
Dystopia: Reborn in the World without Peace

Kiera, A CEO of a world renowned Fashion and Cosmetics Company, Utopia. The word Glamorous defines her. Spoiled by her dad, she never gone through tough times which made her evil in the eyes of people. Until her birthday when she met an old man begging her for food but she refused and revolted which made the old man furious. With that he cursed her. "Go forth to the World of Dystopia. You shall not return to this world until Dystopia is at peace." She didn't listen. She thought he was crazy. She went home and fell asleep. The time she woke up, she found herself in an unfamiliar place. She looked around. Where the hell is she? And then she remembered. "Dystopia."

UMI · Fantasía
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23 Chs

The Good Side

"Cheers!" A crowd of warriors shouted while drinking beer.

In a tavern, a huge crowd of warriors are celebrating for their victorious fight.

"I can't believe Hazeki, he literally plunged the demon with his shield! HAHAHAHA." A warrior said.

"Hahaha, that's my son!" The general proudly show off his son to everyone.

"Stop it father, Hahaha!" A tall man with brown hair and hazel eyes in his 20's humbly stops his father.

"Don't stop me son, you should be proud of what you did! HAHAHA." The general said.

As Hazeki scratch his head, a chubby warrior came to him and offer him a drink.

"Here you go Haze." The chubby warrior said smiling at Hazeki.

"Thanks Moga!" Haze said and grabs the beer.

"So, how did you plunged that demon?" Moga asked.

"Moga, I have no idea how I did that, I just felt pressured back then." Hazeki said and remembered what happened.....

["Hazeki! Finish it!" The general said.

"F-Father." Hazeki said while shaking in fear.

"I have to do this, If not, we're all gonna die." Crying Hazeki said while killing the demon. "AAAAAAARRRRRGGGGHHH." ]

"You were really cool back there!" Moga said and hugs Hazeki.

"M-Moga, s-stop it, c-can't breathe." Hazeki said struggling.

"Oops my bad hahaha." Moga said.

"BANG!" The door opened and a bunch of warriors came in.

"AHH! Let go of me!" Kiera struggled as she was threw inside the tavern.

"Levin, what's the meaning of this?" The general said.

"I found her at the center of town causing trouble." A tall man with blonde hair and green eyes said.

"And what trouble?" The general asked.

"She keeps strangling people around her without any reason." Levin said.

"Well, young lady, why do you caused such trouble?" The general asked.

Kiera didn't answer him.

"Father, I think the young lady is scared. She's shaking as if she saw something that can be traumatic." Hazeki said.

"Traumatic huh? Let her rest, she seems pressured." The general said.

"Yes sir." Levin said and brought Kiera to the side.

"Hey, are you okay?" Moga asked.

Kiera looked at him..."Tch...Filthy creatures.." Kiera whispers.

"WHA-! She just called me filthy?!" Moga said.

"Stop it Moga, she's in bad condition." Hazeki said approaching Kiera, Levin and Moga.

"Tch..as if you care about her." Levin said

Hazeki ignored Levin and gave Kiera a water. Kiera toss the water away from her.

"You demons can't fool me!" Kiera said and run out of the Tavern.

"W-WAIT!" Hazeki and the others run outside and found Kiera staring at the Tavern.

"N-Namuh?" Kiera whispered and fell to the ground. "Uncle, I made it..." Kiera said.

"THUD!" Kiera collapsed into the ground.

Hazeki rushed over to Kiera and help her.

"Hey, Hey, Hey."

Kiera open her eyes and found hazeki waking her up.

"Huh?" Kiera got up.

"Are you alright?" Hazeki asked.

"Yeah..um..is this really the Namuh Tavern?" Kiera asked.

"Uh yes, are you looking for this tavern?" Hazeki said.

"Yeah, I've been looking for weeks." Kiera said and cries.

The door opened and the general came in.

"How is she?" The general said.

"She's fine father, she's been looking for this tavern." Hazeki said.

"What's your name young lady?" The general asked.

"K-Kiera.." Kiera said.

"Are you a human?" The general asked.

"Uh...y-yes.?" Kiera said.

Hazeki was shocked and looked at Kiera. "Father, she's a human too!"

"Surely, call Tamaia, Hurry!" The General ordered his other warrior.

Kiera was confused looking at the warriors then she felt a warm pat on her shoulder.

"You're gonna be alright. We're humans too." Hazeki said and stood up.

"Wait for Tamaia, she'll explain everything to you." Hazeki said and left the room.

Meanwhile in the other part of Namuh Tavern...

"So Levin, how did your fight go?" A lady said sitting beside Levin

"Yeah! I heard you were so cool!" Another lady said clinging into Levin.

"Thanks." Levin said and left the girls behind.

The girls squeal looking in love with Levin. "He's so cool!"

"Lucky you Levin." Moga said. "A lot of girls likes you, unlike me." Moga said with sad eyes.

"I hate girls like them." Levin said.

"Oh! She's awake." Moga said looking at Kiera.

