides, I got a flower tattoo" She showed her belly which was now very visible as she was wearing a tank top. "And where's the other?"He asked as his eyes scanned her body for the last one. "I rather not say" He scoffed when he heard her.did she really get the tattoo in that place he was thinking of? "Besides you still have to keep the end of your deal" "And what was the deal again?" "If I get a tattoo before Wednesday, you would fulfill one thing I ask for and if I don't get a tattoo before Wednesday,I would do what you want" "I won so you will fulfill one thing I ask for" "Fine,what do you want?" "Kiss me...."

Ava_precie · Adolescente
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23 Chs
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Volumen 1 :Volumen 1 - Dormir, comer y tener sexo


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