
Reaching Earth

It felt like Jax was deaf for a full 30 minutes. All he could see was Lola staring at him with a horrified look on her face. And before he could ask her what she was looking at, they landed with a loud thud. Lola was the first to wake up with a confused look on her face. "Why did earth look like this?" She whispered to herself. "I thought earth was supposed to be"... then Jax finished "lava filled." "And not supposed be livable for us kind of people." They said in unity. But they were both breathing,moving, and talking just fine. "Well, What are we waiting for?" Lola asked. "Lets get going."

It turns out they were in a park in Louisiana. And in order to get to Lola's mom they had to travel to a state known as Kentucky. First things first, Jax wanted to see what these creatures called "humans" were. In other words "they" in his destiny. So he walked or at least thats what it felt like to him to a small town known as Abita Springs. But right when he was about to enter Abita Springs he noticed Lola wasn't with him. He turned around swiftly and searched for her. Finally he found her hunched up by a tree breathing heavily. He asked her, " Why didn't you follow me." She replied with, "I'm not like you Jax, haven't you figured that out already." "How?" Jax asked her. "You grew up where I grew up, you ate the same food I ate, and you breathed the same air I did so how aren't you like me Lola?" "I was stolen from my home Jax. That's why you are able to walk so fast. And the reason I came to earth is so I could look for my mom!" Yelled Lola. "I'm sor... " "Save it Jax, just let me cool down and we'll talk about this tomorrow."

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