Levin also look at Kiera and stares at her.

"Kiera, I'm glad you're okay." Hazeki said.

"She just encounter a demon a few weeks ago, that's why she's traumatized." A girl with red curly haired said.

"Thanks Tamaia." Hazeki said.

"Woah, is it just me or that Kiera girl you caught is really beautiful." Moga said staring at Kiera.

"Yeah.." Levin said.

"Yeah? Did you just said yeah?" Moga asked clarifying if he heard Levin right.

Levin blushed and left the tavern.

"Hey Haze!" Moga approached Haze and Kiera.

"Oh! Moga...this is Kiera." Haze said.

"Nice to meet you Moga." Kiera said and offered a handshake.

"N-Nice to meet you too, K-Kiera." Moga said returning the handshake while blushing.

"Where's Levin?" Tamaia asked.

"Oh, he went outside." Moga said still staring at Kiera.

"Alright!" Tamaia rushes outside to head over to Levin.

"HAHA she still likes Levin even though he dumped her many times." Hazeki said.

The General approach Kiera.."Kiera, can I talk to you for a second?"

"Y-Yes sir." Kiera said.

"LEVIN!!!" Tamaia shouts following Levin.

"Shut up." Levin said.

"C'mon Levin, I'm just here as a friend, you seemed bothered." Tamaia said.

"Yeah, so stop bothering me." Levin said and left Tamaia standing alone.

"Tch, I'm gonna win your heart someday!" Tamaia said.

"Not gonna happen.." Levin said walking away while waving at Tamaia.

"Haze, do you think the demon that Kiera encounter was huge?" Moga asked Hazeki.

"I don't know, she's too scared because it's her first time in this world, besides, we still don't know the whole story." Hazeki said.

"Hmm..poor Kiera, maybe she was so shocked." Moga said.

"Yeah, but she don't have to worry now. I'm going to protect her and everyone of us." Hazeki said.

"Who's gonna protect who?" A girl with blonde wavy hair said behind Hazeki.

"Amanda!" Hazeki hugged Amanda.

"Woah kid, stop! HAHAHA" Amanda said.

"Haze, Amanda is tired from work let her rest." Moga said.

"Sorry, I just missed Amanda. Hahaha." Hazeki said.

"So, what's the commotion, I heard there's a new human." Amanda said.

"Uh yes, her name is Kiera." Moga said while blushing.

"Really? That's nice! Our kid Haze could have a girlfriend now." Amanda said teasing Hazeki.

"N-No! She's not my type!" Hazeki said.

"Oh Really?" Amanda said.

"Yeah! I only have my eyes for someone." Hazeki said.

"Alright haha, where's Levin?" Amanda asked.

"Oh he went outside." Moga said.

"He's with Tamaia I guess." Hazeki said.

Amanda smirk.."My little bro is really popular with girls." Amanda said.

"So you think that's the reason why you're here?" The general asked.

"Yes sir, an old man told me that I'll stay here if I could make this world at peace." Kiera explained.

"That's what happened to my grandfather before, he said that he was sent here to make this world peace. And the uncle you told me about, I know him. He's been trading things here and there." The general said.

"How could such a good person die that easily." The general said.

"I don't really get it, he's with me all the time but when we reached the outside of the forest he died." Kiera said while crying.

"You've been tricked by the demon." The general said.

"What?" Kiera said.

"That demon is a Illudere demon. They play with your minds, creating illusions to trick you." The general said.

"That's why I heard my mother's voice." Kiera said. "So I'm with a demon this whole time?" Kiera asked with wide eyes opened.

"Pedro died inside that forest. But I still don't get how he died, Illudere demons can't kill, they can only trick our minds." The general said.

"Don't tell me.." Kiera said and ran outside holding herself to puke.

Kiera ran far away from the tavern and found a spot to puke.

"It can't be.." Kiera said crying.

"I-I killed, I killed uncle Pedro?" Kiera breathes heavy as she remembers how she stabbed Pedro that was supposed to be the demon.

"I got tricked..." Kiera said and sat on the ground.

"I'm a murderer.." Kiera said.

Levin was there and heard everything. When he's going to approach Kiera, Hazeki showed up.

"Kiera..it's okay, it's not your fault. It's the demon's fault." Hazeki said.

"I know..I just can't let this one go. I want to kill that Demon!" Kiera said as she stands up with burning glare in her eyes.

Hazeki noticed her eyes and he was shocked but he chose to calm Kiera down.

"Kiera let's head back. I'm here for you and everyone of us will help you." Hazeki said smiling and calming Kiera.

"A-Alright. Thank you Hazeki." Kiera said moved by Hazeki's words.

Kiera and Hazeki went back to the Tavern.

Meanwhile in Levin's spot

"I know those eyes.." Levin said seeing Kiera's eyes and remembered his past.....

["Stay back kid!" A jet black haired woman appeared in front of 8 year old Levin.

"GO! RUN!" The woman said and fought the demons ahead saving Levin.]

"Kiera.." Levin said.