
ECHOES FROM MY MIND (A wave of pleasure)

Every thing in her life was happening fast, from the death of her parents to an arranged marriage by her uncle, while trying to escape these ordeal she got into the hands of kidnappers and got sold to a brothel. After pulling a stunt she got auctioned. Things got sour when the lord who bought her proposed marriage to her and she agreed... His sole aim was to end her life but what happens when he gets tangled in a web of unfamiliar emotions and his heart starts beating again. This is a forbidden romance between a human and a mystic, can they be together against all odds

Flekinovels · Fantasía
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11 Chs

The New Girl


I raised the whip in my hand to a great height above my head, and then with a great velocity I sent it to her back, her screams echoed round the room "spare me please" she begged, I could see the other girls shutting their eyes tightly, shivering and sobbing. They were getting my message, they needed a little reminder that I still call the shot around here

"Tsk, tsk look at your hero who preached freedom, now she's begging to be spared I mocked as I whipped a few more times till she was perfectly still, I knew she was gone. Minus one girl, I already had her replacement on the way though. I licked the whip dry as I dropped it beside her body

"If anyone of you dares to attempt to betray me or give my costumers attitude ever again, I will make sure you face a worse punishment than this" I informed pointing to her body "am I clear" I screamed, I got no response and I felt my blood boil and with the speed of light I moved to one of the girls and grabbed her jaws harshly making sure my fingers dug into her cheeks and I felt bloo flow down her cheeks "AM I CLEAR!!!!" I screamed fiercely "YESSSS!!!!" They all shouted loudly as though their lives depended on it, I smiled satisfactorily as I felt fluid make contact with my hands "ohh" I was still holding her, I slowly retracted my nails as I ignored the urge to snap off her head, nooo I couldn't lose another girl the cost of purchasing was increasing really fast.

I licked her blood off my nails as I made way back to my throne which stood proudly in the centre of our meeting hall, I hold this such meeting once every year and any girl that seems to have grown wings would have to be killed and replaced. My best method of keeping a million girls at bay

"Bastards... idiot, I'll kill all of you" a girl yelled as my men dragged her to kneel in front of me, oh was she sexy's replacement, she certainly looked sexy a plastic surgery wouldn't be needed "I'll be the end of you" she sweared at one of my men who slapped her cheeks. Very entertaining, this girls and their empty threat, typical prisoners of hope, she'll be as quiet as them once I'm done with her

"Take her to my chamber" I spoke to my men as I alighted my throne

"Why your chamber mister, why not here" she questioned bodly, was it a curse for all my sexy collection to be so daring

"To my chamber" I repeated to my men ignoring her

"You wouldn't dare touch me mister" she spoke up confidently as she attempted to rise but was roughly shoved down by Saturn who slapped her cheeks harder this time causing her to glare daggers at him, how rude, how feisty. I loved it in a certain way though

"Why do you think so" I asked as calmly and unaffected as I could as I squatted in front of her and grabbed her jaws gently, she leaned as though she wanted to whisper a secret to me and then suddenly she retreated and screamed "I have HIV". I heard the other girls gasped and they started to murmur, wait didn't I just scared them now and they seemed petrified, now they were suddenly energetic and resumed gossiping, HIV wasn't that a deadly disease, human infectious disease or something, yeah it was a disease with no cure, was this girl pulling my leg I had purchased her for one fucking billion. I grabbed her jaws as calmly as possible even though I knew I was injuring her

"I'll die soon mister, but I wouldn't mind infecting you and other interested candidates before then" she screamed as she spat on my face. Oh really sh wasn't joking, I slapped her hard and as soon as she fell, I kicked her waist and hips repeatedly

"Sir Orwell, the council are here" Saturn whispered, I nodded softly "take her to the deepest dungeon" I told him as I exited my meeting hall. That already gave me an idea, I'll auction her to the council, she's attractive enough to catch their attention..