
Dystopia: Reborn in the World without Peace

Kiera, A CEO of a world renowned Fashion and Cosmetics Company, Utopia. The word Glamorous defines her. Spoiled by her dad, she never gone through tough times which made her evil in the eyes of people. Until her birthday when she met an old man begging her for food but she refused and revolted which made the old man furious. With that he cursed her. "Go forth to the World of Dystopia. You shall not return to this world until Dystopia is at peace." She didn't listen. She thought he was crazy. She went home and fell asleep. The time she woke up, she found herself in an unfamiliar place. She looked around. Where the hell is she? And then she remembered. "Dystopia."

UMI · Fantasía
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23 Chs

The Child

After Levin saw how Kiera looks when she's mad, Levin immediately grab her out of the forest with a horse. Levin was hugging Kiera while crying riding the horse.

"It's you..it's really you.." Levin said and hugged Kiera more.

Kiera was shocked at what Levin said and lost consciousness. While Kiera was sleeping the squad that won was announced and Kiera's squad lost because of what happened.

Kiera woke up and saw Levin holding her hand.

"Levin?" Kiera asked Levin while holding her head.

"Are you okay?" Levin immediately stood up and asks Kiera.

"Yeah, I just got exhausted. Where's Koko and Kiko?" Kiera sits and looks for Koko and Kiko.

"They're alright, Kiko got hit but he's strong so he's okay now." Levin said.

"Um Levin, is it just a dream that I saw you crying while rescuing me? And you said something about me?" Kiera asked, trying to remember what happened.

"What? What do you mean? I just rescued you, you must be dreaming." Levin said and saw how he still holds Kiera's hands. Levin removed his hands.

"I'll get you a water to drink, wait here." Levin said and walks out of the room.

While Kiera waits for Levin, Hazeki and Koko visit her.

"Kiera!!" Koko hugged Kiera and cries out of concern.

"Koko, are you okay?" Kiera asks checking if Koko was hurt.

"I'm fine Kiera! You should worry about yourself.

"How about Kiko? He saved me and I didn't even thank him." Kiera said worrying about Kiko.

"Kiko is awake now and he's resting, don't worry he's an assassin so he knows how to deal with those things." Hazeki said.

"My brother took the hit but it turns out it was just his decoy." Koko said.

"Decoy?" Kiera asked with confusion.

"My brother has a lot of tricks in his pockets, I really thought he got hit but it turns out it was just his decoy." Kiko explained.

"So why is he here?" Kiera asked.

"Oh, he fell to the ground so he got bruises but he's already at the camp now." Kiko said.

"Thank God he's okay." Kiera said.

"Kiera." Levin call Kiera as he gave the water to Kiera.

"Levin? Why are you still here?" Hazeki asked.

"From now on Kiera will be in my squad." Levin said.

Everyone in the room looked at Levin.

"Why? Our squad lose and didn't return safely." Kiera ask with curiosity.

"It's just under my order. And what I said is Kiera, not Kiera's squad." Levin said.

"Wait wait wait....my squad should be with me, if you will take me you should take them as well." Kiera said with irritated face.

"Okay fine, I'll take them as well. But you should train more, with me." Levin said and left the room.

"What's wrong with him?" Koko said.

"I don't know..." Kiera replied.

—In Hazeki's Mind—

"Something's off with Levin, why did he rescued and take Kiera out of nowhere."


"Kiera, can I talk to you for a moment?" Hazeki asked.

"Sure." Kiera agreed.

Koko left the room and Hazeki started telling Kiera how the earrings glow when she aims at the witch. Kiera was shocked but both of them doesn't have any idea what it means.

It was past sunset and Kiera got out of the village clinic. When everyone was on their way to eat dinner, Kiera left the village to find some air. Kiera sat near the cliff under the tree. Kiera remember how she used to live in Earth, Kiera also noticed that there must be something behind the earrings' glow.

"If I gave the old man a food, maybe I'm still living my good life right now." Kiera said to herself.

"There's a reason why you're here." A voice said behind Kiera and when she look she saw Kiko.

"Oh Kiko..that was embarrassing, I was talking to myself." Kiera said.

Kiko sat beside Kiera and tie his hair.

"You see this?" Kiko points at his scar on his face near his right ear.

"When I was a kid, I don't really like fighting and other stuff that deals with weapons, but when the demons lurk around our town and kill many people, I decided to hold a weapon and fight for my town. I got this while killing a demon kid, I honestly hate that I changed but day by day I fell in love with my skills and being an assassin became my passion, I wouldn't also help other people if didn't pursue this." Kiko said.

"So, you are glad that you met us?" Kiera asked.

Kiko nods.

"Thanks Kiko, for saving me. I could've been dead if you didn't save me." Kiera said.

"No man will let a flower die. Not in his precious garden." Kiko said.

"Uh what?" Kiera asks with confusion.

"....you should just stay alert." Kiko said.

"Oh yeah...Hmm I bet it hurts." Kiera said and touches Kiko's scar.

As the moon lit the part of Kiera and Kiko's place, it gives a light that attracts fireflies close to them. Kiko was staring how beautiful his view was. Kiko held Kiera's hands from his face and leans closer to her. Kiera looks closely at Kiko blinking what he might do.

"Uh.." Kiko stood up and turn his back on Kiera.

"Let's go back, they must be looking for you." Kiko said.

"Oh yeah, I'll catch up." Kiera said.

Kiera and Kiko made it back to the village and starts eating dinner with everyone.


"She must be with that demon."

"She can't be with with that demon."

"They are both evil!!!!!"