
Chapter Twenty Two

Zack's POV

She has no idea we're planning her a birthday party. Rosie's father called me earlier today to notify me that she left for her weekly therapy session. I went to their place as fast as I could to drop the decorations on my way to picking Lillian from her place. Mr Bloom waited for me at the end of the curb to grab the decoration equipment and sent me off to get Lilly quickly.

She waited for me at her door when I arrived.

"I swear to God, You car gets broken at the most inconvenient times." I say as she hoists herself into my car.

"Hello to you too " She throws a sarcastic greeting my way while applying much of an unnecessary force to click her seat belt on.

The past couple of months I've spent close to Rose had somehow managed to make her and I really good friends. She reaches to my radio and puts on some music as I drive out of her neighborhood and we make our way back to Rose's.

"Did she call you ?"She asks over the music.