

A movement above the staircase alerted Jess drawing her attention to the woman on top - a woman in her fifties yet age hadn't marred her beauty, her hair cut down short now instead of the long lock she used to wear, her eyes hidden behind a pair of glasses but Jess knew if she looked closer, they still held the light of love and affection she grew up with.

"Aunt May" Jess whispered fighting past the lump in her throat as she held the tears at bay.

Aunt May stood there staring at Jess battling down emotions that threatened to overspill. She descended a step or two as she stretched out her arms for Jess who came more than a halfway to meet her.

At long last, the two women were in each other's arms, one older in years yet timeless in beauty, the other in the prime of youth with the promised of beauty fulfilled, theirs was a bitter sweet reunion.

The blast of a horn outside pulled them apart.

"Miss May its them.....They are finally here" Mammy exclaimed as she saw a car pulled in the driveway.

The three women rushed out to greet the new arrivals. Before them stood 2 women in their twenties who looked poles apart but Jess knew the bond of sisterhood that bound them was thicker than any blood relation.

In their childhood years they had been inseparable. People used to teasingly call them the Three Musketeers but as the years drifted by, each went their own way, and even though they corresponded through the years, their meets were few and far between.

Sarah, the eldest among them at 28, was blessed with red hair, green eyes and long legs. Born to Russian missionary parents, she was adopted by Aunt May when her parents fell prey to a plague when they were serving in Africa with her. She was the artist in the family being adept in art and photography since her growing years. She was now famous as a world renowned photographer who was an expert in capturing the essence of a picture and was therefore sought by many.

Michelle at 24, was the baby in the family. She was blessed with honey curls, hazel eyes and a petite figure. She was brought up in an orphanage in Africa, and being the only white kid there she stood out like a sore thump. But her easy manner and the smile that never left her face even when she was outcasted more than once endeared her to Aunt May who brought her back with her when she left Africa. Her charming personality led her to become one of Hollywood's most sought after actresses yet she was still the sweet natured girl they remembered.

As the two women approached, Mammy went over and engulfed both of them in a hug.

"Hey stranger, long time no see" Michelle said when she faced Jess. "Heard your latest book is once again a bestseller, Congratulations"

"Thanks...I'd asked how you like it but I know you didn't read this one either, right?" Jess stated.

"Well you know me....I'd fall asleep just finishing one chapter" she replied. "Books and me seldom mixed. You are the official bookworm in our family"

"How do you manage to read lengthy scripts for your movies, I wonder"

"That's different. That's my work" Michelle pointed out as if that explained it all.

"I see stardom still follows you around even to this outback place" Jess pointed out to the designer outfit and the flashy car.

"Well actors have to be in style always. You never know when a chance reporter could take your picture" Michelle explained. "Besides look at Sarah, she insists on bringing along those damn cameras everywhere she goes"

"Well excuse me but I happen to love my cameras" Sarah countered. "Artist should always be on their toes, you never know when a scene might inspire you"

"And is that your reason for always draping yourself in those hideous trousers and baggy shirts" Michelle cried out. "I tell you Jess, if I had her legs I would never let a stitch of clothing hide their beauty"

"Excuse me for not willing to flaunt my skin publicly. Unlike you who is the darling of the press, some people find it uncomfortable to be in the public eye always"Sarah stated.

They were bickering again, Jess thought. For as long as she could remember, they never fail to pull each other's leg, but there was never a malicious intent behind, they shared a closeness which she sometimes envied. She had that once too, but it was lost a long time ago.

"Sarah....Michelle...." With a word their eyes were drawn to the woman on the porch.

"Aunt May" they exclaimed simultaneously as each flew to her opened arms and no sooner everyone's tears were running free.

"My girls are finally home. What more could I ask for from Life" Aunt May said as her words drowned in the laughter and tears around her.

